Mangaluru: St Aloysius ITI celebrates 77th Independence Day

Media Release

Mangaluru, Aug 15: The 77th Independence Day was celebrated with enthusiasm at St Aloysius ITI premises.

Lokesh Acharya, assistant coordinator, Pathanjali Yoga Shikshana Samithi, Mangaluru was the chief guest for the programme. Fr Lewis D'Souza SJ was the guest of honour. Fr John D'Souza SJ, director, St Aloysius ITI was the president for the programme, Roshan D'Souza, principal, Alwyn Menezes, vice principal, Noel Lobo, training officer, Alwyn Sequeria, convenor of the programme. Staff members and students were present for the programme.

The tricolour national flag was hoisted by the chief guest and the National Flag was respected by saluting and singing the National Anthem. Roshan D'Souza, principal, welcomed the chief guest and the gathering.

The patriotic song was rendered by the students. The chief guest addressed the gathering saying, "Yoga follows three main concepts: tradition, organisation and service. Yoga has different postures. There are different asanas in yoga which have various benefits. By doing yoga our mind, body and soul becomes one and that is science. To do yoga one must have interest. Yoga and pranayama can make a human fit and healthy. It has good immunity power by keeping a person healthy and away from diseases. Yoga can help to control our mind from worries."

Students from different trades together did a pyramid presentation. Fr John D'Souza SJ, in his presidential address, said, "It is a memorable day for all of us as proud Indians. This day was made possible by the selfless sacrifices of our freedom fighters and great leadersWe have opportunities to exercise our freedom and we must do so with responsibility. As young people we must do something new which benefits the nation”.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Alwyn Menezes, vice principal. The programme was compered by Shreyas - JTO, AC technician.




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