Media release
Mangaluru, July 20: Ayurveda not only emphasises on the cure of disease but it also deals with the prevention of the disease prior to it's manifestation. The main aim of Ayurveda is 'Swastya Swastya Rakshanam Aturasya Vikara Prashamanam' i.e maintaining the health of a healthy individual and treating the disease of the diseased.
For the attainment of this aim, Ayurveda gives importance to the concepts of Dinacharya and Ritucharya. Dinacharya means certain rules and activities which are to be followed during one's day-to-day life. If these are followed properly, person will not suffer from any health issues.
Basically, a year is divided into 2 Ayanas i.e Uttarayana and Dakshinayana. A year is further divided into six Ritus and three Ritus comes under each Ayana. Uttarayana includes Shishira, Vasanta, Greeshma and Varsha, Sharath, Hemantha comes under Dakshinayana.
More body strength is seen during Hemantha and Shishira. In Sharath and Vasantha Ritu there will be medium strength in the body. Decreasing of body strength is seen during Greeshma and Varsha Ritu.
'Karkidaka Chikitsa' means few of the treatment modalities which one has to undergo during Karkataka masa. Since ages this is very much popular in Kerala. In recent days it has gained popularity in many places of Karnataka also.
Karkataka month comes between July 17 till August 17. This is the time period when one can witness heavy rainfall. During this period there will be reduced digestive power causing indigestion leading to many diseases. To tackle this one has to take easily digestible, nutritious and immunity boosting diet.
Karkidaka ganji is a special variety of gruel which is advised during this period which is prepared out of Navara shali, Fenugreek seeds, Dashapushpa etc. medicinal ingredients. This diet helps in boosting the immunity and also enhances the digestive fire.
According to Ayurveda, body is made of Tridosha viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Normal balance or normal functioning of these Tridosha keeps a person healthy and imbalance causes various illnesses.
During monsoon season we can see the vitiation of these doshas and it produces various diseases. We can combat this problem with the help of Panchakarma treatment. With this aim 'Karkidaka chikitsa' is advised in monsoon season. This treatment includes Abhyanga, Swedana etc. These treatments will help in boosting the immunity, increase body strength and
detoxification of the body.
'Karkidaka Chikitsa' is available in our hospital from July 17 to August 17.
For more information contact 9900327663 / 0824-2454137.
Address: SCS Ayurveda Hospital, Near Daivajna Kalyana Mantapa, Hoigebail, Ashoknagara, Mangaluru- 575006
Dr Veena Kumari
Department of Panchakarma