Udupi: State govt is filling their treasury by looting people - Karkala MLA Sunil Kumar

Pics: Sumanth

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (TP)

Udupi, Jun 17: “The state government is filling their treasury by looting people through the increase in petrol and diesel prices,” said Karkala MLA Sunil Kumar.

During the protest held at the Udupi District BJP office on June 17, Sunil Kumar, MLA of Karkala, said, “While increasing the price, the state government did not consider the impact on the people. Because of their guarantee schemes, they have neglected development. They do not have money to pay salaries to government employees. In his earlier speeches, Siddaramaiah talked about how an increase in fuel prices would affect other activities. Wherever there is a Congress government in India, they have increased fuel prices in that state. We will continue to protest until they reduce the prices.”

Suresh Shetty Gurme, MLA of Kaup, said, “Today we are protesting against the corrupt Congress government. The increase in petrol prices will raise the cost of all other transportation, such as buses, auto-rickshaws, and taxis, thereby affecting people's lives. Since the Congress government came to power, they have not been able to construct roads or sanction funds for development activities. There have been no salary payments for government employees. We do not want your free guarantees; we want development. They suddenly decided to increase the price.”

Kishor Kumar, district BJP president, said, “Their only goal was to come to power; they did not intend to work for the betterment of the people. The government did not permit us to hold protests for the welfare of the people. They are only blaming the central government for a lack of funds. This unsuccessful government has given only an empty pot to the people. The government must roll back the fuel price increase, or else we will hold fierce protests against it.”

Uday Kumar Shetty, in-charge of the Mangaluru region, said during the protest, “The government is not allowing us to live or die. When we cannot pay vehicle loans, how will we afford petrol? This looting government is only exploiting the people. Today, to fund their guarantee schemes, they are increasing prices. The Congress government is a curse to India. If there were an election now, people would call them an empty pot.”

Kundapur MLA Kiran Kumar Kodgi, Udupi MLA Yashpal Suvarna and others were present in the protest.




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