Chidambaram's budget focuses on economic revival

New Delhi, Feb 28 (IANS): Amid high expectations of reversing the sharp slowdown in growth, Finance Minister P. Chidambaram presented India's 82nd budget in the Lok Sabha Thursday, saying that challenges remained but there was no need for gloom.

The finance minister began his speech by seeking the support of all stakeholders in helping navigate the Indian economy through the current crisis. He said getting back to high growth rates of over 8-9 percent seen some years ago was the main challenge.

"We have done it before. We can do it again," Chidambaram said, in what was his eighth budget and the last before the general elections slated next year. "Whatever may be the final outcome, growth is below potential. But there is no need for gloom."

The country's economic growth, as per official estimates, decelerated to 5 percent and 6.2 percent in the past two years, from 8.6 percent and 9.1 percent in the two years preceding them.

Chidambaram said the Indian economy was today constrained by three factors: high fiscal deficit, slow growth and high inflation. "My greater worry is current account deficit," he said, alluding to the high oil import bill the country has been burdened with.

"India will need $75 billion to finance the current account deficit," he said, adding that this could only be done by attracting foreign direct investment in large amounts.

"India does not have the choice in either welcoming or spurring foreign investment," he said, adding that projects will be cleared fast without worrying much over audit remarks and doing business in India will be seen as easy and mutually beneficial.

The finance minister said a whopping Rs.16.65 lakh crore (Rs.16.65 trillion or nearly $300 billion) would be spent under plan expenditure during 2013-14, which will be 30 percent higher than the outlay for this fiscal.

"I have provided sufficient funds to each ministry."

With the ensuing general elections in mind, the finance minister also significantly enhanced the outlays for areas such as women development, health, Scheduled Caste welfare, farm credit, malnutrition, rural job scheme, water and urban development.

He also announced a new public sector bank exclusively for women.

Besides, outlays were enhanced for human resource development, midday meal scheme, food security and integrated child development, while new schemes were announced to promote micro nutrients and encourage the use and repayment of farm credit.

The finance minister gave a lot of attention to infrastructure development and said the ensuing year will kick-start the process to invest $1 trillion in this key area during the 12th Plan period (2012-13 to 2116-17).

His measures included a regulatory authority for the road sector, scheme to spruce up the financial health of state-run power utilities and issuance of tax-free bonds.



No service tax on vocational courses run by institutes affiliated to state governments

Service tax on all air conditioned restaurants regardless of whether or not they serve alcohol

No service tax on agricultural testing procedures

Rs.9,000 crore allocated for compensating state for differential in central sales tax and GST

Import duty on high-end vehicles raised from 75 percent to 100 percent

Concessions for encouraging MRO (maintenance repair overhaul) sector

Excise duty on cigarettes to be increased 18 percent

No change in customs duty on non-agricultural products

No change in service tax of 12 percent

Modified law to prevent tax avoidance to come into effect April 1, 2016

100 percent tax deduction for contributions to National Children's Fund

Education cess to continue at 3 percent

11 lakh people have benefited from direct cash transfers; scheme to be rolled out across the country during UPA-2 term (May 2014)

Property transactions skewered; TDS of one percent where transaction exceeds Rs.50 lakh

Tax on mutual fund redemptions reduced from .25 percent to .001 percent

No revision of personal income tax slabs; relief in first bracket through tax credit of Rs.2,000 for earnings up to Rs.5 lakh

Ten percent surcharge on income exceeding Rs.1 crore a year; only 42,800 people have declared such income

Tax Administrative Reforms Commission to be set up

Collective responsibility to ensure dignity and safety of women; recent incidents have cast a dark shadow; stand in solidarity with our girl children and women; will keep them safe and secure

Rs.1,000 crore allocated for establishing Nirbhaya Fund

Defence allocated Rs.2 lakh 3,672 crore

Cities to be encouraged to promote waste to energy projects

Low interest funds to be provided for promoting clean energy

Rs.800 crore provided to promoting wind energy

Two new ports to be set up in West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh to add 100 million tonnes handling capacity

Gas handling terminal at Dabhol in Maharashtra to be fully operational during 2013-14

State governments urged to sign restructuring plans with electricity discoms

Tax-free infrastructure bonds of Rs.50,000 crore to be issued

Textile ministry allocated Rs.50 crore for establishing apparel parks

Handloom sector allocated Rs.96 crore to benefit 150,000 weavers

Infrastructure debt funds to be encouraged

Regulator to be appointed for road projects; 3,000 km of road projects to be awarded in first six months of 2013-14

Incentive allowance of 15 percent over and above permitted depreciation to those investing over Rs.100 crore in infrastructure projects

Rajiv Gandhi Equity Scheme to be liberalised

Seven new cities identified along Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor

Preliminary work begun on Bangalore-Mumbai Industrial corridor

Foodgrain production during 2013-13 estimated at 250 million tonnes

Rs.500 crore allocated for promoting crop diversification

Rs.200 crore allocated for promoting nutrient-rich crops

Rs.50 crore allocated for farmer-producer organisations

National Livestock Mission to be launched with allocation of Rs.307 crore

Hope parliament will pass food security bill; Rs.10,000 crore allocated for initial expenditure on implementation

Human resource development ministry to get Rs.65,867 crore

Rs.13,250 crore allocated for midday meals scheme

Rs.17,700 crore allocated for Integrated Child Development Scheme

Drinking water and sanitation ministry allocated Rs.15,260 crore

Allocation of rural development ministry allocation raised by 46 percent to Rs.80,294 crore; Rs.33,000 crore for rural jobs scheme

Budget expenditure for 2013-14 at Rs.16 lakh 65,297 crore; plan expenditure at Rs.5 lakh 55,224 crore

Rs.41,000 crore for Scheduled Caste plan

Rs.97,000 crore for women's development

Rs.110 crore for department of disabilities

Rs.37,330 crore for health ministry

Average growth during UPA-1 was 8 percent; high growth not a novelty

Current account deficit a worry because of high oil and gold imports

Will need $75 billion to finance current account deficit

Need to encourage FDI in consonance with economic priorities

WPI inflation down to 7 percent; food inflation worrying.


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  • John DSouza, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 01 2013

    It is hard to set a budget to suit and fit for 1.2 billion people. We can think of a an opportunity to save fuel, cost reduction (of production, running and maintenance), drastic reduction of pollutions, cut in import bill, elimination of deficit, healthy foreign exchange reserve, strengthen the economy and enjoy a clean and healthy environment. Are we ready to see a revolutionary change in our land transport sector? If the communication sector (Mobile technology) has been revolutionized (through Information Technology), being a co-sector, why the land transport sector also can’t break its lengthy evolution (with a new concept?
    As we are aware, during the introduction of automobile engine, there were no asphalt or concrete roads. Therefore, the necessity was to pull the vehicle by force and move on rough roads. But today, in spite of thousands of miles of developed roads (with huge investment) and irrespective of advanced science and technology, why we are still pulling our millions of vehicles, from a standstill position, till the destination with the expensive automobile engine and fuel and accept health hazardous air pollution and peace disturbing sound pollution, as complement in return? Why we cannot create a situation to move our vehicles toward downward slopes only and hence to ignore all heights ahead, since the movement will be with extra margin? And hence why cannot we save considerable fuel consumption and drastically reduce the air and sound pollutions?

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Kumar, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 01 2013

    I rest my case with below. Source:Wall Street Journal
    How Economists Scored the Budget: Rege-Nisture, Bank of Baroda – 4/10Shubhada Rao, Yes Bank – 8/10,Madan Sabnavis, CARE Ratings – 7/10,Vivek Rajpal, Nomura – 5/10,Amol Agarwal, STCI Primary Dealership – 6/10,Rupa,Sujan Hajra, Anand Rathi Securities – 6.5/10,Anjali Verma, Phillipcapital – 7/10. This means Avg 6 out of 10.
    RUCHIR SHARMA(WSJ) says in the article names India's Cycle of Recklessness and Reform:Unless Delhi holds itself accountable, it will periodically face crises… What's more discomforting is that this budget made little provision for a food security bill, which aims to provide food grains at heavily subsidized prices to more than half of India's population. If enacted as currently planned, this welfare project could cost the country far more than the $1.8 billion provided in the budget and one more article says and I quote “Analysts were hoping that the government would announce some major steps to speed up infrastructure development which they say is key to reviving economic growth. However, the budget came as a disappointment to many”.
    WSJ has post budget poll and this is the result. Good-25.5%, Average-33%, Bad -36.2% and Don’t care-5.3% as of now.

    DisAgree [1] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Kumar, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 01 2013

    Mr.Jossey Saldanha
    As per you this is a good budget and you are saying others are duffers? Explain how India can achieve 8% growth from present 5.1%.Ok point taken whoever opined are duffers and could you pls explain in your own terms how this budget will help Indian economy to achieve more growth. Everyone in this county given thumbs down to this budget if we look at the media. So pls explain with your superior intellectual knowledge how this is a better budget.

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  • Gurudath, M'lore/Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    Direction less budget.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    Give these duffers some time to understand the budget............

    DisAgree [7] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    One of the best budgets since independence. The Indian industry has given it a thumbs up. As usual the opposition will continue to complain and find fault....Can you expect them to ever congratulate the government? Actually they are the ones passing silly comments, the same each year.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    This is an 3rd class Budget & I oppose it 110%......

    DisAgree [27] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Praveen Castelino, Pernal / Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    If you look around the present global scenario we in India are still better off (Average 6% growth- not very satisfactory!!! but okay)

    The main issue at present is "creation of more job opportunities" and "clear some major infrastructure projects" which this government could not do mainly because of "Coalition Compulsions"(Dharma)!!!.

    Last four years of "UPA II" govt. which has lost it's "credibility" every now and then because of the "Policy Paralysis". Whether it is Left parties or the main opposition BJP Combine(NDA), they have not allowed the UPA II government to implement their action plan.

    Added to that we all know the "Scams"

    Let's not criticize Mr. Chidambaram. I wonder why Mr. Chidambaram has not given any attention in this budget to manufacturing sector!!! which is the main key for growth.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    Every budget day it is usual thing that Finance Minister is targeted by all around. People never satisfied by budget from any govt either UPA or NDA. Every government for the last 30 years had allocated money for Child Development Scheme, rural jobs, Scheduled Caste, women’s development!!Can we say all of them are wrong? I too agree with Mr.Jayarama’s view on social upliftment schemes. But these must be implemented through transparent modus operandi for the growth. I feel the budget is well balanced.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    Chiddu BUDGET burden for poors & BUFFET for rich..

    DisAgree [18] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kumar, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    I don’t see anything new in the budget, same old lines are repeated. Our economy is slowing down and Indian business sector needed little boost but this budget does not offer any solution to the domestic slowdown and Chidu wants 8% growth. Unless economy is given stimulus, how he we can achieve 8% growth?. Instead of that there is increase in corporate tax surcharge. Cost of living gone up so much because of fuel, LPG, electricity our FM has not compensated anything for citizens of the country. There is no higher tax exemption for salaried class and tax payers money is looted in scams like CWG etc etc. Chidu has disappointed everyone.This is the budget for none. No one is happy and markets has given thumbs down.

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  • Jayarama, Udupi/Riyadh

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    All social upliftment schemes is a must. But in Congis pet schemes like NREGA and loan waiver the anti social elements/politicians made their upliftment.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arun, Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    A dump squib budget. Sincere tax payers especially salaried class who puts highest amount in governments tax kitty expected much more in this budget as 2014 is parliamentary election year but Budget 2013-14 poured water on our expectations. Accelerating prices, high inflation, corruption, hitting very hard to common man.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • shridhar, mangalore

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    poor man's pocket is once again robbed

    DisAgree [6] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    At present scenario only GOD can save our India. When God bless with more rain water for our Farmers, we grow more agricultural products for domestic consumption. So, in India, even our economy falter like anything but our people knows how to live without Government Support too. But worrying part is, even after huge deficit Budget, we still allocate Rs.17,700 crore for Integrated Child Development Scheme, Rs.33,000 crore for rural jobs scheme, Rs.41,000 crore for Scheduled Caste plan & Rs.97,000 crore for women's development!!! Can we believe how much money we are spending for nothing and how much money really benefits needy and where all funds goes? In fact, all Elected Governments makes enough provision for future malpractice in the name of Budget so that they can swindle funds the way they want. That is the reason why they want to come to power by hook or crook!

    DisAgree [14] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    Share Market has tumbled after he started his speech. He will completely spoil indian economy. Common man leading life is very difficult in this country.

    DisAgree [29] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jayarama, Udupi/Riyadh

    Thu, Feb 28 2013

    A dull budget, markets reacted negatively, no to excitement at all, I think people will forget about this budget tonight itself.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

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