Media Release
Mangaluru, Aug 7: The post graduate department of Business Administration of AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), inaugurated a weeklong faculty development programme on ‘Enhancing Research Acumen’ on Monday August 7. The faculty development programme will conclude on August 12. The FDP has been organized for research scholars, academicians and industrialists with view to enable the participants to define research problems and develop a suitable methodology for addressing the key issues.
The programme started with the invocation of the almighty led by the college choir followed by the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries on the dais. Dr Rowena Wright, dean (academics) welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest Dr Ravindranth Nayak, director, School of Management, Manipal.

Fr Denzil Lobo SJ, director of AIMIT said, “There is no upper limit to knowledge. Hence new knowledge which results in innovations has to be created continuously through research.”
Quoting from the book ‘Unrelenting Innovation’ by Dr Gerard Tellis, University of Southern California, Fr Lobo said that his research on various organizations led him to the conclusion that to be successful there is the need even to cannibalize on successful products.
Sumitha Achar, the programme coordinator gave a bird’s eye view of the weeklong programme emphasising that research is a growing phenomenon, all what we need to do is enrich the intellectual capital and discover the answers.
The key note address was delivered by Dr Ravindranth Nayak, the chief guest who highlighted that the right path to research is living and learning. He further elaborated the use of even seemingly insignificant findings during research which can be used by different publishers and authors, which continuously cascades the knowledge of an individual. In his concluding message, he referred to the role of three soft skills which are required for a researcher i e time management, emotions and mood management and written communication.
Rayan D’Souza, the joint coordinator proposed the vote of thanks. Fr Fredrick Menezes, finance officer, AIMIT was also present.
The weeklong FDP programme is attended by diverse research scholars from within and outside the state of Karnataka.
The programme was compered by Rajni Suresh.