Bangalore: Five Century-Old Picture of Mother Mary is Object of Veneration

Bangalore: Five Century-Old Picture of Mother Mary is Object of Veneration
From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore
Bangalore, Jan 16:
A five-century-old picture, which is a copy of the icon of St Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, brought from Crete in Rome towards the close of the 15th Century, is the object of veneration at the Holy Ghost Church in Richards Town in Bangalore over the years.

The Holy Ghost Church, which is celebrating its diamond jubilee like the Archdiocese of Bangalore this year, is celebrating the feast of Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Our Mother of Pepetual Help on January 27.

Archbishop of Bangalore Most Rev Dr Bernard Moras will be hoisting the traditional flag to mark the commencement of the annual feast celebrations on January 17 at 5.30 pm and the grand annual feast will be held on Sunday, January 27.

Though the church is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, it is widely popular among Catholics and non-Catholics in Bangalore, as the ''Sahaya Matha Koil” or the Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help on account of the beautiful Shrine devoted to Mother Mary with the icon as the centre of attraction and devotion, Fr Jacob Britto, the Parish Priest, explained.

Weekly devotions and the grand annual feast have become a traditional feature every year, Fr Britto said, while giving details of the history of the copy of the icon of Eastern origin of Mother Mary.

''After its arrival in Rome towards the close the 15th century, extraordinary events took place,” Fr Britto said, and mentioned that: ''One such event was the apparition of Our Lady to a little girl to whom she confided her desire that this picture be exposed for veneration between the Basilicas of St Mary Major and St John Lateran. Between these two basilicas stood the Church of St Matthew served by the Augustinian Fathers and in this Church the picture was installed and  regular veneration and devotion was started.”

In 1798 the Church of St Matthew was destroyed by the French army and the Augustinian Fathers transferred the picture to a neighbouring monastery where it remained hidden until the year 1866. Meanwhile a new church was built by the Redemptorists almost on the site of the church of St Matthew.

Through God’s providence the miraculous picture was discovered and in the year 1966, Fr Britto said pointing out that Pope Pius IX, having learned the history of the picture, commanded that it should be restored to its former place of honour and entrusted the guardianship of the picture to the Redemptorists. On that occasion, the Pope commissioned the Redemptorists to “make her known throughout the world,” a commission they have been proud to carry out.

When the Irish Redemptorists arrived in Bangalore in 1940, they began weekly devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help in their little domestic chapel on 8, John Armstrong Road. It immediately became very popular. It was but natural that when Holy Ghost Church was consecrated in 1953, it contained a beautiful shrine in which the picture was placed. A few years later through the generosity of the devotees of Our Mother of Perpetual Help golden crowns were placed on the heads of Jesus and Mary, explains Fr Britto.

The perpetual novena is conducted weekly at this shrine in Kannada, Tamil and English. It is termed ‘perpetual novena’ because it is held once every week throughout the year and also because people desiring to join in the Novena may begin at any week they choose.

The annual feast celebrated on the last Sunday in January draws large crowds from all over the city and the neigbouring districts. Like the child Jesus in the picture they seek refuge in her arms in times of need and she does not fail them. The thousands of thanksgiving letters read out over the years during the weekly novena are testimony to the fact that she is indeed their Mother of Perpetual Help, said Fr Britto.

Further information on the church and its institutions can be accessed at


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  • st.dilloo, BANGALORE

    Mon, Jan 21 2013

    Mother has a special place in every ones heart. She is not replaceble. I belong to the Hindu faith & am glad to say that the Mother has interceded in my life & made me what I am. This is my 38th year of Novena Devotions to Our lady @ the Holy Ghost Church. Please do have faith in our AMMA and she will take care of you. GOD BLESS

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  • christine, mangalore/kuwait

    Sat, Jan 19 2013

    John 14:6 Jesus says I am the way, the Truth and Life. No man comes to the father, But by me.
    Mark 3:31 -35 For Whosoever Shall Do The Will Of God, The Same Is My Brother, And My Sister, And Mother. Mk. 9.2-13 • Lk. 9.28-36
    The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived Is John The Baptist. But He Not Said To Pray, Worship, Adore Or We Pray Through Him.
    The Transfiguration St. Matthew17 3, And, Behold, There Appeared Unto Them Moses And Eli'jah Talking With Him
    In Bible Elijah, Enoch, And Moses Are Great Mans, Being He Came In Image Of Man, Jesus Never, Said To Worship Or Pray To Them, Or He Worshiped
    He Said To Pray In His Name To God
    God Can Use Any Honest Person And They Can Be Called Blessed, He Is Called God Of Abraham, Isac, Jacob David, Elijah…..
    Devil Can Create Miracles Too. But That Is Temporary. Exdos 710,
    Devil Can Tempt Any Preacher,Teacher Or Prophet And Can Control Them Or Us With His Lies. In Old Testament 1 Kings 13:16-19 A TALE OF TWO PROPHETS Man Killed Of Lie Of Other Prophet.
    Jesus Christ Was Tempted By The Devil Too. But He Resist The Temptation.Mattew 4, Luke 4.
    Man And His Ways Change, God Is The Same Yesterday Today And Forever, He And His Word Will Never Change, So Whatever Word Written In The Bible Is True Word. More May Added By Man,
    Blessing Or Curse We Can Choose By The Writtern Word Of God Deuteronomy Chapter 28.
    Deuteronomy 1126 Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse
    ion Or Choice Is Ours.
    To God Be The Glory, Honor And Praise. He Alone Is Worthy To Be Praised In Jesus Name. Amen

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • christine, mangalore/kuwait

    Fri, Jan 18 2013

    Martin Luther King Said "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
    about the things that matter."

    Read The Word And Than Only You Will Know,The Truth. Follow By Word.
    We May No Need To Go Old Testament. In New Testament Jesus Said Matthew 11: 11,Luke 7:28,
    The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived Is John The Baptist. But He Not Said To Pray,Worship,Adore Or We Pray Through Him.Him.
    So Jesus Is The Only Way.
    I Was Blind Until I Knowing.Now My Eyes Are Opened,So What I Know I Share.If You Know Don’t Be A Silent
    (Can Read Acts 1 14)

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • christine, mangalore/kuwait

    Thu, Jan 17 2013

    Jesus is the only way
    Jesus Said In My(Jesus) Name Ask. And Granted
    Prayer Will Reach Through Jesus To God. Romans/8-34 He Was Praying For Us
    John 1734 Jesus Is Praying..
    Exodus 20:5 You Shall Not Bow Down To Them Or Worship Them For I am …...
    One Thing Mother Mary Or Saints Are honoured and Respected, But Not Worshipped Or We Pray To Them.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alex, Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 17 2013

    Some of our christian brothers, dishonour Mother Mary in whatever pretext.
    Frankly, Jesus himself would not forgive this because.
    Fourth commandment says: Honour thy father and mother.
    How would you treat a person, who dishonours your own mother.
    Angel Gabriel's first greeting to mother Mary was "Hail full of Grace".
    Also read how Elizabeth exclaimed on the visit of Mary to her "how am I so blessed with the visit of MOTHER OF MY LORD".
    As Elizabeth herself salutes Mother Mary as "Mother of My LORD", who are we to change that.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Leo Fernandes, Permude/bahrain

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Our Mother of Perpetual Help pray for us .

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  • Roshan Rodrigues, Bombay [India]

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Mother Mary.. I find no words to express her. Happiness and Peace are found at her feet. Hail Mary

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Those who beleive, beleive it. When I was in one of the Gulf countries, all of a sudden my colleague Mr. Reghu's wife began to behave like possessed by evil spirit. He travelled back to Kerala for her treatment in every possible way & when the health was improved a bit returned back. However, within a couple of days she behaved worst than earlier. I was sad for my colleague and just suggested him to ask for Mother Mary's help. He attended Wednesday Novena in the church along with his wife and daughter. I observed him praying with closed eyes with tears rolling down his cheeks. Beleive it or not, just 2 days and his wife was normal and was able to attend her office. Since then, the family is regularly attending Novena and even have a picture of Mother Mary at his desk. Pls. do not accuse me I tried to convert them, but, they are benefitted without conversion. They are not converted. Pray from your heart with true faith and your prayer will certainly be answered.

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  • Alwin D'Sa, Bangalore

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned he has crossed over from death to life. I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man. Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out-those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned (John 5:24-29).

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  • THERESA LOBO, Mukamar-Sharjah

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    I always ask Mother Mary to intercede with Jesus and grant all my heart desires. Our Mother of Perpetual Help pray for us and pray for the whole world. Let there be Peace in the world. I say the Novena everyday without fail of our Mother of Perpetual Help.

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  • William, Bantwal

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Mother Perpetual help, pray for us always. We always rely on her because she is the intermediator between us and God. We are not so pure in heart how much you try, but her help is required. Many times I just put any petitions and worries in front of her, I have found her help many times, I got it. One Sundar from Madras had no child for few years, he came with me & prayed, got girl child gift and have many favours. We require her help always and venerate her.

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  • sujatha dsouza, dubai

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    God couldnt be everywhere so he made Mothers. Mother is the only person who understands her childs need even before said. Mamma Mary my mother whenever im in trouble i find your devine help. oh mother of perpetual help be with us in all the days of our life.
    Holy mary mother of God pray for us sinneres now and at the hour of of our death AMEN.

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  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Perpetual Succour
    Grant all Mother Mary
    A World Weary
    Drowned in Misery
    Eager For Liberty..
    From all forms of Slavery...
    Grant Mother Mary.........

    DisAgree [6] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Fredrick Correa, Pernal/Mumbai

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    When we are in need or difficulty, do we not request our friends and relatives to pray for us? If we can request our friends to pray for us, should we not request a Blessed person to pray for us? BLESSED ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN Luke 1 : 42. She is not the mother of only Christians. HENCEFORTH ALL GENERATIONS SHALL CALL ME BLESSED. Luke 1 : 48.
    We must not mix worship with intercession. While worship is due only to God, we do pray for each other. THE PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS PERSON HAS A POWERFUL EFFECT. James 5 : 16.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jawar D'Souza, M'lore/Doha

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    There is no point in saying about a dictator Power be with you. He is the one with power.

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  • Daniel, Mangalore

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Mother Mary we thank you for the blessings received through your intercession.
    The whole world calls you BLESSED as the Angel d and yourself said 'for behold , henceforth all generations will call me Blessed.'

    Dear mother you want all humanity to listen to Jesus, the Savior, Emanuel- God with us as foretold by many ancient Prophets who Himself is the Lord God.
    And Lord Jesus Christ desires for as He said 'That all should honor Him,the Son just as they honor thr Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.' Because Jesus says "And I give them Eternal Life and they shall never perish."
    Oh what a Blessed Mother we have who said yes to the will of God in her life for God to come down from heaven in human form.
    Mother Pray for us and the World.

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  • Gracy, Valencia, Magalore

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Our Mother of Perpetual Help, thank you for taking care of me and my family always and everyday. Please bless every devotee of your's and protect us from all the dangers in life. You are my mother and you take all our requests to your Son Jesus. BLESS US MAMA.

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    Wed, Jan 16 2013


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  • Aubb, Kuwait

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Big A M E N to Jossy Dsouza, Mangalore.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Jan 16 2013


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  • Lavina S. Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    I too praying only with Jesus without giving much importance to Mother Mary. But when I started Rosary praying with Mother Mary all the blessings poured on me. She intercedes for us and helps us in our most difficult situations.

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  • Precilla Miranda, Moodbidri

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Our Mother Perpetual Help Pray for us and Bless us all. Thank you Jesus, Mother Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help for all the Blessings showered on us.

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  • jeenamoveen, udupi, sastan

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Our Mother Perpetual Help Pray for us and Bless us all.

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  • Louis Miranda, Ferar / Kuwait

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Our Mother Perpetual Help Pray for us and Bless us all. Thank you Jesus, Mother Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help for all the Blessings showered on us.

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  • Noel D Costa, Managalore/Dubai

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Dear Readers,

    To the heavenly father through Jesus, to Jesus through mother Mary.I have a special place for our dear mother and specialy novena of perpetual succor who intercedes for us and helps us in our most difficult situations

    DisAgree [4] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Augustine Daniel D'Souza, Udupi / Mumbai / State of KUWAIT

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Our Mother of Perpetual Help Pray for us. Lord Jesus Christ is the Living God in this World.

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  • ajs, saudi

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Jesus(pbuh) was the mightiest messenger of God. He borned without a male intervention. None of the messenger was able to give life to the dead except Jesus(pbuh).
    He said I cant do anything with my own, as my father directs I do. I cast out devils with the help of my father.

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  • Melvin Mendonca, Tallur

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    sunil D souza you are absalutly right , she said pray for us , it is clear that the prayer is reach to jesus through mother mary.

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  • Sunil D'Souza, Mumbai / Mangalore

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    @Roshan Braganza, Juliet Mascarenhas has clearly said "Pray For us" which clearly means Intercede. So what is the point you are trying to make, I am not able to understand.

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  • Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    @ Jossy , right . @ Juliet , mother mary can only intercede . Blessings come from Holy Trinity itself .

    DisAgree [8] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossy Dsouza, Mangalore

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Bible book of John 14:6 Jesus says I am the way, the Truth and Life. No man comes to the father, But by me. There is no way to heaven except through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [62] Reply Report Abuse

  • Juliet Mascarenhas, Bejai/Mangalore

    Wed, Jan 16 2013

    Our Mother Of Perpetual Help Pray For Us.
    O Thayiye,Namma Sahaya Matheye, Namma paapagalannu kshamisi namage sahayavannu Neediri.

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