Media Release
Mangalore, Jan 12: For the first time ever Samanvaya Mangalore has installed an Annual Award titled “Yuvakiran 2011” to be given to the best young talent for contribution to the Konkani Literature. This Award is sponsored by non-resident Indians Mr & Mrs John A. Karkala presently living in the U.S.A., who hold Konkani culture very close to their heart.
The well deserved winner of this very first “Yuvakiran 2011” Award this year is Joel Ivan Noronha of Siddakatte Parish and the award will be handed over to him on Sunday, the 15th of January 2012 at 3.00 p m at the Rozario Cathedral Hall, Mangalore at a function organized by the Y.C.S.
According to the statement by the Managing Trustee Rev Dr Pius Fidelis Pinto and Director Rev. Dr Ronald Cutinha of Samanvaya Mangalore, besides the award, the winner will also be receiving a cash prize of ` 5,000/- , a citation and a memento.
Samanvaya Trust has decided to distribute 2 Awards from the next year onwards to the young budding talents for their contribution to Konkani Culture and Literature.