SIMI Activist Held in Connection with Ahmedabad Blasts


NEW DELHI, Jul 27: An activist of the banned SIMI who was wanted in the 2002 Gujarat riots was arrested on Sunday from the walled city area after a combing operation for his alleged connections to the Ahmedabad blasts.

Police arrested Abdul Halim, who had gone into hiding after the riots and remained untraceable so far.

"There were reports that he was in hiding in Delhi and we had intimidated Delhi Police as well. After receiving some specific inputs about his whereabouts, the crime branch arrested him during a combing operation," Ahmedabad Joint Commissioner of Police Ashish Bhatia said.

Bhatia said Halim was arrested in connection with Saturday's blasts in Ahmedabad that claimed 45 lives.

Halim was wanted by the cops for enticing disgruntled youths from the riot victims' refugee camps in and around Ahmedabad and taking them to Uttar Pradesh.

"From there an organised network was engaged in sending these youths across the border for training purpose and Halim was a part of this network. Currently he is being interrogated," said Bhatia.


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  • suoreetha hebbar, bangalore

    Sun, Sep 07 2008

    SIMI seems to one of the major terror organisation of the nation.It has extended its deadly hand all over the country. Though supreme court has banned the organization our government has failed in its effective implimentation. It has become a dark spot on the efficiency of our government. our 'honoured'UPA government has to strive to maintain a terror free country atleast now so that it will be benifitted in the upcoming parliamentery election

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  • Mir I. Ali, Hyderabad, India

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Why these blasts occurred immediately after Manmohan Singh wins the confidence vote? And the Print media commented that if the General Elctions took place then the cong. party will get the majority. Think who will be behind these blasts??

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