Media Release
Mangaluru, May 27: Bethany Educational Society ® Mangalore Province organized orientation for educators for BES principals, headmistresses, teachers and lecturers at Sacred Hearts’ School, Kulshekar on Monday, May 27.
The day’s programme was presided by Sr Cicilia Mendonca BS, the corporate manager and provincial superior of Mangalore Province. In her presidential address, she focused on the 7 ‘C’s of a Successful teacher namely ‘Clarity, competence, constraints, concentration, creativity, courage and continuous learning. She applauded the educators for their creativity, innovation, assessment, value based actions, critical thinking, knowledge expertise and life witness. The schools which secured 100% annual results in the academic year 2018-2019’ were honoured. Their services together with the staff were recognized by the corporate manager.

The inaugural was done by the esteemed chief guest of the day Fr Wilfred Prakash D Souza, the director of St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor. With the image of pouring water to a grown up plant, the programme was symbolically inaugurated by the chief guests. Fr Wilfred Prakash D Souza appreciated BES for their incredible services rendered in the field of education and especially in Mangalore
In his message the chief guest appreciated the role of a teacher in the life of a student, and how a teacher plays a significant role in shaping the future.
Sr Mariola BS, the province coordinator for Education for Mangalore Province being the organizer, welcomed the gatherings and presented the logistics of the day.
There were 300 educators participated in the entire programme. The input sessions were divided into five groups, based on languages, math and science, and lecturers of PUC. Around 10 resources persons and subject experts conducted the workshop from 11.00 am to 3.30pm. The inaugural was done together.
Sr Mariola BS, was the resource person, spoke on the total quality management of BES lecturers with a focus to build a vision for individual institution at the threshold of Bethany centenary. She said we need to focus on ‘quality in everything’. Team work throughout any organization is essential components of the implementation of TQM for it builds up trust, improve communication and develops independence. Teachers being knowledge expert can curtail any barrier that challenges the new educational policy or the threats of social media.
With the creativity tool of back-casting, Sr Mariola explained how to look far ahead to create bridges to achieve desirable outcomes in the future. Unlike forecasting it starts by defining a desired future and then looks back to assess what is required to get there.
Kanchana Subramanya Bhat, headmaster of Kanchana High School, Uppinangadi being the resource person for the Math and science faculty of BES, dealt on Basic concepts of math through mathematical modeling. Many concepts like fractions, additions, subtraction, trigonometry, numbers series, arithmetic progression, geometric progression, harmonic progression etc.
Roshan Pinto, assistant graduate, Carmel school Modankapu, shared input on the biology and chemistry practical like Physics – optics- light lab kit with models specially total internal reflection, fiber optics and sound experiment etc.
Santhosh Kumar, the headmaster of Government High School, Montepadau, dealt on language skills, effective ways teaching literary skills etc. Lavina Lobo, principal of Rosa Mystica D El Ed College and their faculty were generous in sharing their expertise with the teachers of primary schools of BES and introduced NCEF methods.
The days programme was compered by Avil Renil D Souza, lecturer at St Raymond’s P U College, Vamanjoor. Anitha from Little Flower Higher Primary School Bajpe, rendered the vote of thanks to the esteemed guests and the resource team.