Goa Forward urges PM Modi to order audit of Smart City project

Panaji, Jun 13 (IANS): Alleging corruption and substandard work involved in the Smart City project, Goa Forward Party MLA Vijai Sardesai has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to order a comprehensive audit of the project, encompassing financial, quality, and safety aspects.

In his letter to PM Modi, former Deputy Chief Minister Sardesai said that there are grave allegations of massive corruption and financial misappropriation associated with the project.

“Despite Chief Minister Pramod Sawant acknowledging the faults of the consultant, no significant action has been taken against contractors. The contractor in question has a history of substandard work across various departments, yet continues to receive government contracts. For the above reasons, the Panaji Smart City Project is in dire need of your intervention,” reads the letter.

The former Deputy Chief Minister said that this project, envisioned to transform Panaji into a modern, efficient city, has degenerated, regrettably, into a monument of mismanagement, corruption, and negligence, severely impacting the quality of life of Panjim's residents.

“I urge you to order a comprehensive audit of the project, encompassing financial, quality, and safety aspects. A criminal investigation must be initiated to bring those responsible for the gross mismanagement and corruption to face the law.”

He said that the Smart City Project has become a source of continuous distress for the citizens of Panjim.

“Despite the allocation of substantial financial resources, approximately Rs 1200 crore, the execution of the project has been fraught with myriad issues, leading to widespread disillusionment, frustration and indignation among the residents,” he said.

The former Deputy Chief Minister said that multiple petitions have been filed in the High Court of Bombay at Goa, demanding urgent measures to curb this pollution.



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