Bengaluru, Sep 8: It has been three months since the murder of Renukaswamy in Chitradurga. Senior officials have expressed their appreciation for the police personnel who successfully solved the case.
In the Renukaswamy murder case, the police took substantial responsibility. Throughout the investigation, the police were diligent and left no stone unturned. They collected hundreds of pieces of evidence and submitted a charge sheet comprising thousands of pages.
The team led by Commissioner Dayanand and DCP Girish conducted the investigation with seriousness, as evidenced by the charge sheet.
Despite some delays during the investigation, the police did not receive crucial evidence immediately. This led to a general scepticism towards the police department. However, the decisive actions taken in the 'Darshan Gang' case have restored public trust in the police and the legal system.
The police have sent a clear message that they will not spare the wealthy or anyone else when it comes to wrongdoing. Despite significant pressure after the arrest of the ‘D’ Gang, the police remained steadfast and carried out their duties with dedication.