Mangalore: Bundh Paralyses Life as Buses, Rickshaws Go off Road

Mangalore: City Limps Back to Normalcy after Day-long Bundh

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Pics: Prajwal Ukkuda & Arun Uppinangady
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (MM/RD)

Mangalore, Jul 3: City has come back to square one after successful ‘bundh’ called by Vishwa Hindu Parishad on Thursday July 3.

City buses including a few auto rickshaws started plying while the traffic controllers at KSRTC bus stand announced bus services to all the destinations at about 6 pm on Thursday. Even the malls and wine shops were opened for business as the public transport resumed its services.  Other shops that pulled down shutters on Wednesday night did not open since it was not worthwhile for them to keep open for just few hours of business.

For youth it was a leisure day as they spent their time playing cricket and volley ball. Nehru Maidan was full of youngsters playing cricket. Private vehicles were plying as usual in and around the city throughout the day. Meanwhile, goods vehicles also have begun plying on National Highway.


Daily wage earners such as bus drivers and conductors, construction workers lost their wages owing to the strike. Almost all of them were jobless for the entire day without income.

Trucks supplying highly perishable items, such as vegetables, fish, milk etc did not reach their destinations on time, causing delay in distribution. Some of milk vendors had exhausted of their stocks on Thursday afternoon, as the demand rose in anticipation of bundh.  Some of the vegetable vendors took this opportunity to sell their vegetable stock on the roadside.

Bundh was total in every sense. Even rains which were lashing the district in the last few days, extended support to bundh on Thursday and weather remained pleasant from Thursday morning till evening. However, the district administration did not take any initiative to attend to urgent repairs of roads which are in a pathetic condition with the advent of monsoon..

Although some minor incidents were reported across the district in the morning, the bundh was rather peaceful, police sources informed.

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  • Ashok R. Monteiro, Bajpe/Bahrain

    Sun, Jul 06 2008

    In india we can have bundh for seven days per week on different national and state issues. Our leaders are resposible for all the kind bundhs. Because they want to gain publicity and popularity by these things. If the ruling state government calls for the bund it will be succesful because governance will support the same. Who is the losser? The common man...........!

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  • robin, mangalore/kuwait

    Sat, Jul 05 2008

    there is no playing ground in india,so keeping bundh for playing one day cricket on road.

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  • Ron Sequeira, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Sat, Jul 05 2008

    On the one hand, the BJP and its supporters call for bundhs and destroy public property (4 dead in the country so far), and on the other, it has an alliance with the National Conference, whose activists formed a major part of the protest against the land transfer. If the BJP men feel so strongly on the issue, then why is the national conferene still in the NDA? Indian politics is indeed strange!

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  • Ayub, Padil/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Bundh went peacefully without any unwanted incidents. We had enough communal violence’s in Mangalore as well as other parts of India I hope this incident will not lead to another disharmony among the people. No State Government will sacrifice their rule for the sake of religion but should take the feasible solution for this issue by providing good facilities to the Amarnath Yatris to finish their pilgrimage successfully keeping the land under Government Athority.

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  • R. Almeida, Kalmady/Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    I don’t call it a successful bundh, rather shameful bundh. Being Indian, disturbing public life and destroying the public (our own) property shall never be called successful, rather insane act. Anybody achieved anything? Has the problem solved? Pictures are of top class, the world will see the condition of Indian roads, keep it up Daiji World

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  • Mark Saldhana, Managalore

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Harris Madani,  India is a secular country and Hindus ,though majority never came in the way of minorities living in this couuntry.If they were intolerant against the minorities ,there woudn't have been any mosque/ church in India. One cannot expect to remain silent if there is a continuos conspiracy to destruo one' faith ie religion!

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  • Jathin, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    The bandh was announced one day in advance, it was not a flash bundh like the so called innocent daily wagers like bus drivers or auto drivers do,whenever their colleague gets beaten or harassed by police.During that bundh, people who had already comeout of teh house cannot go back home.Iam not supporting these kinds of bundhs,but if you see so many people on the road searching for transportation, its their stupidity to comeout even though if it was announced one day before. Suprisingly,every 6th december, it is announced as a black day, what happens to the daily wage earners on that day.

    This bundh was for one day,what about 6th december bundh called every year to refresh hatred memories every year.When Da Vinci Code or Danish cartoon controvery starts in some corner of the world, people comeout on streets in India to protest. Hindus got every right in India to protest against unjustice towards Hindus.Please think about these facts as well. Jai Hind

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  • Ronald, Udupi/Sharjah

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Religion has done more harm than any good towards toadys society. Restrict religion to home and worshipping places. Do not bring it on street. You can not run a country based on religion. History is proving time and again....those who seperated religion and politics prospered.

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    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Woh our ed and non-ed reprsentatives! A great thanks for achieving another milestone - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for controlling inflation - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for controlling price increase in basic food items - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for controlling malaria/chicken guniya - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for providing us the wonderful disco / rock & roll roads - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for providing us full time Electricity - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for providing us a a day's holiday doing nothing - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for providing us drainage facilities - A Great Bandh!

    A great thanks for taking more than a decade to re-start Mangalore - Bangalore Train Service - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for 'daily robberies and burglaries - A Great Bandh! A great thanks for looting the treasury of the Goverment, I mean the common mans' money - A Great Bandh! Long Live Bandh & Long Live Mangalore - Long Live India and its CITIZEN!!

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    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    It is high time that our great great politicians realise that nothing and nothing can be achieved with these bunds except playing with the sentiments of Poor People. Would like to see a Ramrajya of Mahathma Gandhi, where no lust for power and fame exists and each and everyone is treated alike with basic needs fulfilled. If a Govt. cannot afford to meet the basic demands of common man, I think and firmly believe there is no right for any Government to stay in power.

    Opposition is equally responsible the present disaster as much as the ruling party. Without a proper constructive opposition party the ruling party cannot function respecting the sentiments of the public. People lived peacefully and lawfully with out the goverment in the past. Therefore, pls. put a bandh to these bands and stop fooling the people, be it is ruling party or the opposition.

    I think, our politicians are going back to embrace the British Raj, which I greatly advocate is the need of the hour. Any comments???

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  • Harris Madani, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    How much per kilo Neerulli/Batate/& Beens?

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  • Harris Madani, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    BHAND!!!!!! who is the looser???? how our govt still allowing for this stupid things, when they are permitting to shoot out the poor farmers!!! then why they cannot not shoot out these buggers who is standing in the middle of the road with their indication, let them keep it in their mind that "India is not the country made only for Hindus"

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    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Mr. Purshottama appreciate your balanced and a factual view of the subject.

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Will those who caused the bandh compensate for the loss by the students who could not write their VTU exams coz of the strike....when will these people finally get some sense...

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  • Haneef, Mangalore/Riyadh

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    God only knows how many people have affected due to this stupid BUNDH. The Govt should impose fine/penalty on people/organization that calls/encourages Bundh. Neither people who involved in this bundh nor a common man benefited from this filthy action except some sort of mental satisfaction for some people. This is totally unethical.

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  • Royston Prabhu, Bejai

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    If the government in power cannot make any sensible decisions, it should consult the opposition or other parties concerned. After all governments come and go and so do politicians. The permanent damage to society, community, daily life will always stay.

    This is not the generation where people should think otherwise. I was very happy that in Mangalore it was peaceful and people played cricket and took some rest rather than destroying public and private property.

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  • Walter Pereira, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Conratulations to all those who strived hard to make this bundh a success. I am suggesting a week long bundh on the following issues: 1. In protest against being shoved too much cricket down our throats. 2. In protest against our inablity to distinguish between the paddy fields and motorable roads. 3. Against our politicians earning far too less for the great job they are doing. 4. Our country not getting any olympic gold medals - and for sure not for the next 10 olympics. 5. Too much study and no play for our kids. 6. Too many hindi movies and that too with repeated titles. 7. Too many channels on the TV. Any takers??

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    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    When BJP was almost 7 years in power Central Government they have no guts to start construction work of Shri Ram temple in Ayodhya. this Bharath bundh also gain votes from sentimate Hindus to come power once again.

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  • Purushottama, Byndoor

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    All is well that ends well. The bundh went of peacefully and that is a solace. No doubt it inconvenienced hundreds for no fault of theirs. This is the problem with any bundh which has become a necessary evil in our society.Otherwise the powers that be turn a deaf ear. In the first place the allottment was opposed not by any Muslim organisations in the mainland but only by seperatists who do not believe in our constitution.

    A democratically elected Government should have stood firm in the face of these seperatists.Incidentally it was not a BJP Government that allotted land to a temple but a Government by Congress. Secondly the opponents raised objection on two counts - that enviornment will be damaged and that later it will be occupied by Indian Army. What was wrong if our own people & Army uses our own land was a question the Government failed t ask

    It was not any private property or religious place that was handed over to the Temple. In the end it proves that one can not keep on living on advices of tolerance, discipline, concern for the nation etc. etc.... and bear the brunt.Let us hope the authorities while taking decisions take sensible one and once taken - learn to stand by it with moral conviction.

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  • Manohar Amin, Udupi

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Mr. Tilak I totally agree with your comments. let others to understand this.

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  • Krishna, Mangalore/ Miami

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    Appeasement of a minority community has reached such proportions that, unfortunately, the time has come for the majority community to voice its disgust in no uncertain terms.Could 'they' not spare 40 hectares of forest land to provide transit facilities for hindu pilgrims?

    But 'they' lap up hajj subsidies and minority quotas with glee!! Such mingy and mean behavior! We Hindus should voice our concerns forcefully in public fora, but we should refrain from destroying public property and violence.

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  • Anil Lobo, USA

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Good points from Tilak Shetty. We have to stop holding communities to different standards based on their religion. Unfortunately, in any functional democracy, there is a tendency to accuse majority for everything. It happens in USA (Christians) and it is happening in India(Hindus). Why did the govt reverse the decision on Amarnath? Isn't it due to the pressure from Kashmiri muslims? Isn't it very clear that they are opposed to spend any money or resources on Hindu religious causes. But, they are ok with hindu majority spending resources on Hajj? I'm not supporting any political parties here. However, we need to be honest and fair in our analysis and see who is actually behind these issues.

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  • John Mathias, Karkal

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Guys are all happy?...Problem solved?... lets move on... any prolem Bundh is the solution...

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  • V.C.S, Kuwait/ bajpe

    Fri, Jul 04 2008

    India the land of unity is showing its unity in such a wonderful way...i am ashamed to see how people here are reacting to the situation...for some it is fun and for the rowdies its their day to show off...people throwing food where as millions are dying of hunger and children of mal nutition...a country where religons are plenty is fighting to prove who is stronger...the word unity today makes no sense at i feel i should think twice before i say i am proud of being an indian...

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  • Thilak Shetty, Kondana, Mlr / Dubai

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    When there was 9 days voilent protests in Kashmir Valley no one questioned their way of protest. Most of the media called it as public outrage. Even they had chance to question it in court they went to streets. When hindus organisations started a same tit for tat protest everyone started to brand it as communal.

    Yes I know very well by protesting hindus won't get any benefits unlike our kashmir brothers. The Kashmir govt took an U turn bending down to voilent street protests. Where these all protestor when pakistan handovered several 1000 square kilmeter of Kashmiri land to China.

    Even when our own Indian govt handovered Theen Bigha to Bangladesh there were no voilent protests. When our farmers protested against forcefull occupence of their land in Singur, West Bengal our so called socialistic communist govt not hesistated to fire bullets on the protestors. Every year thousands of hindu pilgrims including aged, women and children goes to Amarnath.

    But there is no basic facilties in that mountain area. In this case Govt is handingover only forest land to create facilities for the pilgrims. No Kashmirites becomes homeless while acquiring land. Once again the Kashmir Muslims showed us their zero tolerence about hindu minority in their state.

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  • Ali Haroon, Mangalore / KSA

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Bundh is complete and successful. organizers must be congratulated for their sincere efforts. This way we can hit the poor man and the gorwing economy of the country below the belt. Congratulations to CONGRESS PARTY for giving the opposition another weapon to fight with.

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  • Preetika, Mangalore, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Just take a look at that Guy who is throwing out Foodstuff. He might be in his early 20's or so who, probably does'nt know what starvation is. When the whole country is facing food crisis and little children go to bed without food, this is the response that we get from the younger generation.

    This guy should be punished for his act along with the organizers of this bundh. All I feel is all these people involved in the bundh have lots of spare(Leisure)time to get into all these activities. If at all they were heavily loaded with work without even a single second to breathe then they would not even think about participating in such activities.

    Rajesh, Please do not be under the impression that people who are working abroad live a peaceful life. You will come to know the true life only when you experience it. My dear friend, life is not so easy in abroad as you think. We sacrifice so many things including our peace of mind and health to keep our dependants happy, back home.

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  • Mr. Sherkhan, Kaaragod/Ksa

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Bandh is fatal diesease in our country. I just went on leave to india for 30 days. out of this 30 days I met four kerala bandhs, one bharath bandh, three kasargod district bandhs and one kasaragod panchayath bandh. How can a daily wage earner live in this situation, politians be kind on them or make them a party agent,pay him, so that he can help to shut the doors of shops to make "successful bandh".

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, udupi/dubai

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Children and students got some time off their busy schedule to play cricket. Dogs too enjoyed the bundh. Beautiful coverage with photos by Daiji Team. No other media would this much coverage. It was felt that I was there during the bundh.

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  • Jude, Mangalore, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Someone previously has said look at the causes and symptoms etc, etc. I can tell you for sure that once again the Congress is the cause, as they have done in the past in Punjab, Ayodhya, Uniform civil code and now this land allocation.

    Firstly they go and allocate land without bothering to anticipate any of the consequences, and when the consequences begin to show ( the Kashmiri agitations) they back down and cancel the allocation, thereby inviting the wrath of the Hindus. They have thus angered both the communities for no rhyme nor reason and played into the hands of extremist elements in both of communities.

    This is purely a man made disaster where even God will wash his hands off. When will our politicians learn? On the one hand our country is trying to move forward with the new generation comming out of age old prejudices and hatred between communities, but our politicians are trying to negate the progress made by trying to rekindle the hatred in our youth.

    The results are these constant agitations, riots, bundhs which serve nobody in the end. We don't need to look for enemies from outside, we have plenty amongst our own. Only God can save India from all this madness.

    Anyways thank you Daiji world, and i agree that the pictures of empty roads and the dogs are very nice. They remind us of our empty heads and, also show us that we are no better than those stray animals.

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  • Augustine Daniel DSouza, Udupi/Vasai Virar/State of Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Good,  Pictures are very good

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  • Moosa Kunhi, Kakkinje/Dammam

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Who will take responsible of this Bundh? All Bundh and morchas should be banned.

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  • Mark Saldhana, Managalore

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Dear thomas, for your question as what people achieve by calling bundhs, i would like to correct you by saying India is a secular country and every religion has equal importance in this country.The Hindu organisations have called for a bundh to make the central & jammu govts that Hindus won't tolerate any injustice meted to them anymore and they won't be mute spectators for the anti-hindu mesures being taken by the central govts.

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  • Jerome Coelho, Nanthur, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    40 hectares of land can corrupt the name of God. Can we take time to ponder - this whole universe is God's and He doesnt require us to give it back to Him. It would only have been better if we could channelise our resources to upliftment of the downtrodden. The first wrong thing done by the VHP and its splinter groups was not to have taken succour in the courts. If the court didnt deliberate on the matter, then this bandh would have been justified. The VHP & the BJP is trying to blow up non issues knowing too well that elections are round the corner. SHAME ON YOU VHP, BAJRANG DAL, BJP (for your covert support) AND ALL SPLINTER GROUPS. LEARN TO UTILISE YOUR TIME TO DO GOOD IN SOCIETY.

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  • Nandakumar, Udupi/Bengaluru

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Dog picture is really good

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  • Kadengodlu Shankara Bhat, Peruvai vil.-Bantwal tq. / Kazakhstan

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    One of my Indian Doctorate resident too has similar grouse/concern/botheration [due to narrow-mindedness/jealosy] like Rajesh-M'lore about NRI's that NRI's don't pay Income Tax in India on their precious foreign remittances [when Govt. has not given them any infrastucture to get that income & when Govt. can't earn foreign exchange on its own to pay for Crude required for resident Indians for commuting daily to earn their livelihood ]. Remember that once Govt. starts taxing IT on their remittances, many NRI's would start investing lucraticvely abroad in offshore funds and many others would send by hawala for taking care of their dependants' expenditure in India. It just requires little common sense to understand why NRI's foreign remittances into India is not taxed [India wants USD to import oil].

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  • Captain Stanley Latif Correa, Urwa Stores/Jeddah,Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Thank u Jerald Moras for your comments & suggestions to the general public. Let the organisers who lead to disrupt the public transport without any justified reason, it is really politically motivated. Comman man who earn his daily bread wandering place to place to feed his family is the most sufferer. In this point, we have to open our eyes and compare with rest of the world where we stand in such a situation!! I request wealthy organisers who are encouraging such bundh's must think twice or thrice what benefit they get from this. We are purchasing shame on ourselves while reading such incidents heppening in our cities and India as a whole.

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  • Thomas , Kadri

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Few politicians ruin the economy of this country. They made enough money for themselves and to their next seven generations. What can we achieve by making this bundh or allowing these people to make bundh ?

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  • Rajkumar, Udupi

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Rajesh....we may not pay tax.......instead we earn the country billions of dollars in foreign we also have equal rights as a citizen of india to give our views....

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  • Abdul Majeed, Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    There is no protection for hindus in J&K and in many part of the country. Each & every political parties are pleasing minorities. This bandh is called for protecting Hindus. Each & every person should suffer from this bundh...

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Many talks as if they are the tax payers..sitting in tax free world and  without even paying a peanut on tax...It became fate to this country as bundh treated as best way to reach simple man in the country about the happenings..This needs to be stopped irrespective the reason.

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  • patrick, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Whichever organisation calls for bundh should think that these bundh punishes only the middle class people who depend on public transport. I feel sorry for the students appearing for different exams today. As it is they are tense because of exams. now no transport means more tension. Please call for bundh on Public holidays please.

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  • Abdul khayyoom, mangalore/jubail,saudi arabia

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Dear Mr.Felix, I am agree with you, the loss is not only for country, see the public suffering in bus stands. There are patients, tourists, State government should not interfere in such communal issues. Mr. yeddy, come on wake up. work for public not for party. First "aam jantha" after party. Supreme court rules that there is no such bundh. If there is any bundh, organizer should be punish. Is government will take any action ?

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  • Uday Amin, Katapadi

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Praveen, If the situation countinues we may find ourselves in place of Dogs and nice picture of ours also may come in the papers

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  • Uday Amin, Katapadi

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Flelix,I am not Pro Bundh, I oppose. I appreciate if you rise your voice against the issue.Bundh is a Symptom of a decease, Identify the cause and treat before it gets exploded.

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  • Amit, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Common people are suffering from such bundh. Will they achieve what they want from this bundh, will any one cares? We need to educate ourselves. I am not blaming any organisation for calling bandh its people who listen to these kinds of people. anyways nice coverage please try to cover some rural areas also.

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  • Felix D'Souza, Mangalore/Doha

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Dear Uday Amin you mean treating the cause by incurring the huge loss to the country itself ?

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  • Uday Amin, Katapadi

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    My Dear friend Abdul Sattar Uchchil,"Treat the cause, not the symptoms"

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  • Praveen,

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    nice photos of the dogs

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  • Abdul Sathar Uchil, Uchil-Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Yet another huge loss to Our State and Centre and extra from tax payers money. Now I have a doubt who is patriotic?.

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  • JERALD MORAS, Kuppepadauv / Calgary, Canada

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    While being democratic country is bundh is acceptable but such bundh is a major disaster. That is the reason for some reason, monarchy or any other system (socialistic ) is much better. No one wants to lose a precious day, money as some of the laboours travel all the way from their villages to cities for work. For sure many families must have fasted today.

    Many fail to utilize one day off fruitfully. Even to the extent, some behave immaturely on bundh day creating damage to public property. Could anyone define "bundh" ? What are we trying to prove and to whom ? Also question who gets benefited - bus owners? local political parties ? I think, we have hardly very few people really work hard and rest of them enjoy life at the expense of others..

    With my little experience in the Gulf, we Indians are better decision makers, best entrepreneurs, hard working and ready to handle any job except in India. If bundh is so called complete closure of transportation system why are we encouraging such a nasty protest at the expense of common man ! I understand transportation system consist of vehicle, road, people and movement. But if cost of movement increases how can whole transportation system stopa? Bundh is a crime against humanity as common person is taken for a ride.

    If the objective is reduce the fare for fuel to reduce or to reduce government taxes find a alternative way - create a committee on all levels - bus owners, truck owners and come to a conclusion with best favorable decision for all parties. This sort of anarchy or poor decisions taken by few people or political parties makes common person suffer.. Please stop bundh in India. Vehicle just a instrument which moves people and the person who owns them is because it is because of the people’s money or bank hypothecates them. If the fuel pricing go up, movement should not stop. In the same if the grocery bill increases do you stop eating or stop living… find a way…Would you call bundh for yourself for living ?

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Whats is the gain from this? How they prove Justice ? All political parties and leaders are selfish no one bargain or focus on real probelms of nation.

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  • Salvador D' Souza, Bondanthila

    Thu, Jul 03 2008

    Bundh leads to nothing. Pull the politician from his house or chair, carry him to the parliament and don't move until you get the results. Transport is the back-bone of the routine life. don't cut it. If you cut, you are stupid.

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