Aug 31, 2020
We Have Forgotten

I’ve been locked up
Among these four walls
Since a long time
And body, mind and soul
Seems to have forgotten
How it feels,
When the wind blows against your hair;
How it feels,
When the 11’o clock sunshine burns your skin;
How the air smells when it is mid-day;
How beautiful the night sky looks;
How charming it is,
To wake up next to someone you love;
How good it feels,
To return to the place you call home;
Yes, these four walls are a part
Of the home I live in,
But not a part of my heart.
This haunting pandemic has taken a toll on everyone. So many people around this globe are either away from home or have returned to homes they never thought they would. It’s disturbing to know that some people prefer to be left out while others crave to crawl back into their mother’s lap. Home need not be a place where you were born and raised. Home can be a place where you have grown to become a person you are now. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a place where everyone is present. It can be on top of a mountain, deep in a dense forest or even in a heavy traffic. It may also be a person whose soul and being you cherish. Home is something that defines you like your character does. It’s a part of you. If the place you are living in doesn’t feel like a part of you, then, may be, it’s not your home.