New Delhi, May 22 (PTI) Indicted by a Court of Inquiry (CoI) in Sukna land scam, former Military Secretary (MS) Lt Gen Avadesh Prakash will face four charges in the General Court Martial (GCM) which will begin next month in Leimakhong in Manipur.
Lt General Prakash has been charged with attempt to defraud, unbecoming conduct and abuse of military position while trying to favour his realtor friend Dilip Agarwal for building an educational institute on a piece of land adjacent to the Sukna Military station in West Bengal, sources said here.
The GCM would be headed by Director General (DG) Perspective Planning, Lt Gen Phillip Campose and would include other similar ranking officers as well.
Depending on the outcome of court martial, Prakash could be punished with severe reprimand or stripping of ranks and medals or could lose his pension.