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Shah Rukh Khan comes clean on his relation with the Bachchans, power play in Bollywood and 'KANK'

How does it feel to be the most powerful man in the industry?

SRK: I don’t relate to such titles. What can I do in this industry that somebody else cannot do? I am not able to change the face of films or the rules of the film industry. People have stood at my doorstep to take their money back when my films have not done well, even if it meant losing a chance of working with me. I’m sure even Mr (Amitabh) Bachchan, who is touted as the most powerful, must have faced this.

Which reminds us, is there a cold war between you and the Bachchans?

SRK: I refuse to react to this silly, imaginary and vile gossip. The idea that two people who are doing well must have a problem is a very uneducated assumption. In fact, the Bachchans had come over to my home to watch the football finals. We hug, we chat and we meet up for dinner. I would not be too presumptuous in saying that we enjoy each other’s company —  even more now, because of these rumours.

What about younger rivals Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan trying to oust you?

SRK: Oh, we hear it every year — I would like to assume it’s a pressure on them to keep up with me. It’s unfair to compare them with someone who has been working for 15 years. It’s also belittling the importance of senior actors. One can’t take away the greatness of Mr Bachchan by comparing him to an upstart like me. Ditto for people younger than me.

Your upcoming film ‘Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna’ has a very bold subject…

SRK: This film, based on extramarital relationships, is going to generate a lot of mixed emotions. The reaction will all depend on which side you are on. If you the girlfriend, you might like it, but if you are the wife and your husband has left you, maybe you won’t like it. It’s a very debatable film. Lots of people will think that the end is not right; many might feel it’s the right way to be. It all depends on your point of view.

Which are the other films you’re working on?

SRK: Besides ‘Don’, I have Shamit Amin’s ‘Chak De’ and Farah Khan’s ‘Om Shanti Om’ — which I will be producing.

You said you don’t go for award functions if you are not receiving any….
No, I did not say that — I like going for award functions. But if I am shooting in New York or Malaysia or holidaying in London, I wouldn’t cancel my plans. Also, when I’m professionally employed to perform, I take time out even if I’m not nominated, because it’s my job.

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