Chennai, May 19 (PTI) Livid at Puducherry Chief Minister N Rangasamy's "unilateral" decision to form a single-party rule despite an alliance with her party, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa today accused him of "backstabbing" and said AIADMK would function as a "constructive" opposition.
As cracks developed in their alliance within a few days after All-India NR Congress (AINRC) leader Rangasamy assumed office as Chief Minister, Jayalalithaa charged him with "betraying" AIADMK by his "unilateral" announcement.
"The people of Puducherry voted for the AIADMK-AINRC combine only due to their confidence in me and my party, as I had campaigned for the alliance in the Union Territory for the elections. Puducherry Chief Minister Rangasamy's unilateral announcement of a single party rule amounts to betrayal," she said in a strongly-worded statement here.