M'luru: St Aloysius College Higher Primary School celebrates feast of Patron, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 21: St Aloysius College Higher Primary School celebrated the feast day of its Patron saint, St Aloysius Gonzaga.

The day began with the holy eucharist mass, celebrated by Fr Lanson Maxim Pinto, the alumnus and Fr John D'Souza SJ, for the catholic students.

The students of class 6 conducted the programme, which commenced with a heartfelt prayer song. Ean Mascarenhas and Jovia Moras warmly welcomed the gathering, followed by Samuel and Nihal, who spoke about the significance of the day.

Teachers Irene Pais and Tanya D'Silva introduced the chief guest. Fr John D'Souza, welcomed the chief guest with a sapling. The correspondent and the headmistress, Jositta Noronha felicitated Fr Lanson Pinto for gracing the occasion.

Fr Lanson Maxim Pinto, the chief guest, reminisced about his beginnings at the school, expressing gratitude to his parents and teachers for instilling in him strong values. He spoke of how he was inspired by the virtues of St Aloysius Gonzaga during his school days and has since then strived to follow those values. He emphasised that life is a gift from God and it becomes fruitful when we reach out to the needy around us. He also encouraged students to respect their teachers and imbibe the values of St Aloysius Gonzaga.

Certificates were distributed to the winners of the competitions held in honour of the feast. The correspondent highlighted that Aloysius Gonzaga, despite being raised in wealth and comfort at Castiglione Castle, chose a life of deep faith and service to god. At the age of five, he joined the army but eventually renounced everything to find joy in serving others.

The commemoration included a value based skit, melodious wishing song and a feet tapping group dance.

Sridevi proposed the vote of thanks.

The programme concluded with the school anthem. A festive meal was served for students to mark the celebration.





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