Mangaluru: St Agnes School CBSE commences public speaking classes

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 25: St Agnes School CBSE initiated a new academic year filled with collaborative learning alongside Accolades Academy for public speaking classes on July 25 at Block II Hall. The event was characterised by a spirit of enthusiasm and a shared purpose among both students and faculty. This collaboration aimed to enhance students’ communication skills, boost confidence, and nurture a sense of community.

The event commenced with an invocation to seek divine blessings, accompanied by a captivating chorus that captivated the audience. Prasad Adappa, the founder of Accolades Academy, Sanjana, the administrator of Accolades Academy, principal Sr Maria Sarika A C., coordinator Josephine, and head girl Joanna Pereira inaugurated the event by lighting a lamp, symbolising a promising beginning and the enlightenment of knowledge.

A welcome dance set the ambience for the gathering, followed by teacher Janet introducing the esteemed resource persons, Adappa and Sanjana, leading to the grand inauguration of the public speaking classes for the academic year 2024-25.

Over the last two years, the emphasis on public speaking has significantly contributed to the development of exceptional speakers. The unwavering commitment of each student, coupled with the consistent support and mentorship from Accolades mentors, has played a crucial role in their accomplishments. Distinguished students were recognised with certificates and medals, serving as a source of inspiration for their peers to pursue excellence.

The chief guest, Adappa, imparted invaluable insights and wisdom on effective communication, enhancing the programme with his profound knowledge. The audiences listened intently, captivated by his articulate delivery and engaging anecdotes. His words resonated deeply, inspiring many to reflect on their own communication styles and the impact they have on their personal and professional relationships.

The event was skilfully orchestrated by students Riya Rajesh and Snehal S G Teacher Theresa extended appreciation to all participants for their contributions, which culminated in the event’s resounding success. The proceedings concluded with a rendition of the school anthem, providing a poignant conclusion to a memorable occasion.




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