Media Release
Mangaluru, Mar 4: The Mangalore Christian diocese keeps distance from Robert Rosario who is portraying himself as a Catholic leader and participating in various media discussions without official permission, an official communique from the diocese of Mangalore has stated.
The diocese wishes to clarify that Robert Rosario has not been authorized or requested by the official authorities of the diocese to represent the Catholic community. Individuals can express their opinions and beliefs on their own, but to claim that Robert Rosario is a leader representing all Catholics is completely false and misleading, the media release states.

The diocese of Mangalore emphasizes that through this press release, Robert Rosario is acting in a personal capacity only. The diocese does not endorse his views or statements as a representative of the Catholic community. There is no claim that the relevant authorities of the diocese have given him official approval or authority. This is a complete lie, added the diocese.
Through the media release, the Mangalore diocese takes this opportunity to remind the public and the media that only persons duly appointed and recognized by official diocesan authorities have the authority to speak on behalf of the Catholic community. Any representation to the contrary must be considered misinformation and will not be accepted by the diocese, it has clarified.
The media and public have been requested to distance themselves from Robert Rosario to prevent him from making unauthorized statements as a representative of the Catholic community. Mangalore Christian diocese has hereby declared that it is committed to disseminate accurate information only through authorized persons who are sure to represent the faith and beliefs of its members.
For further clarifications competant authorities from the diocese may be contacted.