Media Release
Mangaluru, Sep 5: Department of UG and PG Mathematics, St Aloysius College (autonomous), here, on Monday, September 4, organised a colorful and memorable 'Math Fiesta' in memory of professor K A Krishnamurthy, on his 104th birth anniversary.
The inter collegiate competition and seminar on Applications of Recurrence Relations was held in the 'Eric Mathias Hall, Maffai Block, on the college campus.
In all, 21 colleges participated in the fest. St Aloysius PU College emerged overall winners and Canara College, Mangaluru, bagged the runners up trophy under the PU level. Milagres College Kallianpur were the overall winners, and Poornaprajna college and MGM College, Udupi shared the runners up position in the graduate level.

Honorable dignitaries president Fr Dionysius Vaz , rector of St Aloysius College institutions, principal Fr Praveen Martis, along with chief guest Roy Castelino, managing director, ROY-L Mineral Water and Beverages; and former students of K A Krishnamurthy and guests of honour prof KR Upadhyaya former HOD of Mathematics, St Aloysius College and Fr Pradeep Sequeira, finance officer, St Aloysius College (autonomous); and Dr Sam Johnson, associate professor, NITK Surathkal, were guest lecturers for a talk on 'Applications of Recurrence Relations'. They were received by prof John Sherra and by prof John D'Silva vice principals of Xavier and Arrupe blocks respectively.
The colourful welcome was followed by the lighting of lamp, accompanied by a prayer song. Roy Castelino spoke on the importance of mathematics in day to day life. Mathematics, he said, was to basically analyse, assume and arrive at logical conclusions.
The students of Krishnamurthy, guests of honour for the event, prof KR Upadhyaya and Fr Pradeep Sequeira were felicitated.
Prof K R Upadhyaya introduced and talked about prof Krishnamurthy. Fr Pradeep Sequeira spoke on math as a tool, which holds accuracy for truth. He wished that the younger generation stimulate their minds to work for truth for the betterment of this country. He took the aspect of veracity in mathematics and inspired students to work for truth.
Principal Fr Praveen Martis addressed the crowd of young mathematicians to use creativity, curiosity and collaboration as a way of inspiring oneself to take active part in the upcoming events which was diligently organised by the students of St Aloysius College.
Rector Fr Dionysius Vaz of St Aloysius College Institutions congratulated all the students and dignitaries on stage who have been associated with mathematics.
A guest lecture on 'applications of recurrence relations' was presented by Dr Sam Johnson who spoke on the legend of tower of Brahma and problems related to it, and problem solved by Jacob Steiner in which a line leads to infinity at both directions and also of points and lines in recurring sequence leading to a region with respect to dimensions.
Vice principal of Xavier Block John Sherra, staff coordinator Denzil Saldanha, HOD of UG Priya Monteiro and PG Anupriya Shetty were present.