Mangaluru: Investiture ceremony held at Ladyhill Victoria High School

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 18: The investiture ceremony at Ladyhill Victoria High School was a significant event, marking the formal introduction of the newly elected council members who will take on various responsibilities and roles.

The ceremony commenced with a solemn invocation, followed by the traditional lighting of the lamp by the joint secretary, principal, and chief guest. This act set a dignified tone for the proceedings. Principal Sr Ujwala A C then delivered a warm welcome address and introduced the chief guest, Loretta Pearl Coelho, a distinguished teacher from St Ann’s High School. The event was further honored by the presence of joint secretary Sr Violet Tauro A.C.

A central feature of the ceremony was the oath-taking, where the newly elected council members committed themselves to upholding the values of integrity, accountability, and inclusivity. The chief guest and the joint secretary presented the council members with badges and sashes, symbolizing their new roles and responsibilities.

In her address, the chief guest underscored the importance of leadership and service in fostering a strong school community. Her speech was both inspirational and motivational, highlighting the impact that dedicated leaders can have.

The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by the school head girl, Avani Moukthika. The programme was skillfully compered by Cianna and Riya, ensuring that the event proceeded smoothly and with a touch of elegance.




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