Udupi: Cutting-Edge Rowing simulator unveiled at Manipal Institute of Technology

Media Release

Udupi, Aug 11: Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), a proud constituent of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), triumphantly unveiled the first-of-its-kind rowing simulator to improve physical training and foster innovation.

The ceremony was attended by the vice chancellor of MAHE, Lt Gen (Dr) M D Venkatesh, as well as other distinguished guests and dignitaries from MIT and MAHE. 

During the inauguration, Lt Gen (Dr) M D Venkatesh highlighted MIT's longstanding dedication to pioneering initiatives. He praised MIT's unwavering commitment to stretching boundaries and assuming the initiative in endeavours of this nature. The rowing simulator, which exemplifies MIT's forward-thinking approach, is expected to revolutionise training methods for aspiring rowers and fitness enthusiasts. Speaking at the occasion, Cdr (Dr) Rana highlighted the numerous benefits that the newly installed rowing simulator, generously donated by the Director General of the NCC in New Delhi, would bring to the Manipal Institute of Technology and beyond. With an emphasis on developing naval cadets affiliated with the NCC (National Cadet Corps), including MIT's NCC Naval Subunit affiliated with the 6 Karnataka Naval NCC unit in Udupi, the simulator benefits cadets from a variety of regional institutions and schools. He thanked MAHE for being at the vanguard of such innovative initiatives and providing students with access to cutting-edge resources for their holistic development.

The rowing simulator is a remarkable addition to MIT's advanced facilities, with the potential to bridge the distance between theory and practise. It is intended to provide recruits with an immersive experience that closely resembles actual rowing scenarios, thereby facilitating skill development and fitness conditioning in a controlled environment.

About Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT)

Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), a part of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), is renowned for its comprehensive engineering education programmes and its consistent endeavors to push the boundaries of innovation and learning. With a legacy of excellence spanning decades, MIT continues to shape the future of aspiring engineers and leaders.

About Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), a synonymous name with quality education, is a globally acclaimed institution known for its commitment to fostering academic excellence, research, and holistic development. With a diverse range of programmes and a student-centric approach, MAHE continues to nurture the leaders of tomorrow.




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