Demonetisation: Is the glass half-empty or half-full?

By Antony Cony, Karkala

Mangaluru, Dec 30: Year 2016 is on the verge of completion. Usually, it’s a year-end tendency where one is trying to assess oneself; one's job, business, relationships, achievements, failures etc. The same trend is also followed with companies, government sectors to evaluate one's own performances, GDP growth etc. This kind of evaluation can frankly be reviewed on a positive and negative note. Such evaluation at times is expressed through the proverbial phrase 'Is the glass half-full or half-empty? The standard 'glass half-full or half-empty' saying is not only commonly used to emphasize the difference between positive (optimism) and negative ([essimism) thinking but also on how different people analyse the similar case in a different philosophical way.

The positivist opine: "It does not matter if the glass is half-empty or half-full. What matters is the ability and alacrity with which we raise it to a successful something or someone".

The negativist says: "Glass is half empty. It does not matter as long as glass is not full, outshining the glass half-full advantages".

The libertarian views: "In a free country, it’s all about human agency; everyone is free to make or purchase their own glass, fill it with what they like, and see it as they please".

The authoritarian rules that: "I am the one who decides whether you can see the glass as half-full or half-empty. Under me, seeing it either way is not a matter of free will and personal choice".

Announcing demonetisation (DM), on November 8, PM Modi had declared that "The aim behind the government’s action was to combat corruption, tax cheating, counterfeiting, and terrorism. Eliminating large denominations makes it harder to hide large amounts of cash. For years, this country has felt that corruption, black money and terrorism are festering sores, holding us back in the race towards development. To break the grip of corruption and black money, we have decided that the currency notes Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 presently in use will no longer be legal tender from midnight tonight." Finance Minister Arun Jaitley added: "The goal of this is to clean transactions; clean money. Same move complements country’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan".

It would be interesting to draw an analogy between demonetisation and the phrase "is the glass half-empty or half-full" ? On a positive note, many acclaimed demonetisation a "Masterstroke". Some said, "demonetisation move could change the face of the Indian economy". Others said, "The Demon of corruption is somewhat going to strangle". Without any hesitation, almost all agree with those opinions but not with its implementation part. Implementation of demonetisation can be best concluded in one sentence that ‘when the government withdrew 86% of liquidity from the economy overnight, it created chaos, confusion, long lines outside banks and even loss of life. General opinion was that this was 'an experiment with the life of the poor’. Philosophically it is tempting to ask "Is the glass half-full or half-empty"?

On the face of it, the intention of PM Modi is very prudent. Almost every honest Indians is supporting PM Modi’s move despite foreseeing relentless hardships. Further, on November 13, PM Modi had sought 50 days from the public to tide over the hardships post the demonetisation. As 50 days are almost up, all eyes are once again on PM Modi. 'Has it worked or will it work?' is the million dollar question.

"Black money is not synonymous with corruption; it is rather one of several symptoms of corruption," noted Rajesh Chakrabarti, professor and executive vice dean of the Jindal Global Business School at Jindal Global University. Pointing out that only a small percentage (by some estimates as low as less than 6%) of the unaccounted wealth is held in cash, Chakrabarti says: "This intervention is a one-time draining of this current stock of black money but unless the root causes of corruption are removed, corruption will continue. It is sort of like a dialysis, more of a short term cleaning up than a solution of the problem. It needs to be repeated periodically."Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of the World Bank, KaushikBasu, in a New York Times op-ed titled, "In India, Black Money Makes for Bad Policy," has strongly criticized the policy, rightly pointing out that it’s "mostly hurting people who aren’t its intended targets." According to him, demonetisation will put only a temporary dent in corruption, if even that, and it may rock the entire economy.

I feel root causes of corruption are many fold, some of which are perfectly associated with black philosophies since ages. Black philosophies such as black wealth (from generations), black practices (corporates, bureaucrats, politician’s, super rich businessmen etc.), black life(benami), black media, black networks, etc. There are people who have made fortunes (as immovable property) in terms of buildings, lands, gold hoarding, fake trusts and NGOs. Last week Govt cancelled the license of 11,319 NGOs on under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010. It is not easy to demolish such practices by single masterstroke of demonetisation. Such centuries old unethical practices can’t be cured completely but can be controlled. There is a huge inefficiency in the governmental system since almost 70 years which has been wasting resources and breeding corruption and black money. If people in authority get hold of proper auditing of government expenditures, its impact may help government to reduce taxes and ease the burden on ordinary people.

Most of the optimistic people irrespective of which political party they belong to, hold on to the optimistic view that demonetisation is like half glass full water and remaining half is filled with air but not empty. Air is the sign positivity, sign of life to experience in the coming days and month. Advantages of demonetisation are huge. It is becoming ‘Normal India’ tracking the black money which helps to put an end to illegal activities such as hoarding of black money, terrorism funding etc. As a result government gets good tax revenue and due to huge inflow of cash,easy loans at lower interest rates becomes possible. As we know, inflation becomes worse through the deployment of cash earned in corrupt ways; poor have to bear the brunt of this. Therefore, due to demonetisation, inflation likely to go down as less money will be in circulation. Further, in real estate industry too buyers can negotiate a good deal of prices as real estate prices compelled to go down for housing units.

Some consider glass is half-full and half-empty because due to its bad planning negativity has swiped over the demonetisation; huge distress in the country, loss of revenue due to loss of productivity, non-availability of cash in banks and at the ATMs machines, huge seizure in new currency, non-availability of ATMs at village level, low card coverage, sorry state of cyber security, complex web services and at times authorities cutting off internet access to entire towns on the pretext of law and order - these are some serious factors that hinder India from going cashless. It is true that residents of all cities and villages expressed anger over standing in long queues to exchange currency in order to meet daily expenses. "I had woke up at 4 AM and rushed to the ATM to get cash but found that there was already a crowd who were complaining that there was no cash," said one among them.

One has to applaud PM Modi’s bold move of demonetisation by which he has put the national interest first before him and his party risking his own political career and his party which they think that even Indira Gandhi did not dare to do. Indira Gandhi rejected suggestions for demonetisation in 1971. She told her then finance minister Y B Chavan 'she wanted to win elections'. "This gave into "votary of corruption" resulting in poor economic condition" declared Modi. Hope better results turn out to PM Modi in the upcoming assembly elections from March to May 2017 in UP, Punjab, Goa, Uttarkhand and Manipur. If most of the states are won by BJP, Modi’s government chest will grow by one inch, or if BJP fail, decrease by two.

Demonetisation is not a new move in India. In January 1946, notes of Rs 500, Rs 1000, Rs 10,000 were demonetised. The move was made with an aim to curb black marketing. The repercussions were similar with people dying of shock, exceptionally long lines at the bank and the middle classes being hit.The old notes were being sold at 60 and 70 percent of their price. The move was called a ‘death blow’ to black marketeers.

Again in January 1978, notes of Rs 1000, Rs 5000, and Rs 10,000 demonetised. The Janata Dal demonetised high currency notes of Rs 1000, Rs 5000 and Rs 10,000 in a second such historic move, again with a view to curb black money transactions. People who possessed these notes were given till January 24 the same year — a week’s time — to exchange any high denomination bank notes.

Third time, in November 2016, notes of Rs 500, Rs 1000 were demonetised.The Narendra Modi government shook the country by announcing the demonetisation policy and turning notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 into paper. While people were allowed to exchange their old notes for valid currency, deposit the money, or withdraw a certain amount from the ATM, the move saw unprecedented lines outside banks and ATMs with bank employees working overtime to make up for the cash crunch in the common man’s life. As for the political impact, the winter session in parliament was completely washed out, with the opposition parties still at loggerheads with the centre, with most demanding a rollback of the move. However, the government has stated vehemently that it will not be taking back the move.

I hold on to this important point in support of demonetisation. India is the world’s 7th largest economy. Fiscal deficit plays an important role which consists essentially of two components: capital deficit and revenue deficit. While a contained capital deficit is a good indicator, revenue deficit should ideally be zero. However, India reels under a revenue deficit of 2.8% of the GDP. A significant portion of this deficit could be the result of inadequate collection on taxes and money not collected or shown called black money. The impact of tax evasion is that budgets end up having deficits both at the Centre and in the states. On this point of view, I am sure that every citizen of India definitely will agree with me that it is imperative that the black money should be contained.

Black money was one of the most important agendas during the last parliamentary election. PM Modi’s election campaign reflects the sentiment regarding the same in public as well as the govt. The Black Money Act is a step taken in the right direction as it addresses undisclosed income from both within and outside the country, as well imposing strict penalty. At this context It is quite natural one to question whether these election promises are objectively achieved or not. As responsible citizen let us wish that in the coming days new currency would be sufficiently made available. However, ATM ‘Q’ s of desperation, agony, pain, suffering on short of Rs. 500 and Rs. 2000 notes are slowlythinning down. It mightmuch more than 50 days to achieve the targets for the lasting internal security, military, economic gains.

During the emergency 1975 to 1977, 21 months of duration, it was said that police misused their power excessively by detaining the people without charge or notification to families, and resorting to abuse and torture of detainees and political prisoners. Sadly now also it is being observed that after 8/11 as new notes are being pumped into the system, some corrupt bank managers and officials are diverting the money, forcing the common man to stand in serpentine queues. This may take a toll on the government until and unless controlled very soon. Recently, RBI officer’s arrest has shown how a handful of corrupt people are holding the entire country to ransom. However, it is praiseworthy how most of the bankers showed tremendous fortitude during the demonetisation tribulations. Regrettably, a few bad apples are giving the entire nation a bad name due to these sins. As per old adage, ‘some may fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but one cannot fool all the people all the time'.

PM Modi is the exponent of Smart City. Interestingly, Smart Cities demand smart inhabitants to run the manifesto of smart digital money and Swathch Bharath lest it can’t be called as a Smart City. This is a movement officially started from November 8; demonetisation transforms nation into cashless society. Although monitorial exercise (cashless society) might have hurt many initially, yet it has some strong economical, sociological advantages; containing social stratification; subduing economical hierarchy in the society. PM Modi has taken a political risk for the sake of economically backward people and for their welfare to limit the gap between poor and rich. This is a landmark decision every Indian has to support it because here is the magic, black needs to turn into white!

While completing almost 50 days of demonetisation, a few truths are seemingly visible:

• Political parties, many but not all, oppose the demonetisation move.
• Digital or cashless society is moving ahead to achieve desired resutls.
• Lucky draws to encourage digital payments.
• Regular high-profile IT raids
• More than 3,500 I-T notices sent to various entities.
• PM Modi has encouraged citizens to be informers or turn watchdogs
• Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana opened on December 17 to March 31, 2017. The scheme provides for 50 per cent tax and surcharge on declarations of unaccounted cash deposited in banks.
• Soon action against benami property holders.
• Lastly, penalty for possession of demonetised notes.

PM Modi’s government should act to bring an end to political corruption. If Modi’s government is sincere and honest in governance, it should first set example by enforcing LOK AYUKTA BILL on the pattern of Uttrakhand proposed by Khanduri’s government to arrest rampant corruption in BJP ruled states and remaining states. Similar action is needed against corrupt previous government leaders who looted this country in the last few decades. Impartial care should be taken while catching the culprit lest to burn a rat of black money hiding in a hut, someone has very rightly suggested to burn the whole hut, and the irony is that RATS have already have left the place and implanted themselves elsewhere.

Psyche of a tax payer is paramount - why they don’t pay taxes and hide money. A tax payer will always ask for himself to be provided with healthcare facility after retirement, in old age, dying stage, unlikemost of the European and Western countries. Government has to answer these tax payers' worries by implementing laws to win over them to pay the taxes on regular basis thus to curtail the menace of black money.

In 2013, Narendra Modi while addressing Shri Ram College of Commerce Business Conclave in Delh, had said, "Optimists say the glass is half full, pessimists say the glass is half empty. I have a different point of view. I say, this glass is always full, half with water, half with air!". Half glass filled with air suggests that there is enough room left for success. It is thought of life on positivity and development.

Politically, the decision has reinforced Modi’s image as a strong and decisive leader prepared to take bold and tough decisions in the country’s interests.

I appreciate the statement of PM Modi given other day that he will fight not only black dhann but also black mann or black philosophies on which black monies have set foot.

Thank you so much having gone through this write-up completely. Namaskar.


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  • Muzammil Shanvas M., Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    Tonight's address for Nation should have done by Finance Minister because it was a like a budget speech for 2017-18. A Perfect soap opera., Another feku, natak bazz

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Muddrath Bejpai, Mumbai

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    Indian economy is on the verge of full collape.

    Do not expect great thing to night other than some twisting of some promises.

    I personally feel some good news loan with low interest. Again remember, it would be only a promise.

    In any country, economy policies are run by economists and not by PM alone.

    It is strange that PM acts alone and dictating the economists.

    If not immediate measure are taken, Indian strong economy which was built under Dr. Manmohan Singh will collapse soon.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian Logic, Mlore

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    Come on my fellow Indians Bhaktas and Non-Bhaktas, let us use some logic power

    1. Every Political Parties run under corruption.. little or more Otherwise they can't survive or can' meet their various party or election expenses.

    2. That is to say Congress or BJP or AAP or CIP & CPIM or any political parties that exist in the world are corrupt.

    3. There is no little corruption or more corruption. Corruption is Corruption. This is the general rule.

    4. Being said this, how all of a sudden PM Modi found corruption in the opposition parties and tax raids and why not his own party ??

    5. This is a political vendetta to weaken opposition while blind bhaktas support blindly.

    6. If there is no opposition then there will be only ONE MAN Rule that is DICTATORSHIP Rule.Signs are visible.
    Even RBI Governor was not consulted before demonetization.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Navin Roopesh K. Shetty, Mlore

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    Opposition parties have become weak without unity among them.

    Opposition have no money to bring crowd to the street to protest.

    Modi's announcement tonight will further weaken the opposition.

    It is a win win situation to Modiji.

    Sympathy to onlookers.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Goppal Munishu, Mlore

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    This is for sure.
    Every Demonetization affected common man will benefit from this Demonetization within in 2-3 years if they are alive !!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raghavendra , Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    Modi intensions are good , good attempt by great PM, I appreciate this movement. Definitely there will be lot of direct and indirect benefits for Indian economy.

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  • Rohith Raju S., Bangaluru

    Sat, Dec 31 2016




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  • Feroz M. Sirajuddin, Mangaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Glass half-empty or half full but our purse has gone empty.

    How trustable is our cyber security is another question haunting India citizens.

    Risky on-line transactions. One more window opened to weaken the economy and the poor people. I hope there will be no peace and sleep to ordinary citizens. What a fraud !

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Felix R. Monterio, Bangaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Nobel laureate Amartya Sen said today that he felt demonetization decision on Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 was taken in a hurry.

    And "So far economics is concerned I find no reasoning behind this decision. It will have adverse effect," Sen said.

    Modi's Personal reason to demonetize was to save banks from bankruptcy caused by his Political funders. God is Great. Jesus has said' what ever it is hidden will be proclaimed from the house roof top"

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    It’s strange that despite so much glaring evidence, people still buy the ‘black money’ story about DeMo. Neither Modi, Jaitely nor the author of this article has given one logical explanation for introducing 2K note. Time and again, all are saying DeMo of 500 and 1K note notes was to curb black money as they were highest denomination notes at that time, but 2k is even higher and which is already counterfeited and successfully circulated! It was just a minor pause on black money circulation. Worse still, when the common man spent is time and energy in those serpentine queues, many rich and the mighty got hundreds of crores at their door steps. It all boils down to one thing : DeMo was to get the banking sector out of trouble which is evident from the fact that when the public money started filling the bank coffers, thousands of crores of bad debts owed by willful defaulters were written off.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aziz Mubarak M., Bangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    People in power should know that Black money is not synonymous with corruption it is rather one of several symptoms of corruption.Do not treat the symptom but treat the root cause.

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  • Raju R., Thokottu/Deralkatte

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    One has to applaud PM Modi’s bold move of demonetisation by which he has put the national interest first before him and his party risking his own political career and his party which they think that even Indira Gandhi did not dare to do. 

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  • kp, mlore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Demonetization was a bad idea. It is to hide the currency devaluation problem looming. Even if Modi and Daiji do not inform the common man, the devaluation will happen. Lot more people will suffer and the blame will fall on scapegoats.

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  • JK, Udupi

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    First time in History India beat British economy. Modi and only Modi can make the difference in the country. Demonetization is the best chemical to melt black money in the country.

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  • Praveen s, Permannur

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    With this demonetisation now banks employees also get money now currption entered bank step.. Now how to think currption free India. Cancelled old note and modi given chance to keep more two thousand notes bundle in same lockers where old notes two thousand notes bundle easily keep in same old locker with more black money can store..hats up Indians political powers can do any thing for their personal gains..

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    'Burn me if I do not resolve this problem within 50 days' - Modi ...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Suit, Boot or Jhoot Sarkar.

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  • John DSouza, Mangaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Demonitization was a good idea but bad implementation

    Since cashless was the goal, if only pink notes of 200 only were printed, all big fish could have trapped in the net
    Intension right but wrong target

    DisAgree [6] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Dear John, it has become a fashion for people and media persons to say that, "Demonetization was a good idea but bad implementation". Personally, I find this statement contradictory and really irritating because it is like saying that, "Mr.Sunil or Mr.Anil is a good person but he does a lot of bad things". Come on guys why can't we citizens be BOLD enough too to criticize and call a spade a spade when needed ? Why is there so much of Modi fear since Modi became PM ? Are people of fearful of being intimidated or trolled ? I guess the answer is yes. However, there is a limit in being diplomatic and/or politically correct with ones statements/comments. Compromising with the truth will only backfire on us very, very hard some day.

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  • Af,,, mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Stories and dialogs good to listen but what abt reality, indian economy different from world other coutries economy,we have seen here tomatos gone upto 100 per kg and other time 1 rupee per kg, modi is doing for all political gain nothing else.,

    DisAgree [8] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • perchu, pervaje

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    we should oppose all the schemes introduced by Modi whether it is good or bad!!!! because we hate Modi

    DisAgree [8] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    We should reject all criticism from the Opposition Parties whether they have any real merit or not just because any opposition to Modi will not be tolerated and is not acceptable.
    Good enough sarcasm ?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed Suhaaib, Mlore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Mr. Modi says lucky draws are meant to help the poor.

    Then, Can Mr. Modi promise that each and every poor people from India will win the Lottery.
    Childish game ???

    People's welfare should be drafted in the effective welfare policies and not neglecting law by Mallya being allowed flee this country with all loot.

    Welfare Policiy should be drafted in the Welfare schemes and NOT IN LOTTERIES.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Juliet mascarenhas, Bejai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    The glass is empty and filled with air which goes in the direction the wind blows.

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  • Langoolacharya, Belman/Wash DC

    Fri, Dec 30 2016


    What is in Modiji's hand? Ganga Jal??...

    Happy New Year...


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  • Satish Kumar, mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Hi Pircki, panchanabettu- what a monumental simple comments, I like this, some people will not be understand other than hide behind "Kangress"

    DisAgree [19] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    People have patiently waited and suffered for the past 50 days. Demonetisation has been a great idea, but bad implentation has taken the zing out. Corrupt bank officials and politicos only worsened the situation

    Now, the Govt should ensure that future is brighter with onus on cashless payments. long way to go, but am sure the nation will move on

    DisAgree [9] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • James Alfonso, Chickmangaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    It is a valiant Cry - Optimistic Vs Pessimist and Victory Vs Suffering.

    But do the big shark suffer or a common man ?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • JR,

    Fri, Dec 30 2016


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  • Glany Fernandes, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    When it was started I thought the thinking must be good, but later it showed that Party is greater than the nation.

    Aam aadmi had to go through hell a lot of problems, I witnessed it. We are not ready for cash less economy, in city like Mangalore the Debit/Credit cards are not working so what is the plan for villages?

     Its big gambling, truth will come out later, but people have the tendency for forgetting everything and moving forward. As per me its a half empty act, without water jumping to swimming pool and waiting for water to come. Lot can be discussed on this topic. Thanks to Mr. Antony Cony for very brief article.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rathan, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Who said debit/ credit cards r not working in mnglr ? Charumuri seller accepts payment by cad
    In small town like kkl cards r accepted
    Just forsake of hating Modi some ppl write anything

    DisAgree [10] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed Suhaaib, Mlore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Let us expect much tonight PM's announcement.... about 15 lac depositing into our below poverty line holders account, to say the least.

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  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Ahmed Suhaaib, Mlore

    Marry twice you will get from state government whom you have voted..

    How come you are using internet to write comments when you claim yourself as a BPL

    DisAgree [13] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alphonso Rodrigues, Udupi

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Indians have come in terms with reality of the demonetization and the suffering phase is over. The only ones who are worried are the Gandhi chelas and fans of Janardhan Baaizgar Poojari

    DisAgree [38] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Contrary to what PM Modi said, Non-bhakts believe that Demonetisation as done by the Modi Government is actually the other way around i.e. 'Long term pain for very short term gain'.

    The hoarders who have been caught are not even the tip of the icebering but only the 'TIP OF THE TIP of the Iceberg'. Many hoarders could have escaped and in addition demonetisation provided splendid opportunities for Bank officials and Agents to make a killing by helping hoarders get so much new cash.

     Companies in the e-wallet business have much to thank the PM for as their revenues swell while the common citizen who resorts to online transactions more frequently now is therefore even more vulnerable to hackers.

    Demonetisation seems to indeed be an aimless and directionless move helping only the super rich of the country much in the same way as how this Modi government has been functioning.

    Lincoln's words have stopped being true after May 2014. It now seems that after May 2014 it is possible to fool all (majority) of the people all (most) of the time !

    DisAgree [10] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dilraj, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Super comment for highlighting the shadow, shady, shabby, selfish part of Demonetization.

    Bhaktas must get educated and they should stop before this country is bow down to super rich industrialists.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • J. S. Janardhan Poojary, Mangaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Simply a top top unbiased article Unpartial facts are delivered. He has left us to decide and not writer by himself. Great !. Such news columns come interesting and good for politics. I believe glass is half full and remaining air as analysed by Mr Modi himself.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    When a Glass was kept over the table it is full with air because the air is bound to be there.

    For me Half Glass of water is a demonetisation half accomplished.

    Half water he didn't fill and the half air is lack of knowledge and expertise from the naive government. They are more caring the cows than the humans.

    That is the reason, whenever you see a minor / child in the hotels or in the trains sells chaaai kindly report it to a nearby child welfare chief or a reliable law enforcement so that in the future India citizens will not suffer in the hands of Chaaiwaala's.


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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Fri, Dec 30 2016


    How to manage things in a cool manner – we have to learn from maun mohan singh.

    After all when laks of crores of our money was looted by the worlds most corrupt family, a day light robbery for 10 years, he ensured that we don’t know anything about it.. all disappeared so silently.. nobody is affected.. LOL

    DisAgree [19] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    I quote one comment:

    David Pais, Mangalore Friday, December 30, 2016

    all politicians are clean, pure, sanctified, holy and spotless. no convictions.

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  • Lewis, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Dear Author , what is bold deciision destryoing currency and re print them just because someone thought there is black money , As per RBI they already recovered about 96 percent of notes means were is black then . 30 percent of india struglle to get thier meal and how they afford digital . Applaud some one who takes decission with proper planning.Here he has taken this for corporate world just fooling people in name of black money he want digital India so that big Industrial can gain .Remember once this person oppossed Adar card now talks digital.

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  • Srinivas , Bangaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    You are right Lewis. A leader should be for all and not for BJP workers alone. He has to give 'Adhar (help) to everyone Amar, Akbar, Anthony. Author has shown great tolerance and vision to Modi's policies. Congrats Sir.

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  • raaja, Moodbidri

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Wow Modi, great idea!, great plan !,

    Sub ka saat
    Sub ka Vinaash.

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  • pircki, panchanabettu

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    I am a salaried person & tax is deducting from my salary every month. I am living in tiled house.

    but some business people are not paying tax but living in a terrace house like palace.

    my tax paid money is used for the development of this country & it will help the above mentioned business man also. and it shows that it is my responsibility to pay the tax & do the betterment of this country. then what about the responsibility of the above business man who is not paying tax but able to get the benefit of my tax paid money.

    finally, still I am a middle class man & that business man is a richest person.

    my last question is how he is able to escape from the tax payment & who are supporting him? in such a case why we should pay the tax?

    the above incident made me to support demonetisation & who oppose this scheme is supporter of that business man.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Melwin, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    It is better if you can resign your govt. job, & start business and you can also stay in trace house.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • subhodh, kallianpur

    Fri, Dec 30 2016


    your suggestion is, we should not pay the tax.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • pircki, panchanabettu

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    I appreciate your comment. truth come out now. those people oppose the demonetisation in the name of poor people & says that it is helpful for business people only. but your comments says that poor people should become businessman? then where is the problem?

    from last 70 years the people of this country have been fooled. now we can able to judge what is right & what is wrong. so don't use poor people name for political benefit.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mark Dcruz, Managalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    why dont you start your business?

    DisAgree [10] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    business means lies. lies over lies more & more business. w/o lies no business. cheating customers is business.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • JR,

    Fri, Dec 30 2016


    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    All programmes of UPA govt. is continued by Modiji, even though during 2014 elections, Modiji has vehemently opposed it and made a political issue, against UPA.

    NDA govt under Modiji still continued ADHAR card, which is implemented under UPA.

    All other programs which is implemented are the similar one of UPA but name has been changed.

    Only exception is Demonitization, which has effected severely not only our economy, but damaged the living conditions of daily workers, common man, lower/upper middle class people, traders etc.

    Benefits will be only to few of the ruling party members/supporters those who knew this demonitisation. Some, in spite of the failure of this program, are praising it.

    Modiji should apolozise to the entire nation for the loss of life, for the mess happened to the common man, due to demonitisaiton.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rathan, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Well written article with all details and seems the writer is unbaised in giving the opinion

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rao, Udupi

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    There are pro and anti views on demonetization. The bad phase we have already seen during its implementation. We are yet to see the good benefits of the scheme. The coming days will make the things clearer.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • perchu, pervaje

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    the situation is improved in DK & Udupi dist. all the ATMs are working & there is no shortage of cash or changes bcoz now 500 notes also available in the bank & ATM.

    I accept that first one week there was a shortage of cash & now this issue solved.

    I appreciate the demonetisation since the black money holders are impacted by this scheme. the supporters of black money holders definatly oppose this scheme. but for me nothing to worry bcoz I am having the white money only & paying tax for that.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lawrence J. D Souza, Mallikatte, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    I like demonetization but not its implementation. Hope things will improve before the next elections.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Kudla/Bengaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Ok...your policy is marriage ..yes..but no children...!

    DisAgree [16] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • melwyn, shirva

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    PM Modi taken a good decision. we all should support him in this good work. unfortunately the opposition parties are trying their level best to failure this demonetisation. they are condemning this by using poor people name. from the last 70 years the congress party using poor people name for their political gain. the looters are taking shelter under play card of poor people.

    the congress party ruled this country from last many decades. but now says that there is no electricity in villages, people are uneducated etc..... but all these days they are in the power. why couldn't they improved the situation. indirectly, they have done nothing for poor people & development work etc.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    An exercise of this scale where 100% of the billion population is effected – bound to produce lot of pain and anguish. Such policy is unheard in our times. None of us had even dreamt of getting our notes banned overnight. Modi did dare to do it as he has the agenda to clean up some mess that the looter party has brought it to this level in last 6 decades.

    It wont be a smooth event and I think Modi too accepts that the planning is insufficient. But then to keep it top secret there is limited aveues. Things are improving, prices are coming down. Better days ahead for every honest indian. And those not so honest? Well they can continue to cry foul and repay the sin that they made in the last 6 decades ripping this land apart and amassing laks of crores.

    And the loyal slaves can continue to shower abuses on Modi.. that can bring their frustration level bit down and regain health.. LOL

    DisAgree [17] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    @Rajesh, Udupi, i am not a rss slave like bhakts.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    you can still be proud of being on the other side.. no problem dear.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Kudla/Bengaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Demonetization drive so far targeted only common man...I expected many politicians will also be raided for wrong doings.But it never happened.Therefore for me the demonetization is glass half hope for full glass....
    I am inclined to believe that in India laws are only for poor,middle class people. Politicians.MPs,MLAs,Ministers are safe in all party all the time....
    Much expected benami property act will also go in the same direction untouching the above affluent lot...Mera Bharat mahan hai...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mathew John, Shirva/Rome

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Well Said Mr. Prahbu. You have analysed correctly beyond any party line. Very thoughtful. I have the same opinion too.
    You earn respect of all Daijiword Readers.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Demonetisation move : BOLD BUT FOOLISH & ANTI-COMMON MAN

    KR Prabhuji's above comments : BOLD, SENSIBLE & HONEST

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, KSA

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    Well said Prabhu sir ! Your observation and views are 100% true and correct.

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Marle, Kudla

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Change is always difficult to accept. But i should say that it was a bold move putting country first. I believe that the pain that people have gone through these many days will be rewarding in one or the other way.

    But the other side of the story is that lot of people have lost their livelihood. a bit of better planning would have helped ease the pain.

    Only time will tell the results.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    modi brought down india's economy backwards. it is moved back to 10 years & reqrd. 10 years 2 recover.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    @Nagesh Monishu , Mangaluru, rbi operates only from the remote control.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santosh Kumar, India

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Modiji himself should introspect about his own black mann.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Goppi Munishu, Mlore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Well Said Sonthosh. Modi Should self-introspect himself.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Asif Bashir S., Ajjarakad, Udupi

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Until BJP Govt. clarifies why Vijay Mallya was allowed to flee with loot and later govt has written of his whole debt of People's money from Demonatization received glass will remain always half empty before the whole of Nation.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nagesh Monishu , Mangaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    Demonetization has bought positive tides of economy growth and people's support. Modi is a great, bold leader. He has placed interest of nation first and himself that his party interest later. Great political risk worthy of a great leader.

    DisAgree [46] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    demonetisation was a mindless act from modi. however rich are not affected. poor's, farmers, middle class & business class hit hard.

    DisAgree [36] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • P. Y. Kamaleskshya , Bangaluru

    Fri, Dec 30 2016

    It is half empty. Up-coming assembly election results will reveal it. It will be result of sorrow, pain, anguish, suffering, distress, lies, tears bad planning and What not ?

    DisAgree [34] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

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