Media Release
Bengaluru, Jan 28: The tree volume textbook 'The Emmaus Experience: Catechism for Adults' was released on January 28 during the 34th CCBI Plenary Assembly of the CCBI at St Johns National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru. It was released by Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão, president CCBI and archbishop of Goa and Daman handing over its first copy to Anthony Cardinal Poola, archbishop of Hyderabad.
George Antonysamy, vice president CCBI and archbishop of Madras-Mylapore, Thomas Macwan, chairman, Commission for Catechetics and archbishop of Gandhinagar, Dr Stephen Alathara, deputy secretary general CCBI and Fr Duming Gonsalves, executive secretary, Commission for Catechetics.
Late Fr Herve Morrissette CSC is the content contributor of the three-volume textbook is gratefully remembered, who passed away on January 23. The members of the Plenary Assembly paid tribute to him and stood in silence and prayed for the departed soul.
Catechism for Adults intend to highlight only the most significant aspects of the catechesis of adults. It touches on common issues, common problems, and probable solutions, which seem prevalent throughout the world, fully recognizing that inculturation will have to be made in the local Churches. The text book is meant for the whole People of God more particularly adults those who are interested in deepening their faith, under the guidance of their Pastors but more particularly meant to use it as animators copy which will help the animator to catechize the adults.
These textbooks try to address the issues and concerns that Catholics are facing in their faith and life journey. The Emmaus Experience: Catechism for Adults will have three volumes (3 books). It consists of 104 modules. This textbook is an effective tool for bishops, priests, religious, catechists and all those involved in the catechetical ministry. It is also an excellent reference book for adult catechesis and admirable gift to your teachers and parents.
The 'The Emmaus Experience: Catechism for Adults' is published by the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI). For copies kindly contact the CCBI general scretariat or call Mobile no +91-9886730224