Udupi: DC directs necessary precautions to prevent human casualties during natural calamities

Daijiworld Media Network - Udupi

Udupi, May 14: District collector Dr K Vidyakumari instructed officials to take necessary precautions to avoid loss of life and minimize property damage during natural calamities such as rain, lightning, and other disasters. She presided over a meeting with the District Disaster Management Authority held at the District Collector's Office.

In anticipation of heavy rains during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons, Dr Vidyakumari emphasized the need for departmental officials to be prepared with protective equipment to handle floods and other emergencies. Officials are to identify vulnerable areas and implement necessary precautionary measures.

Dr Vidyakumari stated, "As per the forecast of the Meteorological Department, more awareness should be spread among the public about precautionary measures to prevent any kind of loss of life in the event of rain, thunder, and lightning."

She further highlighted the potential spread of infectious diseases due to water stagnation during the rainy season. Officials should ensure that water does not accumulate and that necessary medicines are in stock. Health department officials were instructed to educate the public about health precautions.

Forest department officials were directed to promptly clear fallen trees from roads, including highways, and to coordinate with other departments during emergencies. Fishing with mechanized boats and deep-sea fishing should be halted before the monsoon. Fisheries Department officials were instructed to inform fishermen about weather alerts from the Meteorological Department.

Emergency monitoring units should be equipped and maintained on a village basis, and a complete list of swimmers and volunteers should be compiled. Care centers should be identified and maintained in proper condition, with necessary personnel assigned to handle them. Drainages in all rural, local, and urban areas should be cleaned before the onset of the monsoon to ensure smooth water flow. Control rooms will operate 24/7 to respond to complaints immediately.

Areas prone to landslides will be identified, and preventive measures will be taken. In case of landslides, necessary preparations for evacuation should be in place. Drinking water issues will be addressed within 24 hours. Taluk level task force committee meetings should be convened regularly, with Rs 1.5 crore available in the disaster PD account of the taluk tehsildars for necessary actions. MESCOM was instructed to promptly restore power supply and clear tree branches obstructing power lines.

Rainwater harvesting should be installed in government wells and tube wells to increase groundwater levels. Despite the district receiving over 4000 mm of rain, there is a scarcity of drinking water during summer.

Zilla panchayat chief executive Prateek Boyal, additional district collector Mamata Devi G S, assistant commissioner Rashmi S, town commissioner Rayappa, various district-level implementing officers, tahsildars, taluk panchayat EO, and others were present.






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