Mumbai, April 24 (IANS): The Indian wing of Germany-based diversified engineering company Siemens on Friday said its profit before tax for the period January-March 2015 increased by 77.65 percent to Rs.237.1 crore against Rs.133.8 crore for the corresponding time last year.
In a regulatory filing with the National Stock Exchange, the company said "profit from operations of the company as a percentage of revenue, increased from 4.8 percent in January-March 2014 to 7.5 percent in January-March 2015".
However, total sales during the time period under review fell by 2.6 percent, logged at Rs.2,588.9 crore against Rs.2,657.7 crore during January-March 2014.
The company's new orders during the period increased marginally by 1.75 percent at Rs.2,669 crore against Rs.2,623 crore bagged during January-March 2014.
"We are satisfied with the volume growth considering the current economic environment and our profitability grew on account of our continuous focus on bottomline (profit)," said Sunil Mathur, the company's managing director and CEO.