July 11, 2020
We are all unique and we all play a specific role in building a better world. Currently, there are 7.7 billion people living on Earth. So many people! And yet, we are all unique in so many ways! No two fingerprints are ever exactly alike in every detail, this even includes identical twins!
In 1788, a German anatomist, Johann Christoph, was the first to recognise that fingerprints were unique to each individual. In 1880, Henry Faulds suggested that fingerprints are unique to a human! It took us millions of years to understand that we are all so unique!
Each person has a different liking for taste, books, makeup, car, house, dresses and colours, you name it. That is why we produce thousands of models of cars, millions of dresses and billions of designs and colours of various things in daily use. Isn’t it wonderful that each one of us like different things and that it gives different experiences to every life to live majestically?
Similarly, every one of us has different instincts for different kinds of sports, art, craft, cinema and career fields! This is nature’s creation glory for us, our uniqueness adds to the wonderful experience of living life on Earth! Just like eating the same food every single day or watching the same movie day in day out would get boring, if we all had the same instincts or personalities as everyone else, life would be truly monotonous!
Often, children of one parent will want to have a different career to their siblings and rarely do we come across all children in one family following the exact same career path and all being accountants or doctors or engineers in the same field of expertise! We are so unique and there is a purpose for it!
There is a specific role for every member in any team sport, and success of any team depends on roles played by specific players! For example, in soccer, if a team has good defenders, midfielders, and forwards, and they all play their role well then that team will likely become champion. In cricket, if the batsmen, bowlers, and fielders play their specific role well, then that team will likely become victorious! Similarly, the entire creation is a team sport and there are 7.7 billion specific roles to be played by 7.7 billion people on this planet to live a victorious life and to build a better world!
How to understand our role or purpose in this majestic world team? Not everyone can be a doctor or an engineer or a politician or a businessman or a pilot or a sportsperson or a religious figure! Nor can everyone be plumbers, electricians, carpenters, or technicians! As we mature into adulthood, we develop certain likings for some fields, and based on our inbuilt capabilities we try our best to involve ourselves in our dream career to play a specific role on this planet!
For any culinary dish to taste wonderful it requires correct ingredients. Similarly, the ingredients for success of any sportsperson are their hard work, daily practice, and good discipline in every game! Likewise, the ingredient for success of every person is good discipline of life that is practice of truth, justice, righteousness, and sharing. And when we play our specific role with correct ingredients we live the victorious life!
If all the 7.7 billion people play their specific roles with correct ingredients then the world will be victorious and will live in peace and prosperity! Remember, we are all on this Earth to live happily in all circumstances and to celebrate as one big winning team!