Muscat: GMCC celebrates Easter Joy, welcomes Prem Colaco as new president

Report: Nirmala Goveas
Pics: Joachim D’Souza

Muscat, Apr 30: One of the philosophers rightly said ‘Yesterday is history: tomorrow is a mystery: today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present’. Pandemic has educated all to live one day at a time joyfully, thanking God and making the most of it. While the past and future are not in anyone’s hands, make the best out of the present. With this spirit, under the able leadership of Sunil Furtado, the executive team of Ghala Mangalorean Catholic Community (GMCC) thought of spearheading an event apt for the season of Easter.

The main intention behind Easter Joy programme was to help the community members come out of lock-down mode to normal life once again. Its success proved that the community spirit is still burning bright. “Yes, I have been waiting for some time now to get a chance to meet all my community friends and celebrate as a family to make up for the time that we lost during the pandemic,” said an enthusiastic member.

Another important aim was to provide a platform for handing over the reins of the community to the new committee under the dynamic leader Prem Colaco.

The organizers had left no stone unturned to make this event a memorable one. True to their efforts, the much awaited ‘Easter Joy’ created history for being one-of-its-kind and exceeding the expectations of the attendees by far. The energy, verve and spirit among the participants soared incredibly high in Sohar Ball room of Safeer Plaza Al Khuwair.

Lavina D’Sa, an eminent member of the community commenced the proceedings by welcoming parish priest Fr George Vadukutt and guests. It was followed by a prayer from Nirmala Goveas to thank the almighty God for blessing the community with this golden opportunity to come together as one family under one roof after more than two years.

The entire executive committee 2019-22 came on stage and welcomed everyone by singing the song ‘Swagat Swagat tumka’ to set the tone for the evening. The president of GMCC and vibrant leader Sunil Furtado welcomed the gathering with humour and joy. He recalled some of the events held in 2019 under the current executive committee such as enactment of Passion of Christ, Paskafestacho Dabajo, Monthi Fest etc which set bench marks for future events. Unfortunately no major activities could be conducted with the onset of Corona. Hence during the years 2020 and 2021, the committee concentrated more on charitable works and helped a large number of people in distress. A significant amount was spent on medical/funeral expenses and grocery provision to the needy. He thanked all the sponsors, volunteers and community members for their unflinching love and support for the last three years. He especially expressed his gratitude and thanked Fr George, parish priest of Ghala and Fr Mariyan Miranda, spiritual director of the Konkani community in Oman.

The event was inaugurated with the symbolic act of unveiling and breaking of the Easter egg by Fr George. The crowd were mesmerized at the egg shaped sweets being taken out from the Easter egg and distributed to the committee members on the stage. Easter eggs were also distributed to all the people gathered to spread the sweet joy of Easter.

After the inauguration, a video presentation depicting last three years’ activities by GMCC was presented to the people which was well appreciated. Alwin Fernandes, the Treasurer then presented the statement of accounts.

In recognition of their extemporary service and contribution, the executive committee members were called on stage and honoured with a memento by Fr George. The executive committee members are Prem Colaco (Vice president-finance), Nirmala Goveas (Vice president-cultural), Ophelia Lazarus (General secretary), Helen Sequeira (Spiritual secretary), Alwin Fernandes (Finance secretary), Linda D’Souza (Cultural secretary), Naveen Mathias (Choir secretary), Ajay Barboza (Techno-support secretary), Joel D’Souza (Sports secretary), Roshan Saldanha (Community Services secretary) and Prakash D’Sa (Internal auditor).

Fr George, in his message, was highly appreciative about the contribution done by Mangalureans towards community welfare as well as the church. He praised the outgoing president Sunil Furtado and his team for their generous support towards various activities of the Holy Spirit Church, Ghala. He asked the new President and his committee to continue this tradition.

Fr George was then led to the table displaying Easter eggs brought by the participants in Easter egg contest to judge the winners. The winner Silvia Dias as well as other participants were felicitated.

Then it was time for the most awaited moment, the calling of the new president and his new executive committee on stage. The entire community welcomed Prem Colaco, a highly dynamic, charismatic and down-to-earth person as the next president of GMCC. With his ever graceful smile, he introduced his committee members for the year 2022-24. They are, Ophelia Lazarus - Vice president-Finance, Praveen Serra - Vice president-Cultural, Wilson Kinnogoli – General secretary, Stino Pinto - Finance secretary, Helen Sequeira - Spiritual and Choir secretary, Loy Castelino - Cultural secretary, Alex Noronha - Internal auditor, Sam Suneel Menezes - Sports secretary, Lloyd D’Cunha – Community services secretary and Selwin Lewis - Techno-support secretary. The newly elected president, Prem Colaco addressed the gathering and requested the support of the entire community while promising his and his team’s sincere commitment to strengthen the community.

The audience was served with refreshments as Lavina D’Sa along with co-compere and driving force of the event Nirmala Goveas kept the audience enthralled with their skills and talents as always.

As per set time, the next compere of the day, a radiant personality Jason Cardoza took the centre stage and conducted several group games very vibrantly with his beautiful smile and charming personality. He was assisted by Elson Cardoza. They ensured that everyone, regardless of the age thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had a good time.

The viral challenge announced by the organisers brought in a lot of enthusiasm among the members with many participating in the challenge including the current EC team. The ladies and children ignited the stage with their awesome and stunning performances.

Michael and Nirmala Goveas sang a melodious romantic song and made all the lovely couples to dance to their tune. The stage was then taken over by our community’s well known singers/ musicians, Triven Goveas, Laveesha D’Souza, Sachin Lobo and Naveen Mathias whose fabulous singing of Baila made everyone flock the dancing floor. The finale was with DJ Lovline Rego, who with his tremendous skills captured the imagination of the audience and kept them on the floor well past midnight.

The event ended successfully with a sumptuous dinner. The exhausted participants were full of cheerful smiles when they were presented with a goody bag to carry home. It was a highly energising and entertaining evening for the entire community, who enjoyed fully and expressed the need for more such events to bring the community together.

Vote of thanks were offered to sponsors, benefactors and volunteers.

Main sponsors of the event were Margaret and Liguory D’Mello and family, Hansel and Zeena Barboza and family, Pious Crasta and Family, Yvette and Vincent Furtado and family, Vincent and Dolly Gomes, Melanie and Cletus Tauro and Denis Mascarenhas of Prestige Projects.

Goody bag sponsors were Areej Vegetable Oils and Derivatives SAOC (Salem Al Bortmany, courtesy Ophelia Lazarus), Lulu Group International (Courtesy Prem Colaco), Nabil Biscuits (Binu Phillip, courtesy Ophelia Lazarus), and Omania Trading for bags (Mr Ali Al Busaidi, courtesy Prem Colaço.

Dinner vouchers were from Al Falaj Hotel (courtesy Sunil Furtado) and Crowne Plaza (courtesy Nirmala Goveas), backdrop banner and memento printing by Raphael Quadros, Zaharat printers, balloon stands by Lancy Lobo of South Express Restaurant, Safeer Hotel and staff and sound and music from Wasim and Zezito.

Lovline Rego - DJ of the evening, Joachim D’Souza – photographer for the event, Lavina D’Sa – emcee, Jason, Elson and Rolson Cardoza, Aslita D’Souza, Rebecca D’Souza, Tina Cycil, Savio Paes, Arif, Teril Saldanha, Rakesh Machado, Craig Lazarus, Hendrita Colaco, Francesca Colaco and Michael Goveas were also thanked.

Photo Album: Click Here





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  • Peter Pais, Mangalore / Bangalore

    Tue, May 03 2022

    Very swiftly, the tenure under the ever active / dynamic leadership of Mr Sunil Furtado, has come to an end. During his tenure, the GMCC was involved in a whole lot of activities and has successfully taken it up to a new level. Sunil, you can look back with satisfaction, on what you and your team have achieved and now is the time to handover the baton !! GMCC is fortunate to have enjoyed good dynamic and proactive Presidents, supported by good teams. Happy to know that Mr Prem Colaco is now taking over. Under his able leadership, GMCC can once again reach newer heights. Wishing Prem all the very best in the task ahead. He has the potential and there is no doubt, he will more than deliver. Fond memories of Oman, the place where my family and myself have spent approx 30 years, before returning for good to India. May God abundantly bless, you and your team !!

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  • Sunil Souza, Udupi

    Tue, May 03 2022

    Congratulations Prem, as a great leader I am sure you can lead GMCC to all round success. All the very best.

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  • Harold, Kemmannu/ Muscat

    Tue, May 03 2022

    Congratulations to Prem and team, we hope to see more vibrant activities planned during the coming year. GMCC has really grown with a good quality acts and programs. Wishing you all the best for year's to come!!

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  • Apolinaris D'Souza, Valencia / Muscat

    Tue, May 03 2022

    Wishing All The Very Best to the new GMCC Team, headed by Sri Prem Colaco for the year 2022 to 2024. Hoping to see more and more cultural & spiritual events by this strong committee so that more and more people take part in theses events and build a strong bond of unity amongst its members. A big Thank you for the outgoing Team headed by Sri Sunil Furtado. God Bless us all.

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  • Irene Fernandes, Pandeshwar, Mangalore

    Tue, May 03 2022

    Thankyou GMCC outgoing committee headed by Sunil Furtado and team. It was indeed very challenging times for all of you amidst the pandemic. The immense protocols and regulations needed to attend services was possible because of your time and effort. We welcome yet another enterprising and dynamic leader Prem Colaco to head the GMCC this year. My best wishes and support to the new team for your projects and events. Congratulations to each one of you for your marvelous talents showcased through the various events and performances. Thank you for your service to the church and community at large. Appreciate your effort and time.

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  • Edward Mendonca, Moodu belle/Muscat

    Mon, May 02 2022

    The Ghala Mangalurean Catholic Community's Easter Joy event was a huge success! After 2years of Pandemic, it was a great initiative by Mr.Sunil & Team who made every person enjoy to the fullest. Special mention to Joachim D Souza for constantly clicking all our beautiful pictures. Congratulations to Sunil Furtado & Team, who had shown a strong commitment to serve the community. Sunil had taken over GMCC after the successful leadership in MCCP which proved his hard work, he is a dynamic President. Sunil was selfless during the most difficult phase, When the whole world was experiencing the most difficult time due to the Covid pandemic. He made sure that he physically met the people affected during pandemic and support them financially or any other kinds of needs. Additionally, Sunil managed air tickets to some people helping them return to their native place. Huge applaud to the outgoing team and All The Best to the newly elected incoming President Mr.Prem Colaco along with his talented Team. On a personal note, We as a Team have worked with Mr.Prem and I am highly impressed with his talent and Public Relations. Wishing the New Team headed by Mr.Prem Colaco - Success in their future endeavors.

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  • Raphael Pernal, Pernal/Muscat

    Mon, May 02 2022

    Congratulations to Sunil dattu and his team for the great Job done,during past three years.Best wishes to the new committee President Prem dattu and his team. May god bless each and every one of you abundantly🥰

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  • John Gonsalves, Barkur/Muscat

    Mon, May 02 2022

    Very happy to see the community members got together and had a wonderful time, an enjoyable evening after a long break due to Covid 19 restrictions. Kudos to GMCC committee headed by Sunil Furtado for meticulously planning and arranging it. I missed it personally since on vacation. GMCC for the last four years under the able leader ship of Sunil and very enthusiastic committe members has conducted many programmes, has helped the needy specially during Covid 19 pandemic and has been a very strong supporter in church activities. Congratulations to the entire committee. Now that the baten has handed over to Prem Colaco, an able and experienced leader who has worked for the community last many years, we are confident he and his new team will take the community affairs to new heights. Wishing Prem and his team all the very best.

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  • Ivan / Nancy Gonsalves, Barkur/Pennsylvania.

    Mon, May 02 2022

    I read the report of the Easter Joy programme at Muscat and the pictures speak of the kind of spirit and joy of the participants, to bring them back into that mode of community spirit. Sunil Furtado, the outgoing president led the GMCC very well with some great events in spite of the pandemic. Yet another feather on your cap Sunil for your vibrant leadership and innovations towards community events. Congratulations to Prem Colaco to lead the new committee, as he is also an able leader to shoulder the responsibility. Wishing well the GMCC in the days to come to cater the Konkani community in and around Ghala, Muscat.

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  • Sunil Furtado, Muscat

    Sun, May 01 2022

    The outgoing Executive Committee and I are extremely humbled by the love and appreciation shown by you all in various different platforms. Our only purpose has been to do our best to remain relevant and useful to the community in these changing and difficult times. What we managed to do during our term of three years would not have been possible without the whole hearted support not only from Ghala Parish members but also from our Community members spread across Oman. We shall always remain grateful to your generosity. I personally would like to thank many of the Community members who stood behind me and supported every intention of mine. If I have fallen short anywhere, please do forgive me. At the same time, I am glad that GMCC mantle has been passed on to a very able person Prem Colaco and his talented team which forms the Executive committee 2022-24. I am sure that they will take the community spirit to greater heights in the coming two years. Thank you and may God Bless you all.

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  • Mervin & Veena Lewis, Kallianpur/Muscat

    Sun, May 01 2022

    Thank you Sunil and his team for organising the Easter Joy event and it gave a great joy after a long break due to pandemic We congratulate Prem Colaco & his team for taking charge of a new committee and all the best to them

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  • Fr Sunil Monis, Bangalore

    Sun, May 01 2022

    I am very proud to see the great work of GMCC after the Pandemic,in bringing the members out of their homes.I am privileged to be closely associated with GMCC- A wonderful,selfless community that puts service before self and works industriously.Giving joy to many makes them a praiseworthy group.I congratulate the President and the members of GMCC.May your endeavours always be blessed by God,so that many more lives are enlightened by you.

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  • Savio Paes, Muscat

    Sun, May 01 2022

    It was a fantabulous event organised by the Ghala Mangalorean Catholic Community. Kudos to the whole committee members, for organising a much awaited Easter Joy celebrations like this, under the leadership of Sunil Furtado. Also, wishing Prem and his team all the very best for taking up their new roles and serving the Mangalorean Community in Muscat. Once again thanks and wishing you, all the success. Savio & Veena Paes

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  • Allen D'Souza, Udupi/ Muscat

    Sun, May 01 2022

    Congratulations Dear Sunil Furtardo and team. Great programme after long period. Enjoyed every moments. Best wishes for the new committee Prem Colaco and team. God Bless you.

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  • Lavina Dsa, Pangla /Muscat

    Sun, May 01 2022

    It was a well organized programme and was enjoyed by all especially as it was one of the first community gatherings held after the onset of the pandemic. Sunil Furtado and his team have done a great job for the community by serving them for 3 years and we wish the new team headed by Prem Colaco all the very best.

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  • Naveen Mathias, Kinnigoli / Muscat

    Sun, May 01 2022

    It was a wonderful event after a long 2 years. All the best Prem Colaco and team.. Wish you all the success to lead and serve the community for the next term..

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    Sun, May 01 2022

    The Ghala Mangalurean Catholic Community's Easter Joy program was a great success and enjoyed by each and every member who attended the same. Grateful to Nirmala Goveas for a descriptive report on the event and also, for the beautiful photographs by Joachim D Souza.    Sunil Furtado is a man of vision and commitment. He, for the last four years, had shown a strong desire to serve the community with diligence and determination. When the whole world was experiencing the most difficult time due to the Covid pandemic, he had committed himself to the community service.  He was a leader who could inspire the community members to come together to serve society.  He had supported many needy individuals with financial assistance during the pandemic.  He also had a wonderful team to support his motives !! I should say, Sunil has successfully completed his tenure by accomplishing the tasks and goals assigned to him.  During the 'Easter Joy' program, he was showered with millions of accolades for this great work. Sunil deserves such praise for his marvelous service to the community. I am sure, his service will be remembered for many years to come.  Today, the Ghala Mangalurean community has a new leader, Prem Colaco. A vibrant personality; matured in this vision and is ready to accomplish the mission assigned to him.  He is a multitalented personality with a capacity to synchronize the members' talents, and thus capable of bringing a new colorful symphony to the community spirit.   Prem has very talented committee members to support him in attaining his mission.  All the very best to Prem and the new team of GMCC

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  • Shamin Sequeira, Mangalore/ Muscat

    Sun, May 01 2022

    Congratulations Prem and best wishes to you and your team. I am sure with your forward thinking and decisive actions , MCCP will progress in leaps and bounds

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  • Praveen P, Mangalore

    Sun, May 01 2022

    Congratulations and great job by outgoing President Sunil Furtado. Welcoming the New president Prem Colaco & Team whom i know for many years while in Muscat. all the best

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  • Ben D'Souza Prabhu, Mangalore, Bombay Bandra now in Canada

    Sun, May 01 2022

    Really Happy for our Well Represented Group of Muscat Community who are being active in their own way Celebrating Great Events in their lives as and when it comes their Way ! Good going for all those who take active part in doing what is good for the Community as a whole ! GOD WILL BLESS THEM ALL AND MAY HE BRING HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY !!!

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