Udupi: 'Gospel Gala' spiritual festival held at St Anne Church, Thottam

Media Release

Udupi, May 12: Unlike the usual sports and cultural festivals, a day-long spiritual festival 'Gospel Gala' was inaugurated by Fr Valerian Mendonca at St Anne Church auditorium on Sunday May 12.

In his inaugural address Fr Mendonca said, "A real leader is the one who brings about a change in the society by his inner qualities of love, peace, forgiveness and harmony. Jesus was such a revolutionary leader who led by example. He walked the talk and practiced what He preached. When one follows this model of leadership, he or she becomes a genuine leader of the community." He invited the youth of the Kallianpur deanery to emulate the qualities of Jesus, the greatest leader the world has ever seen. The other guest who were in dais were Fr Denis D’Sa the parish priest, Sr Sushma, the superior of St Anne Convent, Sunil Fernandes, vice president of the PPC, Samuel, the ICYM president of Thottam unit.

The programme very well matched with the feast of the Ascension of Lord Jesus and the World Communication Day. Through various formats of communication, the youth of the deanery parishes proclaimed the Word of God. The spiritual festival the Gospel Gala included the Bible quiz, collage, spiritual singing, reels and novel way of ice breaking contest (Bible and Prayer).

The programme was organised by the Thottam unit of ICYM (Indian Catholic Youth Movement) as a prelude to the Ordinary Jubilee 2025 in this Year of Prayer.

The morning session included sharing of personal prayer experience by 6 youth from the Missionary Families of Christ, Mangaluru. They were Binoy Peters, Noam Rosario, Christy Crasta, AshelVinisha, Yannick Noah and Emily Gia.

The afternoon session was a fun-filled one. Br Deric conducted Biblically rich and technically sound Bible quiz. The Milagres unit of ICYM won the first place and Mount Rosary, Kalianpur won the second prize. The Bible collage contest was organised simultaneously in the conference Hall. Pethir parish won the first place. This was followed by spiritual or gospel singing and Milagres parish won the first place.

There was the parish eeels contest and Milagres parish won the first place.

This was followed by a short Valedictory function presided over by Fr Steevan, the diocesan director of the youth commission. Fr Sunil D’Silva, the deanery director of the youth commission was the chief guest. Fr Denis D’Sa the parish priest, Blecilla Crasta, the secretary of PPC, Leslie Arouza and Alice Menezes, the animators of Thottam unit and Samuel the president of the ICYM, Thottam were present on the dais. Both Fr Steevan and Fr Sunil lauded the efforts of Thottam unit of ICYM in organising such a risky programme at a time when the youth are naturally attracted to the sensorial and sensational things rather than spiritual. Both of the appreciated the participants for their generosity of heart in attending the day’s programme. Rion Martis conducted the programme, Neil welcomed and Ashwitha proposed the vote of thanks. The cash prizes, mementos and trophies were presented by the dignitaries on the dais. The programme concluded with the solemn singing of the ICYM anthem.

Overal Champions:
First – Milagres Cathedral Church Kallianpur
Second – Mount Rosary Church Santhekatte
Third – Holy Family Church Brahmavar

Individual Prizes:
First – Milagres Cathedral Church Kallinapur
Second – Mount Rosary Church Santhekatte
Third – Holy Family Church Brahmavar

Reels Making
First – Milagres Cathedral Church Kallianpur
Second – Mount Rosary Church Santhekatte
Third -Holy Family Church Brahmavar

Collage Making
First – St Peters Church Pethri
Second – Mount Rosary Church Santhekatte
Third – Holy Family Church Brahmavar and Milagres Cathedral Church Kallianpur

Ice Breaking
First – Mount Rosary Church Santhekatte
Second - Milagres Cathedral Church Kallianpur
Third – St Theresa of little Flower of Jesus Kemmannu

Quiz Competition
First – Milagres Cathedral Church Kallianpur
Second – Mount Rosary Church Santhekatte
Third – St Theresa of little Flower of Jesus Kemmannu

Whatsapp Status Highest Views – Ashly D’Souza Mount Rosary Church Santhekatte




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