Railways offers states 2.6 lakh meals a day @ Rs 15 a pack

New Delhi, Apr 22 (IANS): The Indian Railways, which has been providing meals to people at over 300 locations across the country, here on Wednesday offered to provide 2.6 lakh meals to the district administrations, willing to pick cooked food, from its kitchens for Rs 15 per meal.

A Railway Ministry spokesperson said it was important to take care and provide food to the vulnerable sections during the nationwide lockdown, extended till May 3.

"The Railway Ministry has offered to supply 2.6 lakh meals daily from various railway kitchens, wherever the district administration is willing and able to pick up cooked meals and distribute among the needy," he said.

The offer had been communicated to district authorities, he said and added, details of zone-wise kitchen in-charges had also been shared with the states.

"The offer of 2.6 lakh meals per day is based on kitchen capacities of the earmarked initial locations. If the need arises, more such locations can be ramped up to boost the supply," he said.

These meals would be available at the just cost basis at Rs 15 per meal, the payment settlement could be done by the state governments at later stage, he said.

The railways' catering arm -- Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) -- has agreed to raise the number of cooked meals as per demand.

"Nearly 100,000 free hot meals are already being distributed by the Indian Railways daily," he said, adding railway staff from a number of railway organisations have worked tirelessly since March 28, to provide meals to the needy during the lockdown.

Railways has been providing bulk cooked food with paper plates for lunch and food packets for dinner through IRCTC base kitchens, RPF resources, commercial and other railway departments, and contribution of NGOs.

Till date railways has provided over 20.5 lakh meals to the vulnerable, like stranded persons, daily wagers, migrants, children, coolies, homeless, the poor and many who form the floating population.



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