Anush Pandith
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (SP)
Mangaluru, Feb 5: Parks not only calm and refresh our minds but they also add beauty to cities. Because of construction of multi-storied buildings, plants and trees get uprooted in large numbers, and in the name of development, they are mercilessly cut down. Without nature, neither human beings nor animals can survive on this earth. In this background, creation of parks is not only necessary but also need of the hour.
Yekkur Bajal area in the city outskirts had remained neglected because development was not taking place there. Although house sites were available at affordable prices, no one was showing interest in acquiring them because of improper roads through which vehicles can be safely driven. But now everything has changed, and roads have been widened and concreted. High rise apartment complexes have come up and prices of flats have now gone beyond the reach of common people.

A new children's park is coming up at Yekkur KHB Colony in Kankanady B ward. Under the leadership of MLA, J R Lobo, and local corporator, Praveenchandra Alva, work on the rear portion of the park is under way. This park is expected to be ready for use in two to three months time.
Childlren from this area in the past were compelled to go to Kadri park if they wanted to play. Because of heavy weekend traffic, people preferred to play with their children at their homes. Already mini armies of tiny tots have begun to play in this park. The scenes of children coming to the park along with parents or friends to play, and their antics inside the park, have already begun to enchant the onlookers.
Uniqueness: This park has come up in about 20 cents of land. Slides, swings, and other equipment which enable the children to make merry have been provided. Walk ways for the convenience of both children and elders, neatly laid out benches to get seated, and green lawns have been planned for this park. The locals are sure that this space will be convenient for senior citizens for their walking routine and to get fresh air besides spending time in the company of friends or relatives.
Sujata, a home maker from the area, feels that the city can be said to be on the right path of development if such parks come up in each of the wards. She points out that it is convenient to take children to nearby parks than leading them safely to far away destinations. She feels that if every corporator is like Praveenchandra Alva, the city can develop faster.
Corporator, Praveenchandr aAlva, said that MLA, J R Lobo, has released grant of Rs 21 lac for the park of which about ten lac rupees has already been spent towards works. The remaining work, which is progressing, will be completed in two to three months time, he added.