Academy of Pastry Arts enters India

Gurgaon, March 4 (IANS): Malaysia-based Academy of Pastry Arts launched its first set up in India here on Wednesday to attract aspirants who wish to learn the art of elegant pastry making.

The Academy will offer courses on pastry manufacturing to nurture students to become successful entrepreneurs as artisan bakers, chocolatiers, cake designers and pastry shop owners.

Academy of Pastry Arts India will be functioning under the flagship of Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia, which houses the finest pastry chef team in Asia and Middle East.

“India deserve an international pastry school as 60 percent of the executive pastry chefs and pastry instructors actually come to Malaysia for enhancing their skills and knowledge,” Niklesh Sharma, managing director of Academy of Pastry Arts India and executive pastry chef, said in a statement.

The Academy will let Indian aspirants receive guidance from the best pastry chefs in the world. This would bridge the gap between the required industry level expertise and skills in Indian students, as well as help in bringing international brands of raw material and equipment, expanding the exposure of Indian students to the global market.



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