Jammu: Army Launches Fresh Combing Operations


Jammu, Sep 1: Army and Police have launched a major search operation in Jammu following reports of the movement of some suspected militants.

After receiving information about the presence of suspected ultras in Sherkhani area of the city, troops and Police launched a search operation to track them, a senior police officer said.

The high alert continued for the fourth consecutive day today in the city and the vehicles were screened at all entry and exit points, police said.

 Police suspects that some militants may have sneaked into Jammu from Pakistan after crossing International Border in Kanachak during the major infiltration bid on August 26.

Three infiltrators and 7 others, including three armymen, were killed on August 27 during 19-hour-long hostage drama in the city.

The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Jammu Zone, K Rajendra Kumar said that Police also solicits cooperation from the public in making Jammu a safe and peaceful place to live in.

He said that frequent checking and search operation would be launched in the suspected areas to neutralise the militants operating in Jammu.

The IGP has requested public not to panic and cross-check information of militants before conveying it to police as most of the operations in the city turned out to be hoax. 


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