Mangalore: Permude GP Serves Notice to MSEZ over Illegal Construction
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RD/CN)
Mangalore, Jul 22: Permude gram panchayat served a notice to the MSEZ on the basis of a complaint from the local Farmlands Protection Committee to stall the construction of a boundary wall which is underway in the de-notified areas of the second phase of acquisition here on Thursday July 21.
The state administration had recently de-notified the acquisition of lands for the second phase of MSEZ in the areas of Kuttettoor, Permude, Yekkar, and neighbouring villages.
In the 2,035 acres of land which were reserved for second phase of MSEZ works, 1988 acres were denotified in which the said area also comes.
“The MSEZ has not obtained license from the panchayat for the works at Kudubipadav. Hence a notice has been served to MSEZ regarding this. Even the taluk panchayat officials have been informed about the same. I have visited the area and ordered to stop the works immediately. Even the Bajpe inspector has paid a visit to the place”, said Permude gram panchayat secretary Murnalu.
The locals have expressed anguish at the way the MSEZ workers have carried out the works. Through the use of JCB they have destroyed the crops which were cultivated by the farmers without caring for their hard work which has further irked them.
The panchayat administration also sought explanation from MSEZ authorities on this issue and in case of failure to do so it would file cases under Karnataka Panchayatraj Act of 1993 section 64.
Comment on this article
Fri, Jul 22 2011Now a days before buying any property surrounding M'lore it's wise to first check all master plans in MUDA or CORPORATION OFFICES regarding any green zone etc ..before approaching the owner because the owner himself may be un-aware of these things during deal.
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