Mangalore: Mandd Sobhann to launch association for welfare of brass band artistes
Media Release
Mangalore, Mar 22: In a unique effort to preserve and promote an old art, Mandd Sobhann has convened the ‘Brass Band Artistes’ Conference’ to float the Brass Band Artistes' Association on Sunday March 24 at 3 pm at Kalaangann here.
The establishment of the ‘Brass Band Artistes’ Welfare Association’ is an earnest attempt by Mandd Sobhann, its promoters, to better the lot of one of the most neglected and insecure sections of the society.
Brass band is an art that was introduced into this region around 150 years ago, by mainly foreign missionaries – the German missionaries of the Basel Mission at Balmatta, the Italian Jesuits at Jeppu and also by navigators from Goa and other ports.
Though, for many years initially, brass bands were popular only among Christians – Catholics and Protestants – who needed them to add joy and excitement to their festivities and celebrations and solemnity and pathos to their funerals; in later years, brass bands became an integral part of Hindu temple celebrations, ‘Kolas’ and ‘Nemas’, etc… As a result, many brass bands cropped up. Many have died, and yet, many have survived. Today, there would be around 60 steady brass bands operating in the 2 districts of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi.
Brass band generally is a traditional art-form in this region, with very little musical or technical knowledge as its base. There would only be a handful of artistes who would know to read and write music, and hence, the general trend is that everyone learns an instrument by ear and practice, and plays it by heart.
Brass band is an art-form, passed-on from generation to generation. As there is no training, very little discipline and hardly any security for the artiste, bands are difficult to manage and to run. Only a few have succeeded to maintain bands, mostly as a family venture, and to pass them on from generation to generation.
One might safely say that brass band sector is the most neglected and uncared for sector and the brass band artistes are the most insecure of all the unorganized sectors – without any facilities except the wages they earn for that day’s work, no job security, provident fund, gratuity, retirement benefit, insurance or any other facility. Because of the uncertainties they face, artistes have generally become indisciplined and therefore unreliable, making it very difficult for the band leaders to manage a band. As a result, both the number and the standard of bands is at a low level.
Today, what remains is a skeleton of a band – with trumpets and coronets and a few bands using euphoniums (as blowing instruments) and the base drum, side drum, symbols and moroccos (as rhythm instruments). Trombones, saxophones, clarinets, flutes and the larger bass blowing instruments have all vanished – and therefore, the quality of the music produced has deteriorated considerably.
If this is the state of the art, the fate and fortune of the artiste, to say the least, is pathetic. As the brass bands are in demand only during certain seasons (except for the occasional funeral), the brass band artiste can not rely on his brass band employment to sustain himself and his family, throughout the year. To add to his woes, as he is not eligible to any other facility or benefit, other than his wages which itself is meagre, his existence has become miserable, his living arduous and his future bleak and hopeless.
If the art has to thrive, the artiste must survive.
Mandd Sobhann has always been concerned for the brass band art and the artiste, and as a result, 2 previous huge efforts have been made in this regard –
The ‘Brass Band Concert’ and the ‘Brass Band Artistes’ Security Fund’ – (1992).
‘Vadya Kalavidara Vedike’ – involving brass band artistes and the ‘vadya’ artistes of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi – numbering over 2000 – (1998).
Both these efforts, however, though well-intended and sincere, did not achieve much. As a result, no headway was made and the plight of the artistes remained wretched. And hence this effort – to float and promote the ‘Brass Band Artistes’ Welfare Association’
In a bid to provide security to the brass band artiste and ensure a future to the art, Mandd Sobhann proposes the following –
Consider each brass band unit as a ‘self-help’ group and by knitting these groups into the network of the Association, obtain maximum economic benefit for all artistes –
Compulsory savings with attractive interest.
Contributions from the government and banks.
Interest free (or minimum interest) loans for the needy.
Minimum interest loans from banks for alternate/supplementary self-employment.
Group insurance to cover medical emergencies of the artiste and his family.
Secure benefits from the government, such as – provident fund, retirement benefit, old-age pension, etc.
Mandd Sobhann will play the role of the promoter, guide, motivator, administrator, trainer and will do everything in its power to keep the Association running and progressing, and to do so, Mandd Sobhann will –
Provide office space at Kalaangann.
Liaise with the government, banks and other institutions and social service organizations and agencies.
Conduct training programmes, workshops and seminars – in brass band art, self-help concepts and self-employment schemes.
Organize a Brass Band Festival, every year, to celebrate the art.
Note: (c) and (d) above will be organized through the Association.
Comment on this article
antony arun dsouza, dubai
Sat, Mar 23 2013Really true story.Another good work by Maand Sobhan.When Keyboards came into market,the brass band players were no where.The brass band players should be encouraged.
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Ralph Pinto, Bangalore
Sat, Mar 23 2013Many schools in Bangalore have the Brass Band. Its an art. Children should be taught to play at a young age. Congratulations to Mandd Sobhann to have thought of this. Kudos to Stany Alvares, Louis Pinto, Eric Ozario & Ronny Crasta of Kalaangan. I hope people of Mangalore and the Gulf will subscribe to this.
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Damodar Bhat, Udupi
Sat, Mar 23 2013Great news ! Its high time the State Govt. recognises these artists / performers. The Police Dept and the Defence Services too have similar bands.
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Jossie Mascarenhas, Bajpe / Dubai
Sat, Mar 23 2013Excellent idea. Before the arrival of beat groups the brass bands were the only sounds we used to dance to – full night for the Roce and the next full day for the wedding. Needless to say, today’s wedding has become a pain to attend – absolutely no fun.
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John DSilva, Mumbai
Fri, Mar 22 2013We must impress on the government through our local representatives that brass band is ancient culture and it get the status similar to Kambala and government patronage in the form of budgetary annual grants. It is possible. In fact artist who turn old should get pension. I wish all the best in your endeavour.
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RONNIE GOMES, Sunray Solar Systems, Bejai
Fri, Mar 22 2013Fantastic idea towards revival of an excellent music group called 'Brass Band'which otherwise will vanish in due course of time for various reasons.Kudos to Mandd Sobhann for taking interest towards this worthy cause.
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R.Bhandarkar, M'Lore
Fri, Mar 22 2013This is what is called
'Bonding with the Band'.....
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