By Grace Pinto
Mumbai, Sep 3: Robert John Meehan, an educator and author, had beautifully said, “A well prepared and engaging teacher is a catalyst... a spark that creates the desire to learn in our students.” This quote beautifully highlights the immense responsibility teachers have to be well prepared and the crucial role they play in the upbringing and nurturing of a child. During the lockdown period, teachers adapting to the new normal demonstrated that where there is a will, there is a way. We saw teachers making every effort to unlearn and relearn, and learn new strategies and tools available online in order to provide a productive learning experience for their students. The pandemic taught teachers that education needs constant innovation and transformation to enhance the teaching-learning process, therefore they need to be lifelong learners alongside students and well prepared in order to stay relevant and equipped to facilitate the academic, social and emotional well being of their students and help them realize their fullest potential to become resilient citizens.

Being in the 21st century, we witness that there are various changes taking place in the segment of education, however holistic development through extra-curricular, one-on-one communication, experiential learning and activities with teachers as mentors and companions will continue to remain an extremely integral part of a child’s education. Every child is blessed with unlimited potential, and teachers are the ones who transform them into self-reliant and self assured citizens of the World. In consonance with the changing world around us, teachers have to be vi¬sionaries, information and technology savvy to cope up with high expectations of the students, with multiple tasks of teaching, re-search¬ing and being the resource persons. It is an enormous task to be committed to their noble profession so that students receive the best opportunities and guidance to be lifelong learners and be prepared for the future that remains unknown. Gentle words of wisdom and encouragement, positive im¬pressions will not only help students to grow intellectually but also socially, emotionally and spiritually.
September 5, the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, is a spe¬cial day that is dedicated to all our beloved teachers to remember and thank them for their sacrifice and contribution to society. It is a day when one can look back, admire and get in¬spired by the lives of teach¬ers that have influenced thousands of minds. While we salute these unsung heroes of our society, it is also a gentle reminder to all teachers to rededicate themselves for the cause of education with passion to empower the young generation with values to be good human beings and skills to contribute positively to the world around them. Dear teachers, we pray that our Lord Jesus Christ blesses your effort and sincere work and mediation of your heart. Be proud to be a teacher!
Wish you a very Happy Teachers’ Day!
Grace Pinto is the managing director of Ryan International Group of Institutions.