By Fr Adolf Washington
Bengaluru, Apr 24: "The starting point for all my achievements is my failures," says 39-year-old faith and passion driven sports aficionado Elvis Joseph who's 'Champion-in-Me' project is a first-of-its-kind project in the world. The programme deals with sports for children living with HIV/AIDS and to eradicate stigma and to empower these kids through sport as a medium and get them into the mainstream.
In this interview with Adolf Washington talks to Elvis Joseph of his struggles, hopes and dreams, his faith, motivation, his various projects and his passion to help the poor and less privileged excel in sports.
Elvis who established the Bangalore Schools Sports Foundation (BSSF) on April 4, 2009, began with just 20 kids and now reaches over 2,000 children and targets one million in India.
From 20 kids to over 2,000 children and now you wish to reach one million children. The beginning must have been pretty tough.
The starting point was my failures. I failed as an athlete to represent the country with so many challenges and no opportunities. I struggled for support but nothing happened. I looked for support from my family, friends, well wishers. Probably they never saw the bigger picture and so they prodded me more into studying. But it was my conscious decision to live a purpose-driven life. I quit my job in 2009 to chase a dream. I wanted to establish an organization where I specifically work with children. While in the US for work, I did a degree in sports management.
My long-term goal is to reach out to one million children and youth and empower them through sports and to be recognized by the government of India and the UNESCO.
You have a special focus on children, especially the poor and less-privileged. Is there any particular reason?
Yes. You are right. I have an inclination and desire to raise children and youth who have the talent but lack opportunities. I am now planning to induct cost-effective value-based sports modules that would identify talented children for the future. I feel many children and youth are deprived of opportunities and the right to play sport. Society has character-assassinated them and shelved them as 'Under-privileged' and never acknowledged or groomed their rich God-given talents.
With former mayor of Windsor, Canada Eddie Francis
But India paints a dismal picture of sports-promotion. How much has our educational contributed to sports promotion?
I am disappointed that sport here is seen as a recreational activity but never as a possible profession in itself. There is no promotion or grooming. Look at the schools, they charge a sports fee whether the school has a ground or not or whether the children do sports or not. I started the Bangalore Schools Sports Foundation (BSSF) to bridge this gap. I wish we look at sports with a holistic approach toward education so that children and youth can make a wonderful career. It is only sports that disciplines one's life and keeps him/her healthy, fit, strong and responsible in making informed choices.
Does your Facebook cover spell out your motivation?
Oh yes. It reads "God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls, and coal into diamonds, using time and pressure. He is working on me. In his grip, I belong to Jesus Christ. It says it all. I am motivated by a love and compassion toward humanity and to share the love of Christ in this way.
There are many social service/charity organizations that promote sport. What is unique about BSSF?
BSSF is a mission-driven organization with a clear focus on reaching out to children and youth, transforming lives through sports unlike other academies and clubs. It is the only sports NGO in Bengaluru.
You are an athlete. How do you train kids for other sports? Which is your core team?
I train children in athletics, soccer, rugby, kabaddi and now working on hockey and fitness. I induct other coaches to train kids in their respective sport. My core team has been my younger brother Joe Louis, Reeth Abraham - international athlete, Shrikar Archar and Simon Rodrigues of the Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services. My brother is a musician (a guitarist) but he supports me completely in raising funds for the projects and supports the administrative concerns. Redemptorist Father Jacob Britto is my mentor.
How do you generate funds for your projects? Do you charge members? Has the government been of assistance?
Financial support has been mostly from family members, friends and a few organizations. I have no endorsements or recognition from the government but recently was recognized and appreciated by the UNAIDS chief Michel Sibidi at Geneva for having two HIV positive children to compete at the Children Olympics. We do not charge 90 percent of children who train with us, only 10 percent children who are from affluent families pay during travel.
What projects do you have for the less-privileged?
Our successful projects are 'Champion in Me' – Sports for children living with HIV/AIDS, 'Magic Feet' - soccer for the slum children, 'Invisible Talent' - sports for children and youth in prison, 'Challenged' - sports for paraplegic children and 'I am She' - sports exclusively for the girl children. We also have the Bangalore School Games, the largest game forum that brings 4,000 children to compete in 12 disciplines of competitive sports.
The church has also tapped sports talent through her institutions. Don't you think much more can be done? How can BSSF support?
I had initiated a project called the Catholic School Games exclusively for Catholic schools and colleges. Bangalore Archbishop Bernard Moras had a meeting inviting all the principals to take this forward but slowly the schools backed-out citing academic pressure and time constraints.
Who could partner with your mission?
Anyone who has a passion for sports can support and can generously contribute in cash or kind towards our mission. Those wishing to support this Mission can contact us.(Contributions are tax exempted).
Looking back since BSSF's inception in 2009, how do you measure your success?
Honestly, I have lost track of my achievements, so much of media (print electronic both national and international) but I know the hand and the favour of God has really raised me from ashes to a level I can't imagine. I have been honoured by mayors, governors and eminent personalities from so many countries but my most proud moments have been in winning souls for the glory of God.
Playgrounds in our institutions are shrinking in the name of academic expansion. Your comments.
I tried reaching the government with solution plans to restore corporation play grounds. We even organized a 3-mile run in every constituency for the cause, but it did not materialize.
It is unfortunate that schools charge a sports fee from every student irrespective if they do sports or not. This is unacceptable and totally unfair. We need to emphasize on sports being mandatory in all schools and colleges.
You have a special focus on sports for the girl-child. Can you tell us more about your project?
The present focus is on 'I am She' project. The future of sports in India, especially customized sports project, is for under-privileged girl children whose parents are either daily wagers, street vendors or those living in brothels. Our girl-children come from such background and they are being trained to become future sports persons for the country.
(Elvis John can be contacted at elvis316@gmail.com or at 919902247755)