Media Release
Chicago, May 22: Lion Dr Ausltin Prabhu from Illinois, Chicagoland, won the candidacy being endorsed during the Lions of Illinois, Multiple District 1 State Convention which was held at the Abraham Lincoln Double Tree Hotel Hilton in Springfield on Sunday May 21. Festivities were started on May 18, with the international guest for the weekend, the past international president of Lions International, from Calgary, Canada.
There were Lions and guests from the 10 districts of Multiple District 1. (Mother District of Lionism). A total of 189 delegates from 10 districts of MD1 took part in the election. Dr Austin from District 1A received 109 votes and his opponent Darren Vanduyn from District 1D received 72 votes. Eight votes were destroyed.

The next step will be an endorsement from Lions International at the International Convention in Melbourne, Australia in July 2024.
In his acceptance speech, Lion Dr Austin Prabhu thanked all the delegates and also his club The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club members for their unconditional support in preparing his hospitality room and arranging food and beverages. If elected, Dr Austin will be the first India-born International Director from the State of Illinois and from the Mother District of Lionism.