Father Muller school & college of Nursing, Speech & Hearing celebrate Graduation Ceremony 2024

Media Release

Mangaluru, Mar 19: The atmosphere was one of excitement and pride as Father Muller School of Nursing, Father Muller College of Nursing, and Father Muller College (Speech & Hearing) came together to celebrate their Graduation Ceremony 2024 on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. at the prestigious Father Muller Convention Centre. The event was graced by esteemed guests and dignitaries, including Dr AVS Ramesh Chandra, IFS Additional Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi, as the Chief Guest; Prof. Dr UT Ifthikar Fareed, Syndicate Member, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, as the Guest of Honour; and Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore Diocese, President of FMCI, who presided over the ceremony.

The procession, led by the graduands, followed by the faculty and dignitaries, set a solemn and celebratory tone for the evening.

Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, director, FMCI, welcomed the gathered and introduced the chief guest and guest of honour. He instilled a sense of responsibility in the graduates to be ambassadors of the Institution, emphasizing the motto of 'Heal and Comfort.'

The chief guest, Dr AVS Ramesh Chandra, delivered an inspiring Graduation Address, commending the institution for its dedication to both healthcare and education. He urged the graduates to consider serving their country before seeking opportunities abroad, emphasizing the importance of being cautious and diligent in their career pursuits.

The guest of honour, Dr U T Ifthikar Fareed, encouraged the graduates to continually enhance their talents and skills, highlighting the role of discipline and work ethics instilled by their alma mater. He expressed pride in his association with institutions run by priests, acknowledging the role they play in shaping disciplined and skilled individuals.

The presidential address by Dr Peter Paul Saldanha focused on compassion and empathy in patient care. He emphasized the significance of body posture, eye contact, and a simple smile in making a difference in patients' lives. Drawing inspiration from Mother Teresa, he shared anecdotes and analogies that underscored the power of a smile and its ability to transcend barriers.

The list of graduates was read out by the respective principals, and the certificates were handed out by guests.

The ceremony also included the presentation of certificates to the graduates by the chief guest and guest of honour, followed by the administration of the Oath.

One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the Overall Excellence Awards for 2024. In the field of BSc Nursing, the Overall Excellence Award was donated by Fr Denis D’Sa in memory of Mary D’Sa, and was awarded to Lishmitha Lorel Dsouza. Similarly, in the field of GNM, the award, founded by the Superior General, Sisters of Charity, was bestowed upon Adlene Irell Pereira, recognizing their outstanding achievements and dedication.

Additionally, the Best Outgoing Student of the Year 2020-2024 in Bachelor in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (B.ASLP) was awarded to Anisha Michel Sequeira under Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangaluru, highlighting her exceptional performance and commitment to excellence.

The evening concluded with a heartfelt tribute to the guests by the Bishop of Mangalore, expressing gratitude for their presence and contributions to the success of the ceremony. As the graduates embark on their professional journeys, they carry with them the teachings and values instilled by Father Muller institutions, poised to make a difference in the world of healthcare.

Dr Agnes, vice principal of FMSCON, read the vote of thanks, Laveena, associate professor, FMSCON, and Prashasthi Poovaiyah, associate professor, FMC, compered the event. The Institutional Anthem was played after the oath, and the National anthem was played as the recessional.

In closing, the Graduation Ceremony 2024 at Father Muller School of Nursing, Father Muller College of Nursing, and Father Muller College (Speech & Hearing) was a celebration of achievements, a testament to the commitment to excellence, and a reminder of the noble mission to serve with compassion and dedication.


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