Media Release
Mangalore, Aug 16: The 65th Independence Day celebration was actively held at St Josephs Primary School, Paner, in the presence of Fr Vincent D’souza and Sr Teresa, headmistress of the school.
The flag was hoisted with great honour attended by the school children.
Dulcine Sequiera, member of UCA and retired teacher, gave the Independence Day message and spoke of the duties of all the young and old towards the nation. She said that the school children with utmost respect to superiors should make our mother country India a wonderful place to live in.
A microphone set was donated to the school by the United Christian Association followed by cultural programme. The headmistress and staff extended gratitude for the goodwill of UCA and prayed for all the members who serve the needy and work for the betterment of the society.
Alban Menezes, president of United Christian Association Mangalore, secretary Marceline Rasquina, Pius of Permannur, Philip of Paner, Ronald D’souza of Ranipur and members of UCA were present.