Mangalore: City Rejoices as Dr Aloysius P D’Souza Completes 15 Years as Bishop

Mangalore: City Rejoices as Dr Aloysius P D’Souza Completes 15 Years as Bishop

Pics: Spoorthi Ullal
Fr Francis Rodrigues, Raknno

Mangalore, May 15: Bishop of Mangalore Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza celebrated 15 years of his successful episcopacy on Sunday May 15 at the Bishop’s House Campus in Kodialbail-Mangalore.

Together with Dr Vincent Concesao, the Archbishop of Delhi Archdiocese and nearly 100 diocesan and religious priests and many lay leaders of the Diocesan administration, the Bishop celebrated the Thanksgiving Eucharist in the Our Lady of Dolours Chapel of Bishop’s House.

During the homily Fr Joseph Martis the Rector of St Joseph’s Inter-diocesan Seminary Jeppu said while the whole Catholic world celebrates the ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’ today we are simultaneously celebrating the 15 years of the Good Shepherd of Mangalore.

Basing on the Parable of the lost sheep in Chapter 15 of Luke he highlighted three rare qualities and languages of the good Shepherd. A good Shepherd speaks the language of seeking the lost with concern, language of love and forgiveness at the finding of the lost and the language of instilling hope in the lost in celebrating the event after finding the lost. He concluded that the three languages have been realized in the person of Bishop Aloysius.

During the short felicitation function that followed Gerald D’Costa, the secretary of the Mangalore Diocesan Pastoral Council highlighted the achievements of the 15 years of the episcopacy of the Bishop as the shepherd of the people of the Diocese of Mangalore.

According to his felicitation note the Bishop is the inspiration to upgrade a number of high schools into Pre University and degree colleges which has given opportunities to the youth to learn further.

The Bishop is the guide and motivator for a number of socio-economic empowering programmes in the Diocese especially to help the poor to attain higher education, renovation and building of houses for the poor, medical help to the poor patients through Decennial Medical Fund etc.

Bishop is the leader behind establishing the medical and engineering colleges in the Diocese. He animated the inter-religious and inter-denominational activities especially through the mega rally that was organized in Mangalore opposing the final report of the Justice B K Somashekar Commission.

The chief guest Archbishop Vincent Concesao honoured and greeted the Bishop saying that there is a great appreciation by the people of Mangalore Diocese for the leadership of Bishop Aloysius.

Responding to the felicitation by the Diocese, the Bishop of Mangalore said that he is happy that he has become the instrument of God’s love and compassion to the people of his Diocese as his episcopal motto is ‘In the love and compassion of Jesus Christ’.

In his address he said that the Medical Relief Fund that was established on the occasion of 10 years of his episcopacy in 2006 has reached Rs 1 crore and 70 lacs. Through that Rs 50 lacs have been given as help till now to 427 poor patients of major sicknesses.

The fund that was begun two years ago as to help the poor to build and renovate the house has reached 15 lacs. Till now Rs 9 lacs have been given as help to 111 families.

He opined that the good works that have taken place in the Diocese under his leadership were possible because of the teamwork and goodwill of number of lay people, religious and priests. "Much more is to be done in the near future for which everyone’s cooperation is required," he said.

While Vicar General Msgr Denis Prabhu welcomed the gathering, Chancellor Fr Henry Sequeira proposed vote of thanks. Secretary of Senate Fr J B Crasta, president of Catholic Religious of India (Mangalore CRI) Sr Cecilia Mendonca, president of Catholic Lawyers’ guild M P Noronha, PRO Fr William Menezes, Procurator Fr Maxim Noronha, Episcopal Vicar of Udupi Fr Baptist Menezes, Vicar Foranes, Provincials and many lay leaders were present. Fr Prakash Monteiro compered the programme.

The Diocese of Mangalore established in 1886 is spread out in three districts of South Kanara, Udupi and Kasargod across 9,425 square kilometers. This year it is celebrating the post centenary silver jubilee of its establishment with number of people oriented programmes. It has 3,85,000 Catholics spread out in 159 parishes divided into 15 deaneries. It has 26 substations and number of socio-educational institutions.


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  • Linda, Bangalore

    Tue, May 17 2011

    Prayers and wishes to most Rev. Bishop.

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  • Parwez, Mangalore

    Tue, May 17 2011

    Congratulations dear Most Rev Dr. Aloysius P. D'Souza . for completing 15yr as Bishop. I rember father was the head of Casia-St Rita instution when i was in primary class in St Rita.May God bless you all the days of your life.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, May 17 2011

    Congratulations to Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D'Souza.
    Be bold like King David, be wise like King Solomon. Lead the folks like a good shepherd who prepared to die for its sheep.

    We have seen the importance given by u for prayers, fasting, spirituality and total dependence to our LORD. With our Lord we will be conquerors and victorious.
    Our good wishes and prayers are always with you bishop Paul D’souza
    John 15:16 “You did not choose me I chose you. And I gave you this work to go and produce fruit , fruit that will last”. We appreciate you Bishop for all your sacrifice done for the community.

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  • RAJU, mangalore/PUTTUR

    Mon, May 16 2011

    May "gOD BLESS YOU'

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, May 16 2011

    The Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P.
    D'Sousa has celebrated
    15 years as the Bishop of
    Mangalore. Perhaps, he has
    gone under far greater stress and
    pains due to the attack on the
    Christian Churches than any other
    Bishop in India recently.

    But he was so gracious to face
    the hot confrontations with great
    humility and courage.

    John Mason said " They that deny
    themselves for Christ, shall
    enjoy themselves in Christ".
    Bishop D'Souza had that joy of
    life to face the challenges.

    Hearty congratulations and prayers
    for you to lead the Church.
    May God give you perfect health
    and long life.

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  • sr.atanasia, Bantwal

    Mon, May 16 2011

    Congratulations to our dear Most Rev. Excellency for completing 15yr as Bishop. I wish You all the best. May God continue to bless You and keep You in good health. Thanks for Your wonderfull work for our diocese.

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    Mon, May 16 2011

    Congratulations to Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D'Souza. may almighty god bless u and keep u in good health. i pray for u on this occasion. wish u all the best.

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  • Henry Lewis, Sastan/Kuwait

    Mon, May 16 2011

    Congratulations to you My Lord Most Rev.Dr. Aloysius P. D'souza with you our community is blessed may you live long.

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  • Michael, Vijayanagara

    Mon, May 16 2011

    While congratulating His Lordship Dr. A. P. D'Souza, it is worth pondering about the excellent suggestion of Victor Tauro.

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  • Shilpa DSouza, Kulur / UAE

    Mon, May 16 2011

    Congratulations to His Lordship, the Bishop of Mangalore.
    Our community is blessed to have a great leader like you, whose constant support has helped a lot of development in the Diocese of Mangalore. You have always been a source of inspiration to the youth of the Diocese.
    Along with my family I wish you good health and pray for you on this special occasion.

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  • Leo / Laveena Rodrigues & Family, Bendoor/Abu Dhabi

    Mon, May 16 2011

    "Congratulations" to our most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D'souza for completing 15 years as Bishop. May the almighty god bless you with good health & strength to continue your religious work.May god shower his choicest blessings to help you to run our diocese with your able leadership.We wish you all the very best.

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  • Eula Pinto, Mangalore/Muscat

    Mon, May 16 2011

    Your Lordship,

    Congratulations on your successful completion of 15 years as Bishop of Mangalore diocese. May God bless you and grant you good health and wisdom to continue and progress on your future path.

    Love and best wishes,
    Donald and Eula Pinto & fly, Muscat

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  • Victor Tauro Permude, Bangalore

    Mon, May 16 2011

    Congratulations to Bishop A P D' Souza.May God grant you good health and Happiness always.

    The most admirable fact about our Bishop is that he has made a humble attempt to help the sick people by creating a Medical Relief Fund. May his good work continue.
    I request Daijiworld to give more details on this medical Relief Fund and tell us how all people can contribute to the fund.

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  • Ronald Tauro, Bejai, Mangalore

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congratulations to our most beloved Bishop Dr. Aloysius Paul D'Souza. We are praying everyday for your good health and God's special blessings to run our diocese with your able leadership. All the best.
    Roney Tauro, Friendship House

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    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congrats to dear Rev. Dr. Aloysius D'souza, for completing 15 yrs as Bishop.
    I wish you a very long & healthy life.
    Henry Misquith,

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  • Fr. Rudolf V. D'Souza OCD, Madanthyar

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congratulations dear Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D'Souza and thank you for your dedication and selfless service in the Diocese of Mangalore. You have stood the test of time, especially when our Churches and Holy Places were plundered by evil forces to demolish our beautiful Christian Culture that has centuries of tradition and faith experience. Thank you for being our Shephered and we pray that the Lord may grant you strength and health to continue to contribute your precious energy in gathering the flock of Christ our Lord. All the best and wish you also a lot of support and joy in your ministry among God's people. Fr. Rudolf V. D'Souza OCD

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  • Br. Charles D'Souza, Bajpe, Dublin, Ireland

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congratulations dear Bishop Aloysius! I recall with joy the great event that took place 15 years ago. I have fondly remebered you and prayed for you this morning during the Eucharist. May God continue to keep you in good health and shower His blessings on you and on your pastoral ministry.

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  • Fr. Ronald Tellis, Jhansi, Belvai

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Your Excellency, I am so glad to know that you have completed 15 years sheperding the diocese of Mangalore. May God bless you all the days of your life. Please be assured of my prayers for your good health.

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  • donald, Toronto/Bangalore

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Dear Excellency AP D'souza,
    Praise the " Lord Jesus Christ " for giving you the strength and energy to lead the flock and wish you well to inch towards silver jubilee
    and my prayers will be their for you till my last breadth,Wish you the very best and get a promtotion to become arch Bishop after Rev Bernard Moraes's retirement.

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  • MARK, muscat/ mangalore

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Bless Us your lordship.
    Congratulations!!! on this occation. we wish the ALMIGHTY GOD BLESS YOU, STRENGHTHEN YOU, GAURD YOU, GUIDE YOU..

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    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congratulations to Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D'Souza. Wish you Good Health and Long life to continue the service in the Lord's vineyard..

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  • Stan Rodrigues, Farla/Rome

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Dear Bishop, congratulations for completing fifteen years as a Good Shepherd. May the Eternal Shepherd – Jesus – give you always good health and strength and fill you with His wisdom, to take care of the sheep and the vast vineyard of Mangalore, which has been entrusted in your care, for many more years to come.

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  • vishwas, mangalore

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congratulations to Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D'Souza. Wish you Good Health and Long life to continue the service in the Lord's vineyard

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  • Ron Gracy Roche & Fly, Cascia/Mangalore

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Hearty Congratulations Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D'Souza.
    May the Good Lord grant you Peace, Happiness and Good Health and many more fruitful years in His Service.

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  • Lancy Moras, Bendur - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congrats and best wishes. I wish our Bishop of RC community good health and more years to serve as a head of clergies. May God bless him.

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  • Henry G Martis, Muscat/Pangla

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congrats to Dear Most Rev. Dr.Aloysius P. D'souza ,for completing 15 years as Bishop. Your service for the community is excellent. we wish you best of luck, Good health and long life.

    Best wishes from. Henry, Flora and children.

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  • Alwyn, Mangalore - USA

    Sun, May 15 2011

    God, eternal shepherd, you tend your Church in many ways and rule us with love. You have chosen your servant, Most Rev.Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, to be a shepherd of your flock. Give him a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he build your Church as a sign of salvation for the world. Amen.

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  • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore, Houston/Dallas

    Sun, May 15 2011

    We extend our hearty congratulations to you, dear Bishop Aloysius on your successful completion of 15 years of your Episcopacy as Bishop of Mangalore. Our beloved Diocese is being watched with positive eyes from a distance and we are indeed proud to witness so much of progress and developmnent under your able leadership and guidance.

    Our secular values in India have so much to "give and take" with other religions added with so many social, educational, economical and even political diversities. Your leadership has enhanced our communal values with lots of Chrstian dignity and integrity.

    Mangalore is known as Rome of the East, and the Christian values have to be carefully interwoven in the National values of Mother India. You have masterminded a strong teamwork of Catholic entrepreneurship thru the expansion of so many charitable dedications throughout the Diocese which we are sure our noble leaders are watching with a grateful heart.

    India should be proud of Mangalore where the Christians under your able guidance are marching ahead with a sense of pride. We are proud of your leadership. May God continue his blessings upon you so that our Diocese may continue to move forward with greater unity and prosperity.

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  • Mike, KSA

    Sun, May 15 2011

    No doubt that he proved himself a good shephered. We wish him all the best.

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  • Ronald Mathias, Bendur-Mangalore / Bahrain

    Sun, May 15 2011

    Congratulations to Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D'Souza. Wish you Good Health and Long life to continue the service in the Lord's vineyard..

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