New Delhi, May 5 (PTI) Confirming the death of Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu, Home Minister P Chidambaram today said the state governor has been asked to take "necessary consequential steps", an indication that a new chief minister will be chosen.
"It is with profound regret and sadness, I have to confirm the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh was killed in an air crash," Chidambaram told reporters here.
The body has been identified and airlifted to Tawang, the chief minister's native town.
Arunachal Pradesh Governor J J Singh has been asked to take necessary consequential steps and the Union Cabinet will be meeting in this regard at 11:30 AM, he said.
"The body has been identified by the officials in Lugathang as well as by the family members who were air-lifted to Lugathang...