New Delhi, Apr 20: A day after Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi called LTTE chief V Prabhakaran “a good friend”, he sought to clarify his remarks saying his earlier comments had been twisted and taken out of context.
“I never said LTTE is not a terror group,” Karunanidhi said on Monday. “I expressed concern for the Tamil cause in Sri Lanka,” he added. “But the LTTE did not start as a terrorist organization, it became a terror group later,” he said. ( Watch )
“We cannot forgive the LTTE for killing Rajiv Gandhi,” he said in attempt to backtrack from his earlier remarks. “Sriperumbudur cannot be forgotten”.
The DMK chief on Sunday inflicted a serious embarrassment on Congress by calling Prabhakaran a good friend. "Prabhakaran is my good friend. I am not a terrorist," said Karunanidhi with a laugh of the LTTE boss who is treated as a terrorist by almost the entire international community.
Karunanidhi, who was speaking to a TV channel, also refused to describe the LTTE chief as a terrorist, though he faulted him for using "wrong methods". "Their goals are right, but method is wrong," he said of the LTTE, declared a terrorist organisation in India.
Congress, which supports the DMK government in Tamil Nadu, swiftly contradicted the UPA partner's remarks but, significantly, refrained from attacking Karunanidhi.
Asked specifically by his daughter and DMK Rajya Sabha member Kanimozhi, who was present in the interview, whether he saw Prabhakaran as a terrorist, Karunanidhi said in Tamil, " Naan appadi paarkkalai (I don't see that way)."
He drew a distinction between Prabhakaran and his group which follows him reverentially. "May be, some people in his group are terrorists but that is not his fault." The chief minister also endorsed LTTE's objective to carve out a separate Tamil homeland from Sri Lanka. "The goals of the LTTE are great. They operate with the wonderful goal of establishing Tamil Eelam. However, somewhere along the line, terrorists entered the scene without their knowledge."
Karunanidhi's sympathies for Prabhakaran were evident also when he said that he would be saddened if the LTTE chief was killed in the ongoing war.