Omar slams hanging of Guru, sense of alienation in youth in Valley

Srinagar, Feb 10 (PTI): An angry Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today slammed the execution of Afzal Guru and said this would reinforce a sense of alienation and injustice among generations of youth in the Valley.
Omar also said it was a "tragedy" that Guru was not allowed to meet his family before he was hanged and not allowed a "final farewell". The 43-year-old Parliament attack convict was hanged and buried in Tihar jail premises in Delhi in a secret operation yesterday.

Clearly unhappy with the hanging of Guru, the Chief Minister said there were many questions that needed to be answered.

Omar observed that the long-term implications of the hanging of Guru's hanging were "far more worrying" as they were related to the new generation of youth in Kashmir "who may not have identified with Maqbool Bhatt but will identify with Afzal Guru." Bhat was hanged in 1984 for murder of Indian diplomat Ravindra Mhatre in the UK.
"Please understand that there is more than one generation of Kashmiris that has come to see themselves as victims, that has come to see themselves as category of people who will not receive justice," Omar said in TV interviews.

"Whether you like it or not, the execution of Afzal Guru has reinforced that point that there is no justice for them and that to my mind is far more disturbing and worrying than the short-term implications for security front.

How we would be able to correct or address that sense of injustice and alienation is a question I do not have answers," he added.

Asked about the official position of the ruling National Conference on the hanging, Omar said," Obviously we would have it rather had not happened."

Expressing himself against death penalty because " I have no bloodlust". Omar said as long as the capital punishment exists on the statute there should be no "pick and choose".

Asked whether the UPA government went for selective execution of death row convicts by hanging Guru, Omar said it will have to be proved to Kashmiris and to the world that the execution of Afzal Guru is not a "selective" one.

"I had a sense that Afzal Guru would be executed sooner rather than later. Generations of Kashmiris will identify with Afzal Guru. You will have to prove to the world that the death penalty is not used selectively. The onus rests on the judiciary and the political leadership to show that this wasn't a selective execution," he said.

The Chief Minister while agreeing that there were people who believe that Afzal's trial was flawed said there were enough voices in the rest of the country also who feel the same.

Omar said if the Centre wanted to protect itself from allegation that Afzal's hanging was political than legal, it will have to answer questions on other death row convicts.

"There are others on death who are also implicated in attacks on democracy. If Chief Minister of a state not a symbol of democracy? Is a former Prime Minister not a symbol of democracy? Of course, he is," he said referring to the death row convicts in the cases of assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh.

Omar also said that many questions needed to be anwsered.

"The words used in the Supreme Court judgement are difficult to explain ... the judgement talks about satisfying collective conscience. You don't hang someone to satisfy collective conscience but to satisfy the legal requirements," the Chief Minister said.

On Guru's family not allowed to meet him, Omar said, "I cannot reconcile myself to the fact that his (Afzal) family was not allowed to see him before he was killed or executed. That to my mind, on a human level, is the biggest tragedy of this execution."
The Chief Minister also questioned the rationale of informing Afzal's family through post saying the reliability of the medium itself was questionable.

"If we are going to inform someone by post that his family member is going to be hanged, there is something seriously wrong with the system," he said.


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    Wed, Feb 13 2013

    What a Chief minister .....Our Brave solider died fighting for this Idiot & now he is Questioning....all thsi Guys should be hanged....We have to Sluate our soliders who left their family & guarding us ...but not a single word form Omar....because of them he is alive.....

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  • vivek, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    I am not sure if the youth of kashmir will relate to afzal guru!. But yes, after these kind of statements by someone of the stature of a CM will definitely make them relate.

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  • shreyas rai, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    politics... politics .... politics... weak CM like OMAR can do nothing more than this ... SUPPORT TERRORIST but GET VOTES..

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Chief Minister Omar Abdullah is an opportunist.

    Afzal Guru deserved death sentence.
    Those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.


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  • S Prakasha, PERMUDE

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Everybody should read the verdict of supreme court again & again.

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    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    It is too late to hang such an International Criminal.Either Indian or else, such cases should be finished with in 6 months and punished immediately. They should not be continued in jail so that the public money will be saved.

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  • Stany D'sa, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Omar is very weak chief minister of Kashmir and more over he should learn to obey the law. If he cannot control the state, he should resign immediately. There is no mercy for the guy who attacked Indian parliament and killing the security guards there.omar need not tell what is good for India.The youth in the valley must know that their fate will be the same if they commit such barbaric crime.

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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    ..Dear MS Sheikh, i can understand your point & sentiment..But, if you consider Congress Govts vote bank politics & appeasing policy towards minorities, I dont think they have taken this action hastly...Moreover, Assemby election coming,Congress couldn't have taken any risk fearing backlash..I think Home minister taken decission as per the legal proceedings/President direction & rule of the land..

    DisAgree [7] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • M S Sheik, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    abutalmiz, mlr/ksa.

    Good observation. The Govt should not have deviated from the standard norms of allowing his family to see him before death. Rules are not meant to be broken. yes he was a killer and deserved death sentence under standard norms.

    Ramesh S,

    I did not disagree with you. Please relook into my comments. All i has hinting was the double standards Govt has followed in uting Afzal Guru leaving major culprits before him alive.

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  • abutalmiz, mlr/ksa

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Ramesh S, mangalore

    Fair enough your first part. But your for your second part, the judicial system should also be impartial, transparency at appropriate time for the rest as well, as Mr.Omar questioned.

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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    ..Mr. MS Sheikh, Afzal Guru not allowed to see his family?...this guy has killed so many security guards, their family,children permanently lost them without seeing their face..But, Afzal Guru should have known that he is putting his parents,wife & children in grave danger when he choose terrorism...Capital punishment can not be ive,Judicial system takes its own time/ can not say why him?why they not...

    DisAgree [9] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sarita D'Souza, Valencia / Kuwait

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Mr. Omar Abdullah - did the families of the victims killed in the attack on the Parliament get to say a final goodbye to their families and loved ones ???? Their lives ended abruptly and left their families in utter shock. Don't talk ____ .

    DisAgree [11] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu / Dublin

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    These terrorists had no remorse in killing Indians. Omar, did you show any sympathy to the kith and kin of the officers who laid their lives fighting the parliament attack? No then why are you so concerned now,, 

    DisAgree [7] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Mr.Omar Abdullah is under pressure.Thats all.He is happy that Afzal Guru was hanged.He is a 100% Indian and more than that 100% Politician.

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  • Naveen D'souza, Valencia-Kuwait

    Mon, Feb 11 2013


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  • M S Sheik, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    The death penalty was rightly accorded to the person who was responsible for deaths of innocents. Omar has raised a very interesting questions on this event which indian gov't could barely answer.

    "If Chief Minister of a state not a symbol of democracy? (referring Balwant singh Rojana, killer of Beant Singh).Is a former Prime Minister not a symbol of democracy? (Rajiv Gandhi's killers)"

    DisAgree [8] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dave, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    A terrorist is a terrorist why waste time debating on a person who plotted to kill a dozen of them. Omar Abdulla should answer first where was he when the innocent were killed in the parliment attack. Did anyone think of informing their family memebers that their loved ones will be killed by a terrorist attack.

    Its time politicians keep their political interest aside and protect India from this terror menace.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    All terrorists and their master minds, financiers and utors irrespective of caste, creed, faith, colour, nationality, ideology and political affiliation need to be uted... Then only one can say its rule of law and equality of justice...So hurry up, establish fast track cours and convict and hang those who killed karkare, carried out attacks on places of worships, trains, markets etc...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    ..When any terrorist acts happens in INDIA, all secularist are shouting from the roof top saying that these terrorist don't represent any community,religion or state...Now, how this terrorist can influence youth of a state or community...If it is the case, we can't hang Rajiv killers (from Tamilnadu),Biant sigh killers(from Punjab) so on..We complaint that Judicial system is not fast, when it get speed we try to put break on different pretext..

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  • Abdul, Mlore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    I read so many comments here on Guru's ution...-In other media-And some activists including Arundhati Roy claiming that Guru was victimized and whole story has been fabricated ...I feel we all should understand the situation -mainly political- and should analyze the ground reality before giving our version of judgement-comment-...If he is guilty then, he got the right punishment -no mercy,rather he could have been punished long back-..If he is a victim, I strongly believe he will be given fair justice at God's place..SO no more hate speech here...All Is Well...!!!

    DisAgree [15] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh poojary, Bangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Rightly said kamathji. Its time for India to start like US and afjal needs a similar treatment as that of Laden. Also all terrorist related activities needs to be closed in a timely manner of max 6 months and punishment should be similar to that of laden.

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  • Langoolacharya., Belman/Washington,DC.

    Mon, Feb 11 2013


    His grandfather Sheikh Abdullah,father Farouqe, and grandson Omar himself are all traitors and show only lip sympathies to Union Of thing is send father and son both to place where their heart belongs....since grandfather is already in paradise with 72...

    Jai Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    DisAgree [18] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • raghu veer, mlore / blore / bantwal

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    very well said. these terrorists can kill anyone,they are not bothered whether they should meet their families. then why should the law allow the to meet his family who raised this unruly person, a terrorist. did he consider that first. shame on his family.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Politicians who doesn't want to lose votes speaks like Omar.
    Instead of admitting Afzal was aid of terrorist who attacked our Temple of Democracy who should not be shown any mercy, just because he belonged to my state or religion, he tries to deflect alienation from common citizens who think only in a narrow-minded way.
    Omar is free to debate through his MPs in Parliament or put pressure to Hang other criminals too, instead of supporting terrorists with these statement.
    India needs Statesmen rather than sabotaging politicians who just want seat of power at any cost.

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  • Francis(Joe) Martis, Barkur/USA

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    It appears Omar Abdulla had some sympathy with this underworld due to some alliance. Why not, he may have been happy when Parliment was attacked. Attack on Parliment is as good as attack on a Nation. No mercy, sad, it took so long. Comments by Omar Abdulla unwanted.

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  • Cynthia, Moodbidri

    Mon, Feb 11 2013

    Kamath Canada,
    Do u think India can do like America? Dont u know Indians only talk big... stars and moon and nothing in reality !! More over tiny Pakistan is always there to terrorise giant India !! what a pity

    DisAgree [14] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kamath, Canada

    Sun, Feb 10 2013

    Why don't they give a watery burial for the dead body of Afzal's in the Arabian Sea? The fish would be very happy. Americans did it to Osama's body. Why not Indians. He deserves a good deed as food for crabs an fish.

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  • Krishna Kant, Mangalore/Moodbidri

    Sun, Feb 10 2013

    Omar Abdullah, you please stay out of this, do you know what? because of this how many of our innocent people our Jawan's are dying. It doesn't matter if he has not able to see his family same thing happen when he killed our innocent guards.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

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