Sep 1, 2016
I don’t even know where to start
Her soul was silver and gold was her heart
Yes she was so generous
She’s a gift from above
The Holy Spirit flew into her- just like a dove
Touching the sick, the lepers
With no fear at all
Because she was chosen
She did get a call
She saved lives and many she healed
Even though she was sick, she made sure it was concealed
Simple, with just a sari, blue and white
Just like mother Mary, she shone the light
Her message to the world is to help the poor
If not guide them in, at least open the door
Have some compassion, mercy
Be mindful of those who have less
Never curse anyone’s name
Just simply bless
Most importantly, never forget your humanity
Because that’s something we all have got
Think of Mother Teresa, who sacrificed her whole life and helped a lot
She was humble, she was hospitable, she was very kind
She’d even look for one lost sheep, leaving 99 behind
August 26th is this missionary’s holy birthday
Spare her one thought even if you have nothing to say
We should never forget her works, because not at all was it faint
That’s why on September the 4th she’s becoming a saint
These 2 months are special – August and September
But on all the other months of the year, I will still remember,
Remember her works, her nobility and her great deeds
On this land, I hope there are no weeds
I hope we’re sown in good soil like Mother Teresa
Because after all we’re the seeds.