Daijiworld Media Network - Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, Sep 18: 'Jezu Mhaka Zai' Konkani devotional hymns album, by Wilfy Fernandes Kinnigoly, was released on September 11 during the Monthi Fest celebration in Abu Dhabi.

The CD released by Bishop Paul Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia, along with Fr Savarimuthu, parish priest St Joseph’s Cathedral Abu Dhabi, Fr Valerian Fernandes, the chancellor, Fr Augustine Fernandes, assistant parish priest, Al Ain, and Conrad D’Souza, vice-president, St Joseph's parish council, Abu Dhabi.
There was a good demand for the CD and it was well received by the people. Soon it will be released in other parishes of UAE and in other GCC counties as well. Wilfy has requested all Konkani associations to come forward and extend their support by buying this CD in bulk.
The collection made from sales will be totally diverted towards church constructions.
CDs are available in Church office, Konkani Prayer Group and Broadway team. For details call Wilfy on 971 508262978 or email: wilfred.fernandes@outlook.com
Earlier News
Abu Dhabi: Wilfy Fernandes' devotional album set to release on Sep 11
Daijiworld Media Network-Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, Sep 7: “Jezu Mhaka Zai”, a Konkani devotional hymns album, will be released on September 11, 2014 in Abu Dhabi, UAE, during the Monthi Feast celebration.
The album is produced in support of the twin church constructions in Abu Dhabi. Wilfy Fernandes Kinnigoly, now residing in Abu Dhabi, has composed all the hymns and directed this musical album. Joel Pereira, a maestro by his virtue in Konkani music world, has given music to this awesome album. The album has melodious ten hymns suitable for any holy mass celebration and other religious programs.
Besides Wilfy, well known Konkani singers like Preema D’Souza, Lydwin Cutinha, Joshal D’Souza, Rony Lobo, Melwyn D’Souza, Prashanth Sequeira, Cynthia Latha, Renny Lobo, Ida Fernandes, Sharmila D’Souza, Leena Fernandes along with new and promising child singers like Ishney Fernandes, McLean Fernandes and Monisha Rasquinha have rendered their voices. It’s been recorded at Sandesha Digital Studio Mangalore and Broadway Digital Studio Abu Dhabi. The album has been imprimatured and blessed by Bishop Paul Hinder, apostolic vicar of Southern Arabia.

Monthi Feast being a grand celebration for the Konkani community outside India, the inauguration is set to be held on the same day of the feast celebration. The Abu Dhabi Konkani choir will be singing the same hymns for the holy mass and all proceedings collected on that day and later will be donated to the church construction.
The CD will be made available in India and other GCC countries also in the coming months.
Being thankful to all the sponsors, singers, musicians and people supported this project, Wilfy has humbly requested all to buy the CD and support the noble cause which is to contribute towards church constructions.
Daijiworld.com is the official media partner of this album.
About Wilfy Fernandes
Wilfy Fernandes was popularly known as ‘Guitar Wilfy’ in and around Kinnigoly, is currently working as IT System Administrator in Abu Dhabi. He has served as choir master in many parishes around Kinnigoly, worked as part time music teacher in schools, worked as guitarist cum singer in local bands and also conducted his own music classes until he moved to Gulf.
Wilfy has sung in few Konkani devotional hymns albums and in many musical nights of various prominent artists around Mangalore. He has judged many singing competitions in and outside India which includes prestigious Mangalore Konkans Dubai and MCCP Muscat Oman. Wilfy had composed music and directed his first Konkani devotional album “Jezu Ballkak Khelloiam” a few years back.

Wilfy is a great lover of Konkani language and culture. Besides Music, he has written many poems and articles in Konkani, some of them are published in various websites and Konkani magazines. Being the former President of CYM Kinnigoly his leadership skills were proved when he became the first President of Konkan Pearls association of Abu Dhabi which is a platform for budding local Konkani artists and is eminent in spreading Konkani among children. He was instrumental in depicting the greatness of Konkani language, its great Konkan personalities, its tradition and culture in the previous “Mothiam Sangeeth Sanz” and “Dabazo 2010”, wherein he wrote the lyrics and composed music for tableau, acted out and compered. ‘Manglur then Amche wa wa… and ‘Konkani re Konkani amchi bhas Konkani’ were much applauded by people.
Recalling his journey, Wilfy says he is grateful to many who have nurtured his talent and have trusted in him by giving opportunities. He says he has learnt a lot from musician priests like Fr Stany Tauro, Fr Peter D’Souza, Fr Andrew Nazareth, Fr Valerian Mendonca and Fr Alwyn Sequeira . Almost all parish priests of then Kinnigoly Varado which comprises of nine parishes and also outside Kinnigoly Varado have given him opportunity to train and conduct choirs for their parish “Vodle Festh” and other important occasions. Fr Basil Vas, Fr Alban, Fr Walter D’Souza, Fr Norber T Lobo and Fr Victor Pinto are among them.
Wilfy thanks Sangathi media and Shruthi Musicals which were his initial public platforms. He also thanks people like Alwyn Noronha, Joel Pereira, Ashith Pinto, Eric Ozario, and Late Patric Carlo who have contributed in his musical journey. He thanks Walter Nandalike, Melwyn Rodrigues, Naveen Sequeira, Vally Quadras, Jossy Pinto, H M Pernal and Roshan who have given confidence and supported his writing skills.
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