Bengaluru, Aug 6 (IANS): Pankaj Advani, who has received a direct entry, will lead the Indian challenge in the World 6-Red individual and team Snooker Championships to be held in Karachi from August 6 to 15, according to a press release from the Billiards and Snooker Federation of India (BSFI) here on Thursday.
The Indian contingent:
Men: Pankaj Advani, Faisal Khan, Sourav Kothari, Kamal Chawla, Manan Chandra, Varun Madan, Dharmendra Lilly, Varun Kumar, Rahul Sachdev and Ketan Chawla.
Women: Amee Kamani, Vidya Pillai, Chitra Magimairaj, Umadevi R, Suniti Damani, Neeta Sanghvi and Arantxa Sanchis.
India will also be entering five two-member teams for the men's team championship.
Team-1: Advani, Madan. Team-2: Faisal Khan, Lilly. Team-3: Chandra, Kamal Chawla. Team-4: Shahbaz Adil Khan, Kothari. Team-5: Sachdev, Ketan Chawla.