Pics: Alphonse Mendonsa, Pangala
Media Release
Mangaluru, Jan 27: "Japan is a successful nation today because of its transparency in business and compassion in life. I often visit Japan for business. You will never find punctuality and discipline in any other part of the world, like Japan. I have read the book written by Florine Roche and I fully endorse her views on Japan" said NRI entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael D'Souza.
He was speaking at the World Konkani Centre after releasing the Konkani book, 'Udenuchea Sureachea Kirnnanim Fullollem Salok - Japan' by Florine Roche. The book is printed under his 'Vision Konkani' program for the development of the Konkani language and culture.
Congratulating the writer Florine Roche, for her effort in writing a 120 pages book and applauding the publisher H M Pernal for adding a book to a rare category of travelogues in Konkani Literature D’Souza said, "Publishing a book involves much effort. Books enrich our knowledge. The human race needs to learn a lesson from the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I had a similar heart-wrenching experience in Nagasaki when I visited there, which is shared by the author of this book."

Former president of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy, Dr K Jagadeesh Pai presided over the function.
In his presidential address, Dr Pai said, "Books are friends for life. In today's highly information technology-driven world, we can find information at our fingertips. But we can get inspiration only from books."
Citing the example of Swami Vivekananda, Dr Pai said, "Swami Vivekananda always carried two books along wherever he travelled. Bhagavad Gita and The Imitation of Christ. These two books even saved Swami Vivekananda from temptation. The book by famous Kannada Writer Goruru Ramaswamy Iyengar - Americadalli Goruru, not only takes us to America but also enlights us about life in America. When a student of History and Journalism, Florine Roche writes a book on a nation it becomes more authentic. The book on Japan will be a valuable addition to the erstwhile rare genre of travelogues in Konkani."
Senior theatre artiste and actor, and illustrator Eddie Sequeira initiated a discussion with the writer on the subject of Trekking and Travel as a hobby and travelogues.
The program was hosted by World Konkani Centre under the guidance of CEO Gurudath Bantwalkar.
Publisher H M Pernal welcomed the distinguished guests and gathering and Gilbert D’Souza, vice president of the World Konkani Centre proposed a vote of thanks.
A host of Konkani writers and artists, and family members of author Florine Roche were present on the occasion.
The book is available on the link below for online order: