We should not Fear the Unknown, Rahul on N-deal


New Delhi, Jul 22: Making a strong pitch for Indo-US nuclear deal, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said atomic energy was essential for ending poverty in the country and that 'the fear of the unknown' should not prevent a big nation like India from going ahead with the initiative.

The young Congress general secretary said irrespective of what happens in the confidence vote, the MPs should think of the 'big picture' of how India can impact upon the world rather than thinking about how the world impacts India.

Gandhi showered praise on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for showing 'tremendous courage and confidence' by realising the problem of energy deficiency in the country and working for its solution.

In the same light, he praised former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, saying he 'also saw the problem (of energy deficiency) and worked for its solution'.

While talking about Vajpayee's role, the Congress heir apparent addressed the BJP benches and quipped: ispe to taali mariye (at least, cheer at this).

"There is a problem of energy security. We all need to solve it by working together," Gandhi said in his speech during the debate on confidence motion in Lok Sabha which he delivered in two parts as some BSP members disrupted it over the alleged poaching of MPs.

As the House, including his mother and Congress President Sonia Gandhi and sister Priyanka in visitors' gallery, listened with rapt attention, he made the case for the nuclear deal, saying 'we must never, never ever be guided by the fear; fear of the unknown.'


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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Tue, Jul 22 2008

    Rahul,Can we look after the downtrodden, the poor, the sick, the hungry, the landless. Before pleasing the world and being wanting to be the member of the world community, the Congress, Rahul and PM singh must look after the nations poor masses. Do we need nuke deal to alleviate poverty? I have my doubts. India is shining but the poor are drowning in more poverty.

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