Mangalore: Lovers Day - Valentines Nowhere, Policemen Everywhere!

Mangalore: Lovers Day - Valentines Nowhere, Policemen Everywhere!
Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (RS/SP)

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Mangalore, Feb 14:
Till afternoon, pubs and restuarants in the city wore a deserted look, with no signs of any Valentine's Day celebrations. Pairs of lovers were conspicuous by their absence from parks and other sought-after hot spots.
The lovers who would have been eagerly awaiting to celebrate Valentine's Day, were found missing  from their popular locations. For some reasons, they seemed to have decided to stay away from the public glare, despite an assurance of security given by the state government and the police.
The police have strengthened vigilance in strategic spots. The city  has remained elusive to  Valentine's Day celebrations  and the policemen alone are seen at  the  places where one expected to see the Valentines.

Kadri Park, which is  the hot- spot  for  the lovers, was devoid of any visitors and the  policemen posted there to avert any untoward incidents, confessed that no Valentines had come to the park till the afternoon.
Malls in city are also experiencing a dearth in the number of  customers and couples. This has also been the experience of restaurants, pubs and other eating joints here.
The district police department has deployed additional police personnel in the city in view of the threat perception from groups that are opposed to the celebration of the Day . Policemen in civilian clothes have also been fanned around the city to collect information about the brewing trouble, if any. 
The citizens of the city are engaged in their daily routine and are not unduly perturbed, as the situation continues to be normal  in spite  of  heavy police presence.
Policemen have also been deployed at  Panambur and  Ullal-Someshwar  beaches near the city and both the beaches did not see any activity, as young suitors seem to have opted to stay away from them because of apprehensions of being targetted.

Till the afternoon, police stations from around the city said they have not received reports of any disturbances or unsavoury incidents so far.

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  • Pais, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 19 2009

    Citizens of Mangalore should learn to stand up for themselves and ward the discgrace brought by the Fanatic groups. Its your fear that fuels these groups and encourages them to do more harm. There are many cities in India which have taken the ideologies of such groups head on and won, whats stopping you Mangalore

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  • prakash, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    At last anti-SEZ people succeeded in defaming Mangalore.The local congressmen once again proved that "POWERLESS CONGRESSMEN ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN TERRORISTS".

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  • J. Fernandes, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    Valentine's day could have been an ideal day for a terrorist attack in Mangalore since the police force was busy sniffing out love birds in parks and other places. What a waste of tax payer's money. No wonder when there is an actual attack (as was the case in Mumbai), the police stand stupefied and dazed not knowing what to do since they spend most of their time doing silly work and dancing to the tunes of the political parties.

    Dont think they have a choice though - feel sad for these supposed-to-be-tough guys who are reduced to mere puppets by these politicians. Wish they could put their foot down.

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  • Kiran Dsouza, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    Good, atleast uniform is at work.!! Otherwise it's always "humour in uniform".

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    Dear Mr Shankar, Nobody is blaming the Home Minister and the Police without reason. If you go through the incidents that have taken place in and around Mangalore you will exactly know why they are blamed and with each passing day the anger of the people is mounting.

    Can you look into your heart and tell all of us that the HM has come out clean in the Padmapriya case, in the church attacks and the violence that followed, in the pub attacks, Valentine's day threats and also so many other infamous events taking place in our state on a regular basis. Secondly when you say what can the police do when the courts grant bail, my counter question is how is that the police and the government are able to keep all those whom they want behind bars and let free all those of whom they are not interested.

    Please do not blame the courts here. It is up to the Police and the public prosecutor to prepare water tight cases against these anti social elements. If the case is well presented by the Police then there is no way that these criminals can go scot free. If you have been watching the TV, did you see our SP answering questions oin the Ashwini suicide case, when he says that he is not able to arrest the 5 named BD thugs because he fears communal tension.

    Does this mean that the goondas who spread terror in the name of religion have a free licence to do what they want in our state. In in a place of 100 people , 99 have committed an atrocity against 1 individual it is up to the Police to provide him protection and see that he is served justice, but in Mangalore today the fear of a few with active support from the government is preventing our police from acting. The victims only have their tears and their god for comfort. It is very true to assume that in Karnataka our police force is nothing but an armed militia of the BJP government which is being systematicaly used to supress all dissent against the government.

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  • B shankar, Blore

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    Policing in India is a thankless job. The Home Minister and the police gets blamed for each and every thing. When they are proactive and take steps they get blamed of high handedness.All the so called Rights group become very active (take the recent case of a bombay don or naxal attacks).

    When they do their job according to the law or unfortunately they could not arrive on the scene immediately, they are blamed for everything from inefficieny to being involved in that. Just take the mangalore pub incident. The police arrested 10 culprits within 30 min of the incident. Within 24 hours they had arrested 27 people.

    Still every news paper/channel and parties started accusing the Home Minister and the police of inaction? What does "Action" mean? I assume for them "arresting and keeping indefinitely" accounts to some action. Now if the court grants bail, how can we blame the police/HM for that? We have to check the law which is used!. Also remember, the central govt recently ammended CrPc to prevent arrest of people by the police if the crime is punishable with less than 7 years of jail time. Everybody blames the CM and HM for supporting the pub attacks.

    But being already under pressure do we really think that the govt would want another issue on its hand that will invariably bring bad publicity? That makes no political sense and both CM and HM are experienced enough to understand this simple logic. If nothing else they will try their best to prevent one more episode that just brings headache.

    While everybody jumps to conclusion and starts critisizing at the of a hat, nobody talks about the job they do day and night to protect us. How many of us have thanked even a single police man for doing service for us when we enjoy our life? Have anybody thanked for maintaing the traffic for us, standing in a busy smoke filled road on a humid sunny day while we move around in our AC cars? How many of us have thanked him for maintaining vigil in a stadium while we enjoy a cricket match? Think of every act they do that most of us will not even imagine to do.

    I am not telling that there is no bad thing at all. There are black sheeps. But pick one place where such a thing is not there? I cannot pick one. Then why paint the police dept as one inefficient Dept and blame them for all the ills in the society? Lastly, we have seen so many articles critisizing the home minister as very inefficient and weak? I am still not sure the reason for such an assessment. For some of us, a minister is very strict and capable only when he bashes his officers in the public and suspends them as we have seen so many of the politicians do. But we have to understand that this is only for the public consumption.

    The reality is minister/politician should rely on the same officers to implement their programs. Nothing moves without their cooperation. Now if you demoralize them in public, what kind of cooperation can one expect?

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  • A. R. Kunil, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    AN ARTICLE ON TULUVA CULTURE Dakshina Kannada, Udupi & Kasargod have a common Dravidian culture of Tuluvas. Dravidian history highlights that they are found mostly in southern India. Other Dravidian peoples are found in parts of central India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. Scholars widely hold that the Dravidian peoples were the originators of the Indus Valley Civilization from c. 3300 to 1300 BC. Recent genetic studies revealed that these people were indeed of Indian subcontinent origin. Dravidian languages, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Gondi and Tulu are spoken by more than 200 million people. They appear to be unrelated to languages of other known families like Indo-European, specifically Indo-Aryan, which is the other common language family on the Asian subcontinent. Some linguistic scholars incorporate the Dravidian languages into a larger Elamo-Dravidian language family, which includes the ancient Elamite language (Haltami) of what is now south-western Iran. Dravidian is one of the primary linguistic groups in the proposed Nostratic language system, linking almost all languages in North Africa, Europe and Western Asia into a common family with its origins in the Fertile Crescent sometime between the last Ice Age and the emergence of proto-Indo-European 4-6 thousand years BC. Dravidian grammatical impact on the structure and syntax of Indo-Aryan languages is considered far greater than the Indo-Aryan grammatical impact on Dravidian. Some linguists explain this anomaly by arguing that Middle Indo-Aryan and New Indo-Aryan were built on a Dravidian substratum. In several parts of the ancient India, more than 6000 years back, local customs and cultures developed in the practice of the religion of the invaders of that period like Persians, Greeks, Sakas, Romans, Kushans and the Huns. This is sometimes called the "Pre-Aryan" period of the History. Many of the Incarnations of our Deities, according to the puranas, are referred to this period or an earlier period. Vedas are the foundation of the principles and practice of the faith at this time. At the same time, other texts also existed about various forms of worship. Religious teachings very much like the Vedas existed in every part of India and South Asia during the "Pre-Aryan" period itself. Sage Baadarayana (also popularly known as Sage Veda Vyasa or Vyasa Maharishi) organized the faiths and practice and codified the texts of Vedas. [He did not claim to have written them]. These texts were memorized and were recited in a particular way for generation after generation. This was the way the texts were well preserved for posterity, even though large parts the Vedas that are referred in the texts now, are not available and are lost forever. In Northern India after the reign of Harsha, that is in the 7th A.D., the last Pre-Aryan invader the reign of ‘Huns’ from steppes of Russia started spreading and they are referred to as demonic hordes by the historians. Huns we

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  • Mohammed Ashique, UAE

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    Ramasene or Bhajrangdal people may think that the lover's have not celebrated valentine's day but they are totally wrong... there might be some place where they have met up each other.. if they can let them stop the people to love each other... we challenge that they cannot stop that in their life time..... its impossible for them.. i feel sorry for them when i think about that...!!!!

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  • Fernandes Francis , Mangalore/ UAE

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    The only park in mangalore for families looks deserted. This shows how people are scared with the BJP governmnet.The support of Hindus is the reason for thier coming to power in the name of releigion Now people of High hindu cast are rulling and using the power to suppress the minority and majority of HINDUS.

    Its time for educated people to communicate and vote for better governance . BJP is losing grip on power in Karnataka. The person like Mr.Daya nayak ( Encounter specialist ) likely joining politics are good signs. Many more like him with good records should join poltical party which is for all INDIAN irrespective of religion , cast , creed. God Save Karnataka and bring back the good name of Mangalore .

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  • Dusty R., India

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    Dear R. Shetty, Going by the face of it I do agree, that Sangeeta`s comments, may not be appropriate. But considering the atmosphere in which they were said, there is a lot of truth in it. Consider Punjab for instance, lot of people, there have left the state and migrated to Canada, US etc, paying very high fees, just because they felt insecure in their own state. Mangaloreans, having the means, may do the same, if things really go bad. Lets all hope and pray, that Mangaloreans may not be forced into those choices.

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Sangeeta , Mangalore/Dubai comments make no sense. All Islamic countries including Dubai doesn't offer citizenship nor green card system where one can stay as long they want in the country (like western countires. Many of the Islamic countries around the globe are either dictatoship or ruled by the kingdoms. The democratic and secular India has given too much freedom for folks like you.

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  • R. Shetty, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Dear Dusty, read Sangeeta's comment before reading my comment so that you will understand my comment.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Mon, Feb 16 2009

    Dear readers, when congress was governing Karnataka, most of us (Including me ) were not happy !!!! We were saying corrupt and bad governance !!!! Now we have another governance in the name of BJP !!! I dont think we need anymore comparison to know how bad or good the congress governace was !!!!??? In the future elections most of the people of Karnataka must have decided the party and not the candidate to vote for!!!!

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  • Dusty R., India

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Dear R. Shetty, your arguments, comparing of Ramadan in Dubai, does not match with the current Valentine day problem in Mangalore. The Govt of Dubai has made it clear to the public, as to how the month of Ramadan should be conducted in the public, where as the Govt of India, nor the state Govt of Karnataka, has put any restrictions on the celebrations of valentines day in Karnataka or in India. Do you expect all of us to be so dumb as to accept and live the dictums of every group or sena in Mangalore??, Certainly not.

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  • tony, Goa

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    The beautiful Mangalore has got a bad image due to hooligans let loose by the state govt. Looks like the moral police want to bring our so called culture like sati, child marriage, dowry system etc back in our Society. People should awake and stop such act before it is too late.

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  • Kavita, India

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Dear Ravi, Try making it a better place and then tell Sangita to give her citizenship. All these talks of Mera Bharat mahan!! The hindu groups want the western influence for financial benefit but other things they condemn it. Is Bollywood not potraying a negative image? Why are these groups not making a hue here?

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  • Felix F., India/ME

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Dear Ravi Kadri, this is not one of act, for every Indian to agree with you. It looks a petty issue as understood by you, but it is the start of the violations of the basic rights of freedom of people in a democratic and civilised society, which cannot be accepted.

    If Valentine day celebrations are banned by the union Govt, I will agree with you. When the Enola Gay was approaching Japan with its deadly cargo, the Japanese did not even pay attention to it saying what this single plane can do. ? This Valentine day issue, if taken lightly will be disastrous in the long run.

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  • R. Shetty, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Sangeeta, in your country of residence, during the ramadan month, even if the temperature is soaring at 50 degree C, if you drink water in public you will be prosecuted. You have no complaints do you? But for youngsters not celebrating valentine day you want all Indian to leave India. I suggest you read yourself what you have written and try to understand what you have written. I fully agree with Mr. Ravi Kadri's response your comments.

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  • Avil Monteiro, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Being a Mangalorean I feel shame to hear all the bad news about our city. For all these years we were hearing all good things about our city like banking, education,hotels etc. Why all these sudden change after BJP came to power in the state. Are these political leaders are part of this conspiracy to gain the votes?

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  • Dusty R., India

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Ravi Kadri, It is not just about valentines day, it is totally unacceptable way of governance right now in the state of Karnataka. The suicide by the girl who was reprimanded by Rama Sena activists, is in my view is cold blooded murder. I dont think Sangeeta is wrong in expressing her frustrations, unable to bear the wrongs that are being committed, by those who dont have the official authority to do so.

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  • Ravi Kadri, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Dear Sangeeta, Why don't you give away your citizenship and migrate to other state? You are lucky to be an Indian where you are free to write such comment on your mother land. Try to comment similarly on your current resident country and see what happens.

    If you think "no one should stay in India" just because a group of people could not celebrate Valentine day you must be out of balance or you must be in fools paradize. I am sure every Indian will agree with me here.

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  • Riya shetty, Mangalore, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    “Police Waloo abtak sogaye the na tum loog…… ab hum soyenge tum Jagoo”

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  • Ramanna Shetty, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    This is something strange. The Bajarangdal and Rama Sene opposing such beautiful activities but the leaders and childrens of these leaders enjoying.

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  • Sangeeta , Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    No wonder people are leaving India and going abroad to live peacefully. People continue this No one should stay in India.

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  • Raghunath Poojary, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    No more voting for BJP. I feel very bad for voting BJP.

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  • Anchil, Doha, Qatar

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Really great to see this is our India. That means the Ram Sena is following our Indian culture it is so great, but I have one doubt that why they are wearing the Pants & Shirts it is not our culture and its the western culture.  Our culture is Dhothy.  Why the leaders are not wearing that and using most of the items which belong westeners.  First they have to practice then preach.

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  • ruchir agarwal, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Huh !! Imagine celebrating with your valentine in a park with the cops gleefully watching you. No wonder parks were deserted.

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  • ronald, barkur

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    No couples ? Not even thermocouples on a hot morning in Mangalore desert ? Perhaps BJP ought to try planting date palms in those so-called Parks of Mangaluru. At least patrolling policemen in hot pursuit of love-birds could eat the fruit on a very hot future Valentine's Day.

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  • Chris, Bombay / USA

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    It's so sad to see the youth of India, lay down their arms with out a fight. if we could fight and drive away the english why not fight and change the minds, or change these few so called lawmakers. chris

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  • Kavitha Shetty, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    it's a begining of the end for BJP in Karnataka for sure. For the first time really regretting for voting BJP.

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Can they get us Mangalore which was one year back? Yeddi & Acharya has done a wonderful job to ruin this great city and joy it beholds. Who wants trouble and Goonda Act! You Goondas may be city is for you. Deserted .....will it attract any business? Cultural scientists all the best to you! Congatualtions to the BJP Govt. ruling the state. You have made Mangalore citizens scared! Cultural polices are you Happy? You need to have a great celebrations. Time will tell your success! Tell your future generation that you do not need education. Moral policing is good enough as long as govt. is in your hand.

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    Sun, Feb 15 2009


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  • Irene, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Mr.Kamath I admire your way of thinking.Cultured people have the culture of not questioning the culture of others.Those who are speaking about Indian culture just look at themselves,the dress they are wearing, the hairstyle,the language they mix with their own language fom which culture all these are borrowed?

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  • vignesh prabhu, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    I strongly condemn the words of CHRIS s words......India can devlope without celebrating valentine day

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  • Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Mangaloreans are not so dumb as to parade their love and affection in front of unpredictable police force and the probing media cameras. Now the Government can sell the land where the parks are to greedy developers and get some kickbacks for the next election. I would suggest that they convert the land into cemeteries and cremation grounds. We Mangaloreans are as good as dead under present administration! RIP.

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Those who oppose Valentine day are not really concerned about the significance of the day. They oppose due to their own hidden agenda and vested interest. Some how they want unrest and need to score points somewhere. Everyone knows about it. Issue of the Culture is just for a reason when they do not find any other reason. Surprisingly there are lot of takers for this kind of guys who is not going to reach anywhere!

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  • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Well said Kuldeep, such beautiful and appropriate comments. If all Indians had such noble thoughts like you, especially our politicians, India would be a much better place to live in.

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  • leslie, kadri

    Sat, Feb 14 2009


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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Good pictures Daiji. It is good to see empty parks for a change. In the similar way I will be happy to see the polling booths of those who were responsible and their supporters are empty like this. Then atleast we may get a good sleep wherever we are.

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  • Carol, Mangalore/KSA

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Mr. Kuldeep Kamath, you are right. I totally agree with you.

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  • Basheer, Sullia

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Thanks to all young-couples for not letting the antisocial elements to take the laws into their hands. Our peace loving city shall enlighten with past glories.

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  • A.C.ALVA, Udipi / Gujarat

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    It shows that manglorins have lost trust on police once monglore none for its unity among the people but now it is lost some were

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  • Aachi, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    People have lost trust in the police. They are for name sake and are guardians of the so called Rama sena. If Rama Sena is aware of the indian history or mythology, there are many example for love. So why to oppose the celebration of true Love

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  • Stanley, dubai

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    Mr. CM, shame on you for changing beatiful Mangalore into ugly taliban....with of inhuman devils/militants...INSANIYAT KE DUSHMAN.

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  • Stan rodrigues, Farla/Rome

    Sun, Feb 15 2009

    My friend do you really know what democracy is?

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    There is no culture that is not evolving. There is an universal culture we call it humanity. Then there are Western culture, Eastern culture and Arab/Islamic culture. Then there are national cultures such as Indian culture, British culture, American culture etc. In each of these countries there are many subcultures. The beauty of national culture is not in bringing uniformity but in respecting diversity. In diversity individuals respect others to live their lives in the manner they want to with out inflicting pain or loss to fellow humans. If that choice is taken away then joy of living is taken away and fear is instilled. It is politicians and the police who have to create a conducive atmosphere for the expression of positive side of any culture for this they should be well informed and unbiased. Harm can be done by a small group of fanatics like BD or SRS who are mostly school outs. Cultured people who believe that that there are good things to learn from other cultures will have to celebrate Valentine Day like thieves in a so called inclusive and open Indian culture because of BJP and it's militants out fits.

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  • oliver machado, Udupi. Muscat

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Democracy seems a distant dream for the young and upcoming generation of Mangloreans.

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  • Francis Mathias, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Deserted pictures are giving us the signal of doomsday ahead. Thanks to Bajrangdal for their bent on effort in making this beautiful city as bad as Taliban ruled locality.

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  • Chris R, Udupi/Dubai

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    So...sad. India has no future. What kind of country rejects Valentine's day, attack churches while celebrating pegan traditions!!

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  • Rudolph Ivor Lobo, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Great humour, Excellent Home Ministry - Great expectations - All future romance only under police protection with policemen right at your feet. Very soon people will have to have to have their Wedding nights and honeymoon only under police protection

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  • desi, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Thank you POLICE - this may not have been the most romantic valentine's day - but this is a victory for democracy ....  JAI HIND

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  • Robert Vas, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    This clearly shows that inspite of the police security, people have no confidence in the government as well as the the police officials.

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    Sat, Feb 14 2009


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  • Wilson, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    waw nice silence.very sad to see this.

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  • Vincy, Mulky/Dubai

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Bacche baahar jana maath, nahin tho gabbar aayega!. Well, BD & Ram Sena has done a Gabbar Singh of Sholay, naturally, the vilans must have to prevail for some time. No one believes police either, so better avoid troubl, than repent getting caught evil and worse of evil.

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  • jossy tauro, mangalore/abudhabi

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    so what they get today making all dramas ? who is going to loose onlythemselves? if no business how will they get money from the shops or bar owners. if the poepel want to celebrate valentine anyday they can celebrate lovers can go anyday in the park ..its shame on us all the world celebrating this day with happiness only our palce looks like someone dead.. valentine is after all love ..not only boyfriend or girlfreind its love between brothers sisters mother - father ...god bles them if these poeple are happy todoy these things .

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  • Cyril D'Cunha, Mangalore, UAE

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    During my childhood while passing through the church graveyard I could notice so many people rich, poor, educated, uneducated burried without notice along with their memories. And they call us to know them. I could hardly recongnize them. The above photographs reminds me the same. Should I say to Mangalore Rest in Peace or Long live Mangalore.

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  • Lancy Moras, Jeddah Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    Thank you daiji media and Dayanand for the superb pics shots. These pictures have taken me to my youg days to realise again and the moments I've swallowed. Few valuable of tears have silently flown down from my eyes for a while when I saw the empty benches and seats of Kadri Park. Oh...God...forgive sins of those who are responsible for this "Love Calamity".

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  • Manggie, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    I feel terribly sorry for the current state of Mangalore. THE PEOPLE OF MANGALORE HAVE LOST ITS FREEDOM!!!

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  • khaleel, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sat, Feb 14 2009

    This shows how Mangaloreans trust the POLICE.

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